‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Kailyn Lowry Welcomes Her Fourth Son: Get the Details!

“Someone hand this baby an MTV contract, STAT!”

Kail Lowry is officially a mom of four! 

E! News reports that the Teen Mom 2 star gave birth at home on July 30 at 2:47 p.m. to a baby boy weighing 8 lbs., 15 oz. and measuring 22.5 inches long.

“No name yet but we are all healthy and so in love,” Kail said. “I can check giving birth during a pandemic off my bucket list now.” 

Kail revealed in February she was expecting her fourth child – her second with ex Chris Lopez, with whom she shares 2-year-old son Lux. 


A week later, Kail revealed on social media that she was expecting her fourth boy. 


Kail is also a mom to 10-year-old Isaac, whom she shares with ex Jo Rivera, as well as 6-year-old Lincoln, her son with ex-husband Javi Marroquin. 

While Kail did not comment on whether Chris was present for their baby’s birth or not, she claimed on Instagram last month that she did not plan to invite her ex to the festivities, despite Chris previously stating he would attend if he “gets the call” from Kail. 


Chris later clarified his statements about getting “the call” from Kail, revealing on Instagram Live that he couldn’t technically “get the call” due to the rules of the Protection from Abuse that Kail filed on him during the fall of 2019, which forbids him from contacting her.

RELATED STORY: Break Downs & a Baby Daddy Blast from the Past: MTV Releases Sneak Peek of ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 10

(Photos: MTV; Instagram) 

46 Responses

  1. Congrats Kail. I bet she keep cranking those kids out. I wonder who the next baby daddy will be? Maybe she can go back to that white guy she dated when she worked at Staples?!! Remember him?

    1. Shamefully, I believe his name was Jordan. He was the 2nd man (after Jo) that we saw Kail use and abuse.

      1. Yup. She cheated on him with jo if I remember right. Crazy how no one shamed her for her who’re ways, but if it were a guy, it’s be different.

  2. I don’t know why there are so many people that are upset she hasn’t picked a name yet. I know it’s not necessarily traditional to not have the baby named right away, but I’ve definitely seen people that prefer to wait until they see the baby and have them out in the world first. Sometimes people wait to see what they think fits best. All the best to her though, babies are a blessing.

    1. I think the reason is it seems like she does it to drag out the attention. When lux was born, there were so many articles written about the fact that she didn’t have a name and she got a ton of free attention for it. I don’t believe for a second that that kid doesn’t have a name. Lots of people wait til the baby is born to choose the name, but they don’t drag it out for 3 months.

    2. It took her 6 months to name Soap! That’s crazy!! She had a name for him before she announced it too. She’s doing it for attention like she did before!

  3. Honestly, this chick! Back on 16 and Pregnant I actually felt sorry for her and admired her drive.
    But then she became a pretty bitch, used the men in her life, couldn’t get pregnant, got pregnant by a guy who doesn’t want her, had the baby, said the father abused her but kept screwing him, got pregnant again by a supposedly violent and neglectful man. Throw into the mix bouts of occasional lesbianism, a massively inflated ego and absolutely zero regard for the mental and social development of her many children.

    Isaac is like 10 now. She should have started to realise that the decisions you make have long term repercussions for the children whose lives are influenced by those decisions.

    1. Not sure why anyone would down vote your comment as you hit the nail on the head in regards to Kail. Unless they’re down voting that you called her a “pretty bitch” since that’s the one non-truth. Pretty sure darn autocorrect switched “petty” to “pretty” on you ?

  4. Aside from getting 2 headlines in 1 month, I don’t understand why she waits so long to name her kid…but hopefully she uses this time more wisley than she did the last time, and comes up with a better name than “Lux”.

  5. Awwww congrats to the happy couple!!! ? oh wait, kail has ailienated yet another one of her kids fathers. Nothing like a good ol PFA to welcome a child into the world!

