Racist actions against Faith Stowers ultimately cost Stassi Schroeder and Kristen Doute their jobs with Bravo, but according to Faith, it could have cost them much more.
Faith believes that, had she filed a lawsuit against her former co-stars as she planned to do back in 2018 – she likely “would have won.”
In a new interview with Insider, Faith said her former Vanderpump Rules stars should feel lucky that she didn’t go the legal route following the mistreatment Stassi and Kristen subjected her to, most notably the times in 2018 they called the police on her and tried to get her arrested for crimes she didn’t commit. (As a result, Kristen and Stassi were fired from ‘Vanderpump Rules’ last week.)
“There were a few people who didn’t agree with Bravo’s decision to do this, and they’re blaming it on me, because those characters… were their favorite,” Faith told Insider. “But at the end of the day I feel like I’m doing them a favor, because I could have filed suit. And I would have won.”

As The Ashley reported back in April 2018, Faith revealed on The Tomorrow Show that she was in the process of suing Stassi over some of the accusations.
“I can’t talk about one of them because I’m currently about to have a lawsuit with one of them,” Faith said on the show, confirming that she had sought legal representation.
“I don’t want to say too much because I really want the lawyers to do their jobs because they’re, they’re great,” Faith added at the time. “They actually represent Lisa [Vanderpump]. So they’re really good. So I’m going to let them do what they have to do, and um, you know, let them go from there.”
During that 2018 interview, Faith talked about how much Stassi and Kristen’s accusations against her had affected her personally and professionally.
“I mean, even with MTV, they had to do a background check on me [for Ex on the Beach] because of the things she said,” Faith said. “You have a reach ma’am, and because you have that reach, you have a responsibility so when you say things, you make a check and you make sure they’re true.”
While Faith is confident in how that lawsuit would have played out, she admits she didn’t think her retelling of the incident during an Instagram Live interview a few weeks back would play out the way it did.

“Honestly, I didn’t think it was going to get this big,” she said. “I talked about this a few years ago when it first happened and didn’t have anyone care. I think now we’re starting to see around the world, people are ready for change. That includes ‘Vanderpump Rules’ fans.”
In a previous interview, Faith commended Bravo for be willing to fire two of their most-popular stars.
“I’m seeing Bravo follow suit, releasing women that have given crazy ratings for them because they want to be on the right side of history, and I’m seeing people are finally hearing us,” she said earlier this month.
Faith also noted that the apologies issued by Kristen and Stassi on social media didn’t come across as very sincere.

“I felt like if I had reached out to them before this, they would have ignored me. I don’t think they would have cared,” she said. “Both of their statements are very uniform. I felt like if anything I should say thank you to their teams, because it didn’t feel genuine at all.”
Faith said the attack she suffered only confirmed the “mean girl” reputation Stassi and Kristen earned during their time on ‘Vanderpump Rules.’

“I didn’t judge Stassi and Kristen at first. It was when they made these accusations against me that I realized, ‘Wow, maybe what people are saying about them is true, they’re very, very big mean girls,’” she said. “But for me, it wasn’t even like anything I’d ever seen them do to each other. It was a blatant attack on my life.”
In fact, Faith said she wasn’t even made aware of what Kristen and Stassi had done until after she left ‘Vanderpump Rules’ in 2017. Once she began appearing on MTV (on ‘Ex on the Beach’ and The Challenge), she was asked more than once in audition interviews if she had ever drugged anyone, stolen anything or whether there were warrants out for her arrest.
“That’s when I was like, ‘Something’s not right, I’m getting asked this too much,’” she said. “Someone actually sent me the Bitch Bible podcast … I listened to it and I was mortified. My family heard it and they were mortified.
“The levels they went to, I hate to say it, but it was a lynch mob,” she continued. “They were trying every avenue they could to bring me down and to completely destroy my life. I’m being asked if I’m a car thief, I’m being asked if I’m like Bill Cosby, if I’m drugging people, I’m being asked if I robbed them, it was like, ‘Girl, what am I, at large?’ It was insane, like out of a movie, like Hustlers, it was that outrageous.”

