WEtv Cuts Ties with Tamar Braxton, One Day After She Wrote About “Exploitation” She Endured From the Network; Tamar Later Denies She Was Fired

“Bye bye, WEtv!”

WEtv says it’s going to give Tamar Braxton what she wants.

One day after the Braxton Family Values star posted a long statement about her recent suicide attempt a statement that also contained Tamar’s thoughts on how she felt exploited by the network and had asked to be freed from her contracts— WEtv announced its cutting ties with her.

In a statement issued to Variety on Friday, WEtv said it “will work with [Tamar’s] representatives to honor her request to end all future work for the network.”

According to TMZ, though, only “future” work is going to be stopped, not work that’s already in the can, namely Tamar’s upcoming show Tamar Braxton: Get Ya Life. WEtv recently announced that it was postponing the premiere of the show until September, due to Tamar’s hospitalization and recent suicide attempt. (The show was originally due to premiere on July 30.)

“WE tv tells us … ‘Get Ya Life!’ will air as it was intended — the network will not be changing the show or further editing based on Tamar’s complaints,” TMZ reported on Friday.

The statement released on Thursday marked the first time Tamar has spoken publicly since her July 16 suicide attempt. In a statement, which was posted to her social media accounts, the reality TV star aired out her beef with WEtv

“I was betrayed, taken advantage of, overworked, and underpaid. I wrote a letter over 2 months ago asking to be freed from what I believed was excessive and unfair. I explained in personal detail the demise I was experiencing. My cry for help went totally ignored. However the demands persisted.”


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First and foremost, Thank you. Thank you to each and every individual who has prayed for me, thought of me, sent me their love and has showered me with their support. In this present moment, it is my only responsibility to be real with myself and to be real with the ones who truly love me and care for my healing. I have without fail, shared with you my brightest days, and I know that sharing with you what has been my darkest will be the light for any man or woman who is feeling the same defeat I felt just only a week ago. Every one of us has a desire, whether small or big, to make it out of where we come from to an ideal future place that includes, freedom to be who we choose, security for our children and families, and fortune to share with the ones we love. We believe these things can co-exist with just being happy. I believed that, that as a black woman, as an artist, an influence, a personality I could shape my world, and with whom I believed to be my partners, they could help me share my world. Over the past 11 years there were promises made to protect and portray my story, with the authenticity and honesty I gave. I was betrayed, taken advantage of, overworked, and underpaid. I wrote a letter over 2 months ago asking to be freed from what I believed was excessive and unfair. I explained in personal detail the demise I was experiencing. My cry for help went totally ignored. However the demands persisted. It was my spirit, and my soul that was tainted the most. There are a few things I count on most to be, a good mother, a good daughter, a good partner, a good sister, and a good person. Who I was, begun to mean little to nothing, because it would only be how I was portrayed on television that would matter. It was witnessing the slow death of the woman I became, that discouraged my will to fight. I felt like I was no longer living, I was existing for the purpose of a corporations gain and ratings, and that killed me. Mental illness is real. We have to normalize acknowledging it and stop associating it with shame and humiliation. The pain that I have experienced over the past 11 years has slowly ate away at my spirit and my mental. (Swipe to finish )

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She also claimed that the “toxic, systematic bondage that dwells television” contributed to the demise of her mental health. 

“The pain that I have experienced over the past 11 years has slowly ate away at my spirit and my mental,” Tamar wrote. “I will do everything in my power to aid those who from mental illness, including those of us who’s mental illness was only a result of the toxic, systematic bondage that dwells television. It was only God’s grace and his mercy on my attempt to end my pain and my life that I am here to utilize my voice.”

Tamar and her boyfriend David Adefeso were reportedly very unhappy with the episodes of ‘Tamar Braxton: Get Ya Life’ that they were able to preview. In fact, David mentioned “the network” (aka WEtv) several times during the 911 call he made on the night Tamar tried to take her own life. 

It is unknown if the Braxton family will continue on with ‘Braxton Family Values’ without Tamar. However, she will apparently appear in the first episodes of Season 7, given that they were filmed before her hospitalization and statement.

