Juliette Porter & Kelsey Owens Say They Support MTV’s Decision to Fire Alex Kompothecras from ‘Siesta Key’ for His “Blatant Racism”

“Bye Alex, you won’t be missed!”

While some may have been disappointed to see Alex Kompothecras lose his Siesta Key gig over past racist posts and social media comments, his former co-stars Juliette Porter and Kelsey Owens fully support MTV’s decision to give him the boot.  

On Thursday’s episode of Chicks in the Office podcast, Juliette called out some of her own social media followers for expressing their disappointment in seeing Alex, whom she previously dated, removed from the show.

“I have a lot of – I don’t want to say racist followers – but a lot of people are really upset with him leaving,” she said. “People love a villain.” 

Kelsey shared Juliette’s confusion in the the response from some of the ‘Siesta Key’ fans. 

“There are so many people saying they want him back and I’m like, ‘Do you understand why he’s gone?’” she said. “MTV definitely made the right decision on cutting him.” 

When you want to reach through the screen and knock some sense into your followers but can’t…

Juliette added that Alex’s past actions are certainly nothing to downplay. 

“It’s not even subtle racism,” she said. “It was, like, blatant racism.” 

As The Ashley previously reported, Alex was booted by MTV due to his posts and comments on Instagram that contained racist imagery and/or racial slurs. (The Ashley is choosing not to repost the posts.) In the comment section of one 2014 Instagram post, which featured a white woman sitting with two Black men and the caption, “Her parents are crying somewhere,” Alex wrote “damn ji**aboos.” On several other posts featuring racial slurs, Alex can be seen tagging his friends in the comment section, including one where he called several Black girls the N-word.

An old post to his own Instagram account shows a photo of two guys pouring liquid on a girl. Alex hashtagged the post, “#OnceYouGoBlackYourNeverWelcomedBack.” 

This isn’t the first time Juliette has spoken in favor of Alex’s firing… After the show made the official announcement that it would be cutting tie with Alex and editing the current season to “minimize his presence,” Juliette defended the network’s decision against viewers who claimed they would no longer be tuning in. 

“Sorry we picked trying to get rid of racism instead of thinking about your reality TV needs,” she said. 

Alex’s father Gary Kompethecras— who is a producer on ‘Siesta Key’– did not share Juliette’s sentiments, though. After Alex was fired, Gary told a local newspaper that he was “very disappointed in MTV” and stated that he and his family are “exploring all our options.” 

New (Alex-less) episodes of ‘Siesta Key’ are currently airing Tuesdays on MTV. 

RELATED STORY: ’Siesta Key’ Stars React to Alex Kompethecras’ Firing; Alex’s Producer Father Gary Say They’re “Disappointed with MTV” & “Exploring All Our Options” 

(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

5 Responses

  1. Hahahaha….this is rich. Soo if she knew he was so “blatantly racist” why did she date him? Oh and not just date him, but basically follow him like a lost puppy and then get mixed up with him AGAIN when he was expecting a baby…? She’s just as bad! Sorry but if you’re that intimately involved with someone, their true colors (especially racist ones) come out PRETTY quick. She didn’t care he was a scumbag, she only is loving it now because he doesn’t want her anymore. Hypocrisy reigns supreme.

  2. This coming from a girl shallow as a mud puddle.
    And just as dirty.
    Juliette has 1 goal, marry well.

  3. Oh please! As if Juliette cares about Alex being racist! I’m quite sure she has been aware all along and was perfectly fine with it. As was Kelsey who also slept with Alex. Alex is neither charming, good looking or has a good personality. He is racist, homophobic, animal abuser, cheater & an all around nasty human being. None of that has bothered either one of them. Doesn’t bother them now. What bothers Juliette is that Alex is not with her and is with Alyssa. (If she was smart she’d count her blessings) she also is doing exactly what MTV is using the BLM movement to further her own agenda. Staying employed by trying to publicly distance herself from her racist ex.

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