Hailey “Hailey 2” Tilford is hitting up her Unexpected fans for donations in order to move into a larger apartment with her baby and boyfriend.
Hailey shared the link to the GoFundMe page, which she organized herself, on social media. At press time, the “Help Us Move” fundraiser had raised $115 of its $1,000 goal…none of which came from Hailey’s estranged baby daddy Matthew Blevins.
Hailey explained on the account page that she started the GoFundMe to help raise money for a bigger apartment for herself, her son Levi and her boyfriend, Cole.
“I currently live in a 1 bedroom and don’t have much room for Levi’s stuff or even his crib,” she explained. “I just started my new job but I’m worried I won’t save enough for a new place by December when my lease is up. Cole might be getting laid off from his job for a few weeks and it’s just worrying me.
“I know I get a lot of hate and many of you won’t care but this is something I really want to do for my son so as he gets older he has his own space,” she continued. “You don’t have to donate but anything would be greatly appreciated so much.”
Hailey reiterated on Instagram that “nobody has to donate” and also assured her fans that she does have a job and “work[s] hard every day for [her] son.”
Hailey went on to thank everyone who has donated or sent her positive messages.
“It means a lot to me,” she wrote on Instagram Stories.
After promoting her fundraiser on social media, one of Hailey’s followers asked why she wasn’t asking Levi’s father, Matthew –– who is also father to Hailey “Hailey 1” Tomlinson‘s daughter, Kinsley –– to make a financial contribution to help his child.
“HAHA that’s a good one,” Hailey 2 responded. “Can’t make that child do anything.”
In addition to Matthew not helping Hailey financially, earlier this month she revealed she was not allowed to appear on ‘Unexpected’ as a result of racist Instagram comments made by a hacker.
“ … I just got off the phone with the producer of ‘Unexpected,’ apparently I’m not allowed to film or appear on the show because of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ situation going on because it may offend people,” she explained in an Instagram post. “About 8 months ago my Instagram got hacked and I made a whole new account, well whoever hacked my account messaged back a black female comparing her to a ‘monkey’ anyone who knows me PERSONALLY knows for a fact I would NEVER say that, that is beyond disrespectful.
“I have NO problems with black people and I support them during this all going on! We all deserve to be treated equally!”
Hailey went on to say that the show wanted to film Levi without her, but she didn’t “find that right.” She also took issue with Matthew still being allowed on the show, despite having allegedly said several offensive things on social media.
“With that being said, I WILL NOT be allowing my son on a TV show that puts me out to be ‘racist’ when I’m NOT,” she continued.
UPDATE! Days after posting this fundraiser online, Hailey gave her followers an update on her financial and employment situations and announced that she will be returning any donations she received from the fundraiser.
“Update: I absolutely love me new job and I’m actually making amazing money and Cole and I applied for our apartment today!” Hailey wrote on Instagram Stories. “If you donated money, message me and we’ll figure out a way to get your money back to you or if you don’t care I’m going to donate it to a charity for children in the hospital!”
When one of her followers asked why she decided to refund the donations, Hailey assured the person it wasn’t out of guilt, and was actually do to her taking a second look at her financial situation.
“Before you ask a question get your information right, I didn’t feel guilty,” Hailey wrote. “I realized my job is a lot better than I thought it would be pay-wise.”
(Photos: Instagram; GoFundMe)
30 Responses
This is what’s wrong with the younger generation. Most don’t want to work and want things handed to them without putting in the work for it. Get another job! Plenty of fast food places and grocery stores are hiring. You have to suck it up and do what you have to do. You were adult enough to have a child, you’re adult enough to do what it takes.
First- maybe don’t get your nails done so that’s $40 more towards your rental. Second, she’s got a new boyfriend already? Wow. Third, Unexpected is not a job- t’s an opportunity. none of them should be looking at it as a job or depending on it as such. Go out and finish school and get into college where they will help with bills and get a real job! Thems are the breaks in life once you are an adult!
Millions are still out of work or on reduced schedule.
Depending where you are a lot of fast food places are hiring.
Get off your as* and get a job!
I’m all for asking for help when you need it, but more like “anybody hiring? know of any cheap apartments?” not “anybody got any money?”
This baby is barely out of the womb and this chick already has another boyfriend to play daddy. She is honestly becoming more and more unlike able by the day. Hailey is giving Janelle a run for her money, for sure, and she is probably going to have 3 kids before 21, all by different fathers. Hailey take care of your kid before it’s a Foster home.
Trash. Get child support and government assistance.
Season 3 is on Hulu by the way. What a disgusting idiot Hailey 2 is.
When you file for child support the listed parent is entitled to a DNA test; maybe Matthew isn’t the father, maybe it’s Cole’s son…
I don’t understand why she won’t go after child support? It’s his legal obligation and after a paternity test the judge will see it the same way. I genuinely don’t understand why a person would not get child support in this situation.