Faith said the incident “completely destroyed [her] emotionally,” leading her to seek professional help.
“It was a terrible thing to do, especially since I was seeing stories of people of color being taken down by the police, being murdered by the police,” she continued. “ … I’m not going to stand there and be arrested for something I didn’t do, so it was just a very dangerous situation I could have been in.”
Going forward, Faith wants to see the show and network continue to make necessary changes.
“These fans want to watch something that they can be proud of … because they are die hard fans of ‘Vanderpump Rules,’” she said. “It doesn’t necessarily need to go away, it just needs to be revamped in a more positive direction. I think Bravo, NBC Universal and the ‘Vanderpump Rules’ production company is headed toward that.”
(Photos: Bravo; MTV)
21 Responses
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there was zero race issue. Faith is engaging in witch hunt. If there is a race issue, it is faith who is guilty of it. If kristen and stassi were black, she would not be pandering a race card. To record a conversation and release it to the world would be an act of racism against Britanny if faith was white and Brittany was black
there was zero race issue. Faith is engaging in Ritch hunt. If there is a race issue it is faith who is guilty of it. If kristen and stassi were black, she would not be pandering apace card. To record a conversation and release eould an act of racism against Britanny
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Ya, yA. Cry river. They only called police to make sure it is not you. You did sleep with a men who was in Relationship with your friend. It is fr worse tgen then to look alike with some robber. You caused unimaginable crises…you recorded the h
Conversation with Jax and released it.
I dobt but you pretenceof a,goody goody. You done worse by unleashing revengeto stain tgeir reputation. The entire pretence that race had anything to do with it is just a eitchvhunt opportunity. You laughing all the way to the bank witinterview. ervied.
Why bring anything up. Whos coat tails are you riding on? If i recall you & Jaxs in bed.. DIDNT YOU TAPE IT? this is the problem. People use crap against you when needed. If you didn’t say it than WHY_WHY, NOW?
From then to now everyone in Vanderpump has grown in some form. JAXs lacks attention.. hell try anything for it.
KARMA is a bitch FAITH careful.
To lose so much they worked for. And for someone who thinks there perfect.. careful its definitely coming back to bite you in the ASS.. i wonder if anyone has looked into your background.. i really think your not all that.. you used Jaxs (he see vag.) And you knew it. I believe its not your first rodeo… hummmmm. Anyone knows this chicks back ground? Come forward…
Bro a back you staff up. You are just covering your behind. If this was an issue then you could of done something back when it happen. The apologize and are regretful and have learned from thier mistakes. Faith was looking for fame and now her opportunity has come for her minute of fame. Why didn’t she something back then. Stassi and Kristen are not prejudiced, they were upset at her for having sex with her bestfriends boyfriend. She is the trash that had sex in front of a 90 year old littl old lady. Who does that? Someone who’s trash and has no morals. Faith is the one who should be arrested for displaying sexual acts in someone else’s home and 90 years at that. The daughter of the 90 year old woman should sue Faith. She is so disgusting and so is Jax.
I can’t up vote this statement enough!!! I’m so tired of this girl playing the victim, acting like they did this because they’re racist!! Anybody who watched the show knows why they did it and so should Bravo! Not saying it was right but neither is ruining someone’s career because you want to claim they’re racist!! She wanted another shot at fame and Jax was the only one dumb enough to give her the in to get it!! I’m just so sick and tired of hearing about this girl and how vindicated she feels!! No one cared about the story two years ago so she decided to use what’s going on in the world now to get the revenge she wanted! She knew Bravo couldn’t just let it go now!! Shame on them because, if they were really upset about what happened, why’d it take them this long to do something about it?! She needs to STFU because there are really people in this world that are victimized because of their race and she’s not one of them!!!!
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This stupid B**** has an unreal image of herself as some kind of martyr. What a joke. A low life piece of trash like she is …enjoy your 15 mi utes you Fool. Once it’s over maybe you’ll start realizing just how unimportant you really are. And the problems you’ve caused will come back to bite you in the ass! I can’t wait to watch You go down!
Only Jax, and maybe the old lady, got to watch her go down! ??
She’s lying about winning the lawsuits that she was working on. Im sure her lawyer told her that there was no way to prove what they did was a hate crime. No one is dumb enough to start lawsuit and just withdraw it. They withdraw it because they know they will lose and it will cost them more money.
