Derick Dillard Says Jim Bob Duggar Worries About Him & Wife Jill Being Bad Influences on Other Duggar Kids; Talks Possible ‘Counting On’ Return & More

“We’ve got more dirt than the Duggar Compound!”

Details of the Duggar-Dillard family drama continue to unfold… 

Among the latest to emerge is Derick Dillard‘s claims as to why he and wife Jill are banned from the Duggar family compound. While we knew Derick and Jill’s open invitation had been revoked, according to Derick, it was yanked due to Jim Bob‘s fears that the couple’s rebel ways would rub off on the other Duggar kids. 

“I think he’s mainly worried about the influence we might have on his children,” Derick recently told The Sun. 

“As the person actually raising these kids, I’d like a say in all of this… “

Since distancing from the Duggars – following accusations that Jim Bob withheld Counting On earnings – Jill has ditched the Duggar dress code on more than one occasion, pierced her nose and, along with Derick, she enrolled eldest son Israel in public schooling.

The two also reportedly allow their kids to listen to rave music, as opposed to strictly Christian songs.

Despite breaking from tradition, Derick maintains he and Jill haven’t received any negative feedback for their decisions. 

“We have not personally received any pushback from either our family our our church,” he said. “To my knowledge, most of the families in our church also have dancing children who listen to music and go to public school. Different things work for different families and each family must determine what works best for their family.” 

“What’s next? Derick doing women’s work in the kitchen?!”

And speaking of working… Derick said he and Jill would actually consider making a ‘Counting On’ comeback, but only “if we had a say in the terms of our arrangement.”

He previously claimed he wasn’t sure if other Duggar family members were being paid to appear on the show and that he was “strongly discouraged from talking” to them about payment or lack thereof. He’s also “not allowed” to talk to to anyone at TLC regarding payment. 

Raise your hand if you’d like to get your hands on some TLC pay stubs…

Though a TLC return may not be in the books for the Dillard family, Derick said the couple is open to moving internationally to get away from Jim Bob and Michelle. As you may recall, the couple previously lived in Central America for two years after tying the knot in 2014.

“Our original plan from the time we married was to serve permanently on the international mission field,” he said. “So yes, we are definitely open to moving where God would lead us.” 

Jana, pretending she wants to shack up with Jill and Derick just so she can escape The Duggar Compound.

RELATED STORY: Derick Dillard Says Rift With Duggars “Is Difficult” For Him & Wife Jill; Cousin Amy Says She’s Not Allowed To Talk About Duggar Family Due to NDA 

(Photos: TLC; Instagram) 

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13 Responses

  1. 0
    Rate This

    Can you imagine jimbob’s reaction when Jana tells him she is lesbian? Horrid people who treat their kids as day laborers.

  2. 25
    Rate This

    I’m not a fan of Derek’s at all but I am glad that Jill is acclimating to the mainstream. She doesn’t need to lose values or her faith. She can keep that and still live a freer life. I hope Jinger does the same.

  3. 29
    Rate This

    Good for Jill and Derick! I’m glad they’re doing what’s best for them and living their best life. Israel and Sam actually stand a chance in life with this sense of normalcy. Keep going, Dillard’s!

  4. 46
    Rate This

    Duggar logic. They shun Jill because she wears pants (also she recently showed her shoulders in an IG Story, go Jill!), has a nose ring and puts her child in public school while Josh who molested four of his sisters by groping them inappropriately (one of them was 5!) is allowed to come to the compound no questions asked. We all know where their real priorities lie. It’s sickening.

    I am becoming a Jill stan just because she is making her OWN decisions and I’m sure soon she will be the most popular member of that family. Please Jill, get a job, we want to see you make your own money!

  5. 17
    Rate This

    The worse influence on any of the Duggar children is Jim Bob and Michelle. They covered for Josh after he molested his sister plus one. You can tell how uneducated the adult children are by some of their posts. Have religion in your home whatever but if you are going to homeschool hire someone who can at the least make sure all of your children can pass the basics. I give Jill and Jinger a lot of credit for at least trying life outside of the box they were brought up in. I hope they keep trying and that more of them follow their directions

    1. 7
      Rate This

      I agree with you and not to make this any worse but…Josh molested 4 sisters and a family friend. There are 5 victims total who never got justice.

  6. 2
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    Also forgot to mention that I don’t really want Derick and Jill back on Counting On.Trouble!

  7. 2
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    [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    My belief is Dilard has always been about the money. I personally think he’s lazy. The Duggar family have all been taught to work.If he was a true Christian, he wouldn’t be bad mouthing his wife’s family. He would keep his mouth shut and look for a Real job!I bet if someone searched his background they could dig up dirt.No family is perfect but I think the Duggar family has had their share of heartaches. Leave them alone and you and Jill move back to wherever? I have been watching the 19 Kids and Counting from the beginning and will as long as they are on the program. Christian families will always be persecuting from some. Praying for your family.

  8. 27
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    I haven’t watched the Duggars in forever but if you gave The Dillard’s their own show I would watch the hell out of it!! Throw cousin Amy in there, too!!

  9. 10
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    I come from a large family of Aunts Uncles and cousins. I was the first one to get a divorce, and I was band from the family. I know how it feels when you’re not included because you have different values. It’s not that your values are wrong it’s just that they are not their values.

  10. 4
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    [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    U know kids grow up and lead their own lifes. They didn’t turn from God !! thats something jim bob should be proud of, he and Michelle have raised them to be good adults, hard workers and good parents. They need to be proud of what they are and be proud that they have their minds of thier own . Cut the strings and let them live and love them for doing so . God bless u all.

  11. 17
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    Hey Derrick’s gotta pay his law school tuition somehow, better this way than gritting from poor people.

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