‘Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’ Star Rachel Beaver Reunites with Baby Daddy Drew Brooks Following His Release from Jail

“Let’s go, baby Beav… it’s time to bust daddy out of the slammer!”

It’s about time for a welcome home hootenanny at the Beaver family dam!

Drew Brooks, baby daddy of of Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star Rachel Beaver, is once again a free man. 

The Sun reports that the 20 year-old was released from jail on Wednesday after serving a three-month stint for a probation violation. Rachel announced the big news by posting a photo on social media of Drew taking a drag of a cigarette with the caption, “Look who’s out.” 

No word yet if this fresh-from-the-slammer dreamboat is single, ladies!

Rachel later followed up the post with some snapshots of Drew enjoying some time with the couple’s daughter, Hazelee. 


Drew was locked up back in April for violation of probation (stemming from a 2018 theft of property charge), criminal impersonation and two counts of contributing to a minor. According to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, authorities found marijuana and alcohol in a car driven by Drew’s friend and Drew reportedly gave the wrong name and age to police when questioned. A 16 year-old and 17 year-old were allegedly in the vehicle with Drew and his friend at the time of the arrest. 

When you suddenly remember your baby daddy was hanging with some high school girls moments before he was locked up.

He reportedly agreed to a plea deal and was guilty of criminal impersonation and contributing to a minor; he was not prosecuted for the second contributing to a minor charge. 

Prior to this incident, Drew broke his probation with a positive drug test in July 2019 and violated probation once again in January 2020 for reckless driving and driving without a license. He accepted a plea deal for the second incident. 

According to The Sun, Drew also found himself in some legal trouble in August of last year when he was arrested for assault domestic violence, though he was not prosecuted for the charges. He was also arrested earlier that year in March for unlawful carry/possession of a weapon, however, that case was dismissed. (Got all that?) 

“I reckon that boy’ll be sportin’ one of them fancy electrical ankle bracelets soon enough!” 

Despite Rachel previously claiming she was unsure if Hazelee’s father was Drew or Drew’s best friend Jacob (another one of Rachel’s exes), she stated in January that she knew Drew was Hazelee’s father “from the jump.” 

During an episode of ‘Young and Pregnant,’ Rachel discovered that her pal Jaden had been seeing Drew behind her back. Drew hadn’t exactly been Baby Daddy of the Year, and had been absent from Hazelee’s life.

“It’s been a long time since Drew has even seen or asked about Hazelee, and I figured he was out of my life for good,” Rachel said in a confessional during the episode. “So it’s a huge shock when I find out he’s been hooking up with my best friend.”

There’s no word on if Drew is currently single; however, last month Rachel revealed that she and Drew were getting along and co-parenting well together. 

“I wouldn’t be opposed to a little co-parenting pickle tickle should the situation arise. I love the smell of jail cell on a man!”

“Glad we’ve put the past behind us!” Rachel wrote in the caption of a throwback photo of her and Drew posted to Instagram Stories in June. “I know you love our baby girl so much & I’m so happy that your takin the steps to change for the better. Much love for you…

“(No we are not together & we don’t want to be together but we are friends & co-parenting.)”

As of Tuesday, Rachel posted to her Facebook page that she is currently in a relationship with a guy named Charles. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Update on David Eason’s Multiple Court Cases, A Beaver Joins OnlyFans & More

(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

21 Responses

  1. That poor girl. Not only given a stupid name but also have to deal with these two fools as parents for the rest of her life ..

  2. Hazelee is a little old for a bottle still, she should be on a sippy cup by now. I still give my 16 month old a bottle at naptime and bedtime, as part of our routine, but it’s a sippy cup the rest of the time. That bottle is way overfilled too. I use those same bottles and that’s gotta be about 9oz in that bottle, way above the ‘do not fill above this line or this bottle will leak like a fucking sieve’ ?

    1. Looked here! Queen mommy shamer right here! Unless the kid is in danger you should practice r Not my kid, not my business!” Because you are a mom doesn’t mean you’re an expert on bottle feeding.

  3. They all look like they need a bath in bleach.

    Those poor babies with moms like her and her sister.

  4. How in The hell do you not know who the father of your child is? How does this happen? Do girls really let multiple guys raw dog it, like, one after the other?? Is this really a thing?!! At 16!!!!

    1. LOL yeah, that’s what got me…like how don’t you know?! Maybe stop sleeping around then and if you do, USE PROTECTION!

    2. i’ve known girls back in the day who would sleep with a guy on a friday and then on sunday sleep with some other guy. no protection. they didn’t care. they were bored, un-parented, and usually drunk. that’s how they don’t know who a baby’s father is.

  5. Rachel has had more dudes run through her than roaches across their trailer! Is she back with Drew? Is she not? Who knows, who cares…all I can think is poor Hazelee. Both her parents are trashy and irresponsible as hell!

  6. Roachel’s straight line sharpie-pen eyebrows in the top picture are really distracting.

  7. Trashy or not, this family is great TV. Bring out the case of ClearBlue Easy tests and get em back on TV!!

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