Faith you good now let it be but I was accused of taking something that I didn’t and the racist white cops took her word for it They arrested me handcuffed and put in a bloody patty wagon it all started when I was riding on the bus to go see my aunt in the hospital this lady looked at me before I knew it I was swarmed by policemen after 12 hours in jail they realize they had the wrong black women I was so angry I wanted to kill that woman and yes I cried uncontrollably while I was locked up never committed a crime in my life to warrant that bullshit it took me a while to stop hating folks I’m glad I’m good now as far as stassi she was a idiot couldn’t stand her it took her to be treated like crab to realize she’s a idiot begging for forgiveness from every person you forgot to beg faith for forgiveness that was nasty and Kristen and jaxs are lost causes no words for those 2 retards
It’s PADDY wagon!!! Not “patty” wagon. It’s not the fucking burger bus. ??
They did what they did because if Faith’s behavior with Jax. It was immature and crazy. To USE LVPs armttorney and try to say LVP told her to act like NeNe? No that was confirmed. Faith’s old room mate is putting a story together, cant wait.
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Contrary to the previous two posts. imo Faith is in the right 100%. Some of the things they did were in fact because Faith is black.
Both Stassi and Kristen deserve to be lumped together as yesterdays trash. Good luck to Stassi on explaining this ugly part of your life to your child.
I am sorry but is she serious? My heart is with this girl what they did was vile, but here is her problem she went on to do like five other shows right after vanderpump rules and it was their opinion it was her on the video, that is actually not really something you can sue on and win anyways. That would be like someone getting arrested for calling in a tip and they were mistaken. Now if she had hidden in her house and never got another job over these accusations and she could prove she has lost something tangible, then yes but she seems fine and I actually saw where she said she would come back to the show and I was like why would you want too unless you are just looking for a few more minutes. Okay just had to say that, like I said my heart is with this girl I was outraged for her two years ago but sometimes less is more. I’ve seen on other sites people are really coming for her and feeling bad for stassi which is why I say less is more.
Faith isn’t going to sue anyone?? For what exactly? They might have lost their jobs and that’s due to social pressure but you have no case! I guess with all this pandering to the situation people don’t seem to understand we still have freedom of speech
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She needs to get over herself. Are they mean girls? Yes. Were they being racist? NO, just mean. I watched the show when Stowers was on. If you ask me, she was the one who was racist. You all did notice she wasn’t invited back to the show for the next season. Ugh. She is ruining lives for publicity.
She’s clearly just looking to elevate her 15 minutes. No one cares! You can dislike a person for who they are and it’s not about race!! It’s not always about race!! They want to be treated equally but if it doesn’t go their way them someone is accused of being racist. The word has lost it’s true meaning! Same goes for a Billy. This has nothing to do with you right now Billy but you just feel the need to try for your 15 minutes as well because the world didn’t fall at your feet the first time around. People can dislike things and that’s OK!! It’s not always about what you try to make it be!!
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Well said!! Two years ago everyone knew it was backlash for fucking and recording jax- ff to now and it was racially motivated. It wasnt. They’re horrible people dont get me wrong but it’s over now faith. Move on
I’m sure when she discovered it would come out in court the exact reason stassi and kristen went after her she decided not to sue. She definitely didnt want that tape played out any more than it already was.
Is it just me or does this chick just need to stop talking now? They are fired, no one liked them anyway, you got your publicity, tried to push for a comeback on VPR etc. Stassi & Kristin are horrible people, always have been. I think that their main motive was to punish her for screwing Bumpkin Brittany’s hubby. (Never mind the fact that Stassi & Kristin both screwed him or that Kristin screwed him while Jax & Stassi were together) The point is, they are all liars, manipulators, backstabbers, etc. But, I’m not a fan of Faith either. Instead of taking care of the elderly lady she was hired to take care of, she’s off banging STD poster boy, Jax in the corner. Stop acting like everything is different than what it was. I don’t think they did this because they were being racist in that moment. Are they racist, they seem to be. But, Faith acting like she “didn’t know how big this would get” is BS, she knew exactly what she was doing. But, to be making all the media rounds she’s making..it makes me wonder if she isn’t using it for publicity as she couldn’t cut it on VPR, ex on the beach or The Challenge.