Maybe it’s different in her state but in my case, I went after child support and got a court order. He didn’t pay, they didn’t care. At my own expense, I’d hunt him down to figure out where he was so I could get financial assistance for my daughter, they still didn’t do shit. It’s been 25 years now, he owes 150,000 in back child support and they still won’t do anything! He works under the table in cash so they can’t garnish his wages, not that they would so we’ve been screwed. They need to come up with a better system. To hold these deadbeats accountable. In Hailey #2 case her dumbass said she wasn’t going for child support because she didn’t want deadbeat to have visitation rights. It’s sad that she doesn’t realize he doesn’t care enough to pursue visitation to begin with.
I personally am in a similar situation and I decided not to get child support also. My daughters biological father isn’t on the birth certificate and has show zero interest in her. But… I think if I were to go after support he would try to get visitation just to be a dick. And at this point my kid doesn’t need a shitty person in her life. She has a good dad now and I dont want to ruin a good thing for her over some money.
@Jade Absolutely respect that. Your child, your decision 100%. Especially, if the guys a dick. I can relate. Each situation is different. I think the difference between you & her is that you didn’t start a go fund me to beg strangers to support your child. I’m glad that your child is lucky enough to have a good dad!
Thanks! Yeah good point lol I’ve definitely never had a go fund me. Each situation is different for sure. Thats crazy your state didn’t do anything to help you get what you are owed. The system definitely needs work, things like that happen all too often.
If pretending to be an adult is too expensive, then how about moving back in with one of their parents? Problem solved!
I literally want to smack these people! I was a teen mom, worked 2 jobs, went to college at night and raised my child. Gasp…paid my own bills! Was it hard…hell yeah it was but I loved my baby enough to do what I had to. I wasn’t worried about a boyfriend or partying or friends. I grew the fuck up. I suggest they do to, there is no go fund me for that.
She won’t go after child support, though, because God forbid the actual parents provide for their kids. That’s what random internet strangers are for.
Wait what, she wants money and didn’t even start a “only fans” page to show off her cans for cash? The balls on these kids today.
stay lit
I live in Louisville where she lives and it is really cheap here! I have a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house and my mortgage is only $800 a month (includes taxes/yearly taxes and insurance in that price). Before that i lived in a big, big 2 bedroom apartment and only paid $650 a month and that was in a pretty decent area. Apartments are cheap here! If she does have a job and her boyfriend too she can easily afford it! Plus most apartments here only charge first month rent for deposit or barely a deposit! I paid $200 to move I to my apartment a few years back!
I remember the other cast member Tyra, lived in Kentucky too. When her family was looking for a bigger house to move into it was only $650/ month for a bedroom.
I meant 3 bedroom
Do jobs in your area cover the cost of living? Because here in New York a 3 bedroom apartment is easily $2500/month and even a person working two minimum wage jobs does not cover that
It’s the “fans” that help create these girls egos. I have bills too and a family to support but I also have a job and watch our spending to make sure we are okay at the end of the month. How about that Hailey? Watching your budget instead of asking for free hand outs and take that pimply faced loser to court for child support. TLC paycheck can start going to your kid.
That’s why people go and get an education, then get a well paying job, and not get pregnant while still being a kid, especially not from their bff’s boyfriend. Thank you for modelling what not to do, but your 15 mins of fame is over. To quote a classic: have fun living on the streets with ya booooyfriend!
Bravo comment ! Bravo !!! ??
Comment of the month – smart and practical life advice plus perfect timing for one of the best reality TV lines ever ???
I don’t understand how these people feel entitled to other people’s money. Go fund me? How about GO FIND ANOTHER JOB and quit expecting handouts!!! Loser.
Especially 1) in the middle of a global pandemic when many people are either jobless or really having to tighten their purse and 2) when there are so many other worthy, relevant causes people could donate their money to. The cheek of some people.
I don’t understand how these people feel entitled to other people’s money. Go fund me? How about GO FIND ANOTHER JOB and quit expecting handouts!!! Losers.
I agree with you 100%!! Why these people feel like other people should help them financially in any way is beyond me!! GFM should only be for people in dire situations!! Kids who have lost both parents, etc. Not just for anybody to go on and beg for other people’s hard earned money!! It’s actually sickening!! Do what other people who have a child and need a bigger place to give them a decent home do….get as many JOBS as it takes and pay for it your damn self!!!!! Like I said, I have no problem with people who really need it asking for some help but not someone just looking for a hand out!!!!!
This idiot needs a promotion, she has Teen Mom level delusions. The horror of only having a one bedroom apartment! She probably has to take all those selfies with last year’s model Iphone too! Someone send help.