  6. I completely forgot she was expecting. Well congrats on the new baby! I don’t always agree with her choices and decisions but she does seem like a good mother. Also, I really like the name Lux (I convinced myself she’s a fan of the Cramps) and am very curious what she’ll call this one.

    1. Why do so many people dislike Lux’s hair? I mean he has some beautiful hair and it’s not like she doesn’t keep it done. I could understand if she didn’t do it ever and it was all matted and stuff.

  7. Congrats, I guess. Now stop pumping them out like you’re a cannon! (And we still remember how you claimed you thought you couldn’t get pregnant when you got knocked up with Lux, was this time the same? You are delusional)

    I mean, with PFA Chris probably won’t even see this kid (only from far away) and you always wanted to be a single mom anyway (because you did this to Jo and Javi too) so congrats, you achieved what you always wanted by alienating all men from yourself. Good luck baby daddy #4, we know he is coming. (Btw, I DO THINK Chris is crazy so it’s probably a good thing he isn’t around but like…she did this so many times before, it’s hard to know what is the truth and what is a lie)

    The only one who will need a lot of luck is this new kid. It’s not his fault he was born. At least he has older brothers (one is even his full brother) who will look after him when mom will undoubtedly start looking for a new soulmate!

    1. [Quote]Now stop pumping them out like you’re a cannon![/quote]

      A cannon indeed, as she has a crew of three to reload her.

  8. [* Shield plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I can’t wait to see why stupid ass name she choose this time. Lux is a pretty cool name … for a puppy . Come on Kailyn , don’t disappoint us now. You have big shoes to fill after the last crotch goblin… spill the tea lady.

  9. I guess you can turn a ho into a housewife!!! 4 babies, 3 baby daddies!!!! It’s about damn time she’s had more than 1 kid with a baby daddy before she kicks him to the curb!!!

  10. Oh god… I wonder what monstrosity of a name she has lined up for this poor kid?
    Fingers crossed for you, little Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Chia Latte Lopez-Lowry
    I will pray for you.

  11. What is with her and waiting weeks after the baby is born to name it? She had a whole 9 months to pick a name

    1. She probably has/had a name she just likes to play this shit like she did with Soap. It gives her attention

  12. Is she a human or a cat, with all those kids from different fathers? She is so nasty and so gross, complete with an ugly body full of stupid costly tattoos If she is not white trash no one is.

  13. The first picture of the baby will be a sponsored post. Or maybe she’ll hold out for some z-list celebrity magazine deal.

    1. I heard there’s this great new CeLEbuRtY web write-up that’s always looking for Teen Mom goss! It’s called celeduhnation.. celeburnation.. celebernation.. (however TF you spell that editorial nightmare of a site) Karl should get in touch with them!

      1. I’ve read a couple Jenelle articles on that site. They run positive stories on Jenelle mostly. (eyeroll) The grammar, punctuation and spelling is atrocious.

  14. Another 2 month long social media drag out while Kail decides to name her kid. I just picture her holding a newborn with her iPhone 11 in her hand furiously tweeting that she really hadn’t given birth yet! Only to realize she already had just like everyone thought.

  15. Yawn. Is this when she holds her fans hostage awhile til she finally tells the baby’s name? Can’t wait.

    1. I really don’t understand the whole not naming your kid until weeks after birth thing. I think she just likes the attention she gets from this crap.

      1. I think she tries to hold out until the highest bidder and then “releases” the name she’s had along when she sells the story.

        1. I wasn’t allowed to leave the hospital without a name for my kids. This 90 days to name your kid thing is super weird for me.

  16. Well, the world turns
    And a hungry little boy with a runny nose
    Plays in the street as the cold wind blows
    In the ghetto (in the ghetto)

  17. People, don’t you understand
    The child needs a helping hand
    Or he’ll grow to be an angry young man some day?
    Take a look at you and me
    Are we too blind to see
    Do we simply turn our heads, and look the other way?

    stay lit

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