According to Variety, Tamar was the second-highest-paid reality TV personality in the history of WEtv, with her sister (and ‘Braxton Family Values’ co-star) Toni Braxton being the highest paid. 

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Family is everything! Especially sisters!

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UPDATE! According to a screenshot posted by The Jasmine Brand, Tamar is denying that WEtv has cut ties with her. In a tweet (which has apparently since been deleted) Tamar claimed that she was never informed or contacted by WEtv of this decision.

“LIES!! no one has talked to a lawyer, or to me, sent a flower or card, text to me or NAN!!! THIS is the abuse and lies I am talking about,” the tweet, which was reportedly posted after WEtv released it’s statement, read. “This is not helping my mental state. They just won’t stop until they see me out of my mind or dead.”

That tweet was not appearing on her timeline at press time, and it is unknown when or why she deleted it. 

RELATED STORY: Tamar Braxton Releases First Statement Since Hospitalization; Confirms Suicide Attempt & Vows to Work to Prevent “Exploitation” of Reality TV Personalities

(Photos: Earl Gibson III/Getty Images; Instagram)

15 Responses

  1. I have no clue who she is (assuming a Toni Braxton relation), but reading through this article screams “WTF!” over and over. I have a hard time with empathy for her due to several statements and multiple choices involved. Best case scenario, she needs to put up clearer boundaries with work and who she surrounds herself with and needs a lot of work on herself.

  2. I’ve never watched her show but I saw her on dancing with the stars years ago. She was RIDICULOUS. She took on this “I’m being attacked” role by the judges. THEY ARE JUDGING YOU BECAUSE YOU SIGNED UP TO BE JUDGED!! ?‍♀️ she was partnered with Val (the only reason I use to watch) and you could see he was frustrated as well but tried to be supportive. She leaves a wake of drama where ever she is. Reality check Tamar… it’s not everyone else, ITS YOU!

    1. Exactly and after that didn’t get hospitalized with blood clots? Then she wuz saying but not saying that Vince being sick himself wuz abusing her. That didn’t work for her either???

  3. Sounds like she’s trying to do some major damage control. It must be pretty bad if shes willing to fake some suicide shit. The sad thing is, I’m still not intrested. Not even a teeny tiny bit.

  4. Good riddance! Get a real job now because I doubt any network will want to work
    with her. I’m sure she will sue WE TV next though. Pathetic & entitled.

  5. I don’t know why anyone would choose to work with this pathetic, toxic woman. Just another perpetual victim who has NEVER taken responsibility for he own wretched behavior in any situation. She’s an insecure, spoiled narcissist doing what she’s always done …. blame others and throw a tantrum. Why does this mental health facility even allow her internet access for social media? She’s obviously not working on fixing herself!

  6. Good Ahead, Bite the hand that feeds you. Overworked, Underpaid and Exploited? PUHLEASE…..go get a real job and worry about raising your Son on the kind of money most of us have to live on. Entitled and spoiled, time to go away.

    1. I’m tryn to figure out wat is she overworked doing? WEtv let Tamar go cuz they are tired of her periodt. This whole”suicide” attempt wuz to push her show and it back fired. All she do is play the blame game. Vince sabotaged her career the ladies of The View had her fired and now she attempted suicide cuz WEtv is overworking her. Ain’t nobody coming for Tamar for project cuz she’s a dramatic problem. If people stop having sympathy for Tamar and start holding her accountable she may be a better person.
      Plus do anybody remember wen she said she wuz on the plane and sumbody offered her a pill to relax her she went off on them cuz she didn’t take pills…….now she overdosed on pills??????

    1. To much hate speech on this page. It’s okay or you responding to this to speak your mind but she isn’t allowed to. Our freedom of speech is very quickly being taken away by haters !

  7. I hope part of what she does is geared towards children on reality television and youtube. Too many kids being exploited by their parents these days.

  8. You want out of the contract because you are overworked and underpaid….you are out of your contract. Now you don’t have to worry about it anymore. Plus, my sympathy is starting to shrink…I’m pretty sure when the contract was signed Tamar was business savvy enough to have her attorney look at it. She doesn’t want to work with them, now she isn’t but that’s still abuse?

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