Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans & Oregon Cannabis Dispensary Issue Very Different Statements Regarding Cancelled Meet-and-Greet Event with Jenelle & David Eason

“We just stopped in to say HIGH! HIGH!”

An Oregon cannabis dispensary got burned (pun intended) on Friday after trying to promote a meet-and-greet event with former Teen Mom 2 stars Jenelle Evans and David Eason.

As The Ashley reported on Friday, the dispensary stated that it cancelled the event, after it was hit with a wave of online hate for associating with the Easons. 

Later that night, both Jenelle and the dispensary issued statements on Instagram, with each telling a very different story in regard to the cancelled event.

If you believe Jenelle, she chose not to attend the event, despite traveling across the country for it. On Friday night, she posted to her Instagram Stories that she no-showed the event due to “harassment and threats”…but also, according to Jenelle there was “never an event” to begin with!

“Rumor alert! There was never an event I was ‘suppose to appear at,'” she wrote. “I am on a business trip and traveled for one specific reason. I chose not to attend because of harassment and threats. 

“Receiving a lot of messages and I’m very sorry if you expected to meet me. There will be later dates in the future for another opportunity to connect with me. Maybe do a live session on IG? Idk.” 

If you believe those who work at the dispensary, the Easons were simply “in the area” and eager to learn more about the cannabis industry. (Perhaps they’re considering adding a cannabis class to their Lil’ Homeschool on The Land curriculum?)

“We weren’t promoting them or what they do,” the company wrote in the comment section of its Instagram post, before confirming that Jenelle and David weren’t paid to appear at the store.

“There was no compensation; they just wanted to know about the weed business…” the store wrote. 

“It wasn’t any kind of paid or promotional deal,” the store wrote in another comment. “They wanted to learn about the business and reached out to us.”

The store also stated that Jenelle and David were the ones who came up with the idea to do a meet-and-greet.

“The meet and greet was an offer by them,” the store, adding, “We don’t support abuse, neglect or racism.”

Of course, the dispensary has been doing damage control for the past 24 hours, even posting to their stories an “I love my dog” meme, which, given that David killed Jenelle’s dog Nugget last year, didn’t set with with a lot of people. 

Burnt River Farms insisted in another comment that the whole interaction with Jenelle and David was simply for “educational” purposes. 

“Just to be clear this was an educational visit and no money exchanged,” the store told one person in an Instagram comment. “[Jenelle] was not here to promote our store or our products. Our job is to inform consumers about cannabis. We are a diverse company who loves dogs and all peoples.”

“We all know there’s nuthin’ more important to Juh-nelle and David than the ed-u-cation!”

The store seemed surprised by the amount of hate it received for associating with the Easons, ensuring one nay-sayer that the only thing those running the store have in common with Jenelle is their love of the weeeeed.

“We employ and support several LGBT people,” the store wrote. “We all love and have dogs. We just happen to have smoking weed in common with Jenelle. We have a popular store and a lot of people want to see what we have going on. Nothing more.” 

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Stars Jenelle Evans & David Eason Go Across Country to Do Meet & Greet at Cannabis Dispensary; Event Allegedly Cancelled Due to Online Backlash (Updated!)

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

32 Responses

  1. When is that dumbass going to realize that David is tearing her down even more than if she would just be by herself. That would have actually been a good venture for Jenelle to promote considering her love of being strung out on weed, but no way in hell is any one with good sense going to go near David friggin Eason or support anything he supports. Dude is violent as hell, pistol whips people, murders puppies, and beats children. No one with any sense would ever want to be associated with him or be around him. He is a piece of steaming dog shit.

  2. Burnt River Farms must be getting a shit load of hate – they set their Instagram to private. I guess turning off the comments wasn’t enough! Idiots.

  3. LOL, it’s stupid how the company wants to distance themselves from them when it was THEM who offered to show the bussiness in the first place. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.

    Anyway, I absolutely believe Jenelle would want to know about weed and profit from being there because she is a “celebrity.” We are coming in Farrah’s levels of entitlement here.

  4. To think that if she were just willing to dump this child abusing, dog murdering oaf, she’d still be on MTV’s payroll and not two steps away from picking up aluminum cans and plastic bottles in the park.

    Jenelle: It’s more than obvious that David chose you so that he could have a free ride on the TM money train and not work. And because of him… now you can’t work.

    See the volatile and hopeless connection here yet?


  5. We’re not supporting racists, dog killers and haters. We don’t check people that come up to us and show us how much followers they have on social media and tell us they are MTV famous. We saw dollar signs and gave them the full VIP treatment etc.
    We made a mistake because we were greedy and ignorant and we apologize.

  6. On her IG stories there is a repost from David that shows a camera man. Anyone know anything about why a camera man was filming them? I have the screenshot

    1. I’m assuming from this “business trip” that’s shes trying to grasp at straws and turn ANYTHING into a business, so she figured weed would be a great idea, because we all know how full of great ideas Jenelle Eason is.

  7. Sounds like these 2 idiots want to get in the weed business, they tried to get information/advice & in return for the advice they would do this sad meet & greet. But then the store realized how many people hated these morons & canceled

  8. Get a real job, you pair of losers.

  9. Per Jenelle, “There was never an event I was ‘suppose to appear at…I am on a business trip and traveled for one specific reason. I chose not to attend because of harassment and threats.”

    Does this statement confuse anyone else?

  10. I’m so sick of Jenelles lying ass mouth! First of all, not that long ago she was preaching about how her AND David don’t do ANY drugs and could pass a drug test. Secondly, every single thing that comes out of her mouth is a lie. I don’t think I have ever heard a honest statement yet! It’s sickening. Third, the one and only thing this loser is an expert in is weed!

    1. I actually believe the stopped doing hard drugs. They have blown up like 2 ballons. Jenelles shaped like Barbara now. The can afford hard drugs anymore anyway.

    2. As a budding cannabis entrepreneur, I resent that last sentence. Jenelle uses a lot of toilet paper but is not an expert in paper products!

    3. She’s not an expert in weed. I bet she doesn’t even know what thc stands for, never mind what a terpine is. She’s just a user. Period.

  11. @j_evans1219 on Instagram is saying it’s the same people commenting. She is on their Instagram bitching. @burnt_river_farms_cannabis / The post with the girl. They turned their comments off on some of their posts. I guess they can’t take the verbal attack.

  12. I went after the company on Instagram and kept putting the Justice for Nugget petition link.

  13. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (checkbox) *]
    I fully believe the store. Nothing wrong with the store selling to J&D or answering questions. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if J & D are thinking about weed as their next business venture.

  14. I fully believe the store. Nothing wrong with the store selling to J&D or answering questions. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if J & D are thinking about weed as their next business venture.

  15. Every company has the same cookie cutter statement after backlash for collaborating with them. ? 1) Do your research on a person prior to partnering with them 2) Understand that if you make the choice to partner with them regardless, your business with face criticism and likely lose some consumers. Either own your poor choice or don’t work with these people.

    1. The only difference is that instead of her nose growing her gut does…
      Explains why she gets wider by the hour…no exaggeration…

  16. Oh … Wonder what the Easons gonna grow on The Land now … Guess that whole subscribtion for “exclusive” Jenelle news is paying of ?

    Just go get some jobs …

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