Nick Cannon Says the Black Community “Turned On Him” for Apologizing for Making Racially Insensitive Comments: “I Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Worse”

“This did not go well…”

Nick Cannon‘s week just went from bad to worse.

The reality TV host—who was fired by ViacomCBS on Wednesday for making anti-Semitic and racially insensitive comments on an episode of his Cannon’s Class podcast— apologized for his words on Thursday. While his apology appeased FOX enough that the network allowed Nick to keep his job as host of The Masked Singer, it did not go over well with everyone.

On Friday, Nick took to social media to announce that he feels the Black community has turned on him for “selling out” and apologizing for what he said about Jewish and white people on the podcast.

“I hurt an entire community and it pained me to my core,” Nick posted on his Twitter and Instagram accounts. “I thought it couldn’t get any worse. Then I watched my own community turn on me and call me a sell-out for apologizing. Goodnight. Enjoy Earth.”

On Instagram, he tagged his location as “Heaven.” 

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“Y’all can have this planet. I’m out!” he added on Twitter. 

While some of Nick’s social media followers wrote that they were worried that Nick may be implying he planned to harm himself, others sent their support to him via Instagram comments.

“Nick we love you,” his ‘Wild ‘n Out’ co-star Justina Valentine wrote.

Several of Nick’s followers replied to Justina’s comment, imploring her to make sure Nick is alright.

“Please check up on him! This post not sitting right and his location is alarming!” one person asked her.

Cedric the Entertainer also posted words of encouragement to Nick on Instagram.

“Stand strong lil bruh,” he wrote. “Trust your higher power, not everyone is hating. Matter of fact some of us deem you necessary!! This storm too shall pass. LIVE to tell the whole story.”

Shark Tank star Daymond John wrote that, while he was unsure of everything that went down, he supported Nick for apologizing.

“I am yet to be fully informed. I hear and see conflicting stories. However, The Nick I know always stands his ground. And has never been a sell out!” he wrote. “So if you apologized. Then you found some aspect of your actions to be something that you felt was wrong at the time. That makes you a bigger man than most! I reflect back and think of the times I should of stood up and apologized. We live, learn and grow from our mistakes. Love Ya man!”

In his apology, Nick said his words “reinforced the worst [Jewish] stereotypes of a proud and magnificent people” and that he was “ashamed of the uninformed and naive place that these words came from.” He called his experience over the past few days “eye-opening” and vowed to help with “strengthening the bond between our two cultures and every day going forward.”

Nick stated earlier this week that he intends to take a break from his radio show in order to commit himself “to deeper, more thorough reflection and education.” He has also removed the radio show episode in question.

RELATED STORY: FOX Announces Nick Cannon Will Remain Host of ‘The Masked Singer’ After He Apologizes for Anti-Semitic Comments & Vows to Step Away From His Radio Show For Awhile

(Photos: Photo by Michael Tran/Getty Images; Instagram)

19 Responses

  1. Black privilege. The ability to be as openly racist towards White people with zero repercussions. Name a celebrity who was canceled for anti White comments? I would love to ask Nick Cannon to his face why he only dates mixed race girls who look more European than African if he hates Whites so much. His mixed White kids must think it’s odd that daddy thinks a part of them is “lesser” in his own words. Fuck him.

  2. He is straight up racist. He is anti Semitic. He hates white people. He hates anyone not black. HE SAID IT OUTRIGHT!! Why does he have any airtime left?

  3. When his words are not hollow, I applaud him for admitting he was very wrong and that he should become part of the solution, not the problem.

    1. How can he just send (an admittedly) sincere apology and keep his job… When so many others who’ve apologizes have been fired? Not to mention they said a lot less than Nick said.

      1. It’s such bullshit when these celebrities say racist, prejudicial or misogynist nonsense and then turn around and apologize like a day later for saying it. He’s sorry because he lost jobs and money not because he said it. He went after Eminem last year and called him names for no reason and accused him (of all people) of being racist when in fact it’s Nick that is the problem. Shame on Fox for keeping this jackass around.

  4. I’m assuming forgiveness is no longer a trait that is used in today’s society. People screw up, all of us do. As long as there is no forgiveness for your fellow human being, then no progress will ever be made.

  5. What an excellent example of passing the buck. He and he alone was the one that spouted that nonsense now he’s trying to play the victim by saying “an entire community turned it’s back” on him, wah wah wah. You’re the one who made the statements, so you and your turban should take the fallout, period.

  6. I read somewhere else that he only apologized to Jewish people but not white. He should have been fired! If he was a white man and/or conservative, he’d never work in Hollywood again!

  7. Time to cancel Nick. No one else would get the pass he is getting. He is clearly is a racist. This is exactly how BLM will implode. You will cause all white and Jewish support to be lost. Terry Crews was right.

    1. Kareem Jabbar also spoke out the truth. He is smarter than all the dumb azzes that think reverse racism is a way to further the cause of BLM. The opposite is true. This is where it will fail.

  8. Well maybe he could have kept his mouth shut to begin with. I don’t understand why people are suddenly trying to make light of the struggles that Jewish people have faced. Just because another group of people has struggled does not make your struggle irrelevant. It makes me sick that there are those trying to make light of the Holocaust or any events surrounding it. I care about BLM, but this is not the way for them to gain support.

  9. Since when has it become ok to insult other races and get a free pass because of the color of your skin but when someone else does it to you, you get upset? Let’s not be hypocritical. Hatred is everywhere but he was adding to it and not making it any better. Mr Mariah Carey needs to go back to holding her purse and looking pretty.

    1. Well apparently you were just born the other day, cause it has been “ok” since forever ago. I’ve seen plenty of people get free passes, doesn’t mean it’s right though. Don’t try to come for Nick if you haven’t came for other people of your or different skin colors for doing the EXACT same thing, please.

      1. How do you know I don’t hold others accountable that have done the same? Stop making excuses for abhorrent behavior no matter who it is or the skin color they have. It doesn’t make it alright. This is part of the problem, racism isn’t just one laned.

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