The relationship between Bear Brown and his ex Raiven Adams remains on the rocks, as confirmed by Raiven’s latest slam against not just the Brown family, but also the show that made the family famous.
Raiven, who shares 4-month-old son River with Bear, took to social media over the weekend to share her thoughts on Alaskan Bush People, The Sun reports. According to Raiven, only “about 10 percent” of the Discovery series is real and River is “not going down” with it.”
Raiven went on to claim the entire Brown family doesn’t even live on “the mountain,” as viewers of the series are led to believe, and that she only witnessed Bear’s sisters residing on the mountain, though they eventually left as well.
“When I was there, the only person who lived on the mountain was Rain and Bird, and they were living in trailers,” she said. “They left half way of me living there and moved into an apartment.”
As for her own time “living” on the mountain (during Season 11 of ‘Alaskan Bush People’) Raiven revealed much of that was fabricated, too.
“Bear asked me to fly in and meet him and that we were going to film. I asked if I could come without filming and he said they wouldn’t pay for it unless I did,” she said. “When I showed up, I was picked up by an assistant and taken to hotel. I met him at a restaurant. We hung out at the restaurant. I hung out with him and stayed in a hotel on and off on the mountain. They would take us to the mountain and we would film.”
Raiven said while they were together, she and Bear actually lived in a house in Loomis, Washington with Bear’s parents Billy and Ami.
Another part of the reality series that Raiven claimed to be inauthentic is the relationship among the Brown siblings. According to her, aside from Rain and Bird, “none of the siblings get along.”
This isn’t the first time the Browns have been accused of faking their mountain lifestyle. Back in 2016, RadarOnline reported that some locals had spotted the family secretly living in a hotel when they weren’t filming.

Raiven’s online rant came after Bear promised to expose her “lies” regarding what really happened during their troubled relationship/engagement. In June, the estranged couple surprisingly came to an agreement and ended their nasty custody battle, The Sun reports, with Raiven having primary physical custody of River and Bear being allowed restricted visitation.
RELATED STORY: ‘Alaskan Bush People’ Star Bear Brown Says He Plans to Expose His Baby Mama Raiven Adams’ “Lies”; Claims She Was Abusive to Him
(Photos: Instagram; Discovery)
25 Responses
Let’s not forget about the Matt Brown rapes. Google it!
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Like the bush people. I have seen every show from the beginning.
All family’s have problems. The show is great. Let the show gone on. Let them live the way they want to.
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The whole thing is a joke. Why don’t we ALL concentrate on the baby. I think the show is crap and will no longer watch it. Of course everything is fake about it. They slept together, take the consequences. He needs to man up and see and support his kid. She need to disassociate with the whole family. Too many disastrous issues right now to listen to all this crap!
So now showing some family get along is so hard to believe?! Like obviously we all fight, no one said this family is perfect but they are selling an image so of course they behave for the cameras. As far as fakeness goes, probably yes but still, they can do that stuff, you can’t fabricate Noah’s talent or the fact that Bam Bam can drive a boat. This woman is beginning to look thirsty. Sad that you didn’t get married and get that cash, huh?!
This show is so full of shit.
This show is so full of shit.
We love the Bush people!! I we knew she was marrying bear for money.. sorry. Bear you had to go through this!! Focus on your river!! Cany wait for the next season..your fans from Nebraska..
I have watched the Browns since they started and I can see it is all fake. You look back to when the show first started and they didn’t know what a cell phone was? Come on????? It’s all bullshit.
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Great show but it’s too bad it’s all fake
You know what ,she slept with him and she saw a way to make money and gain fame so she can’t always complain about the mess she got herself into! She just needs to move on and take care of the life she chose to make. Tired of people always trash talking people because of the choices they make!I mean who in their right mind would have slept with Bear Brown?
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I trust and believe Bear Brown. To bad you got tangled up in that web. You must fight to take part in raising River.
Bear is an abusive deadbeat. I’m glad Raiven is telling the truth. A concept foreign to the Browns. Cancel this show Discovery. Stop rewarding abusers with paychecks
I knew it was all fake because they are getting paid good money to show how they lived off grid, and do you really think with all that money they would actually stay there after the cameras were off!
I knew it was fake, how many people do you know that would live like that when they have hundreds of thousands of dollars sitting in the bank. I mean really. Someone stated that we all knew and I think she was right. I did hear the family is pretty terrible though. Which is sad as the image they portray as happy, loving, simple and pure family just ain’t there. I personally think at first they were but, then money, fame and greed bite them in the butt and their lives changed forever!!!
I can’t believe how anyone really thinks that these people live in the “bush” They’ve always just filmed on location, and then straight back to the hotel or apartments. When they were in Alaska, they never lived in Browntown, either. They lived in a lodge, and the crew took them out there in the morning to film, and in the evening they went back to the lodge.
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I knew it was all fake because they are getting paid good money to show how they lived off grid, and do you really think with all that money they would actually stay there after the cameras were off!
A couple of weeks ago another tabloid published an article I found which this chick talked about respecting the mother of your child, calls him a low-life yet she’s the one who’s constantly trashing her baby’s father on social media & in the tabloids. In my opinion she’s a drama queen & using the baby for attention. She’s claimed that Bear had been abusive & controlling & would make threats if she didn’t comply with his demands. From what I’ve seen, she’s the one who’s constantly threatening & bullying him. It wouldn’t surprise me if her accusations are untrue & she sells these stories to the tabloids for a pay check. If you think about it, every couple of weeks another story comes out in which she’s trashing Bear &/or his family.
Notice the disclaimer from many tabloids that says, “We pay for your stories”.
She responds to what Bear says about her. She is allowed to defend herself and her image. Bear and his family talk to the press every time.
What she says about filming has been said by many people in the town already. They didn’t even own the land or boat, everything was leased.
They didn’t built that cabin, a contractor did that for them.
People that do have real skills in bushcraft, self sufficiency and owning or manning a ship already said they were faking it and weren’t skilled or experienced.
They told many stories that are not even possible.
All the adults have been found guilty of fraud, the children have been arrested for stealing, violence and drug related charges and have been found guilty too.
And as for Bear, how many episodes have you seen? Even his siblings try to avoid him and avoid “working” with him. Only his eldest brother doesn’t put up with his shit.
Why is biting the hand that feeds her?
I think everyone knows the show is fake. She is the only one that fell for the wholesome family bs
Probably not for the wholesome family thing but for the “Fake bush family for money but okay people and I wouldn’t mind sharing the attention and money with them”.
Fair is fair, she knew they were fake very soon. She saw them interact.
But I’m not going to say she made her bed and will have to lie in it now. She was naive and thought Bear and his family were and would only be scum to other people and not her.
She didn’t expect to be abused, threatened, fearing for her safety and having her image tarnished.
And now her eyes are open but she had a child with this guy. Doesnt that happen to many young, naive women?
Whether he slept on the mountain, didn’t sleep on the mountain or ate green egg & ham like Sam I am…I can’t for the life of me fathom why anyone would sleep with Bear to begin with!
I knew it was fake, how many people do you know that would live like that when they have hundreds of thousands of dollars sitting in the bank. I mean really. Someone stated that we all knew and I think she was right. I did hear the family is pretty terrible though. Which is sad as the image they portray as happy, loving, simple and pure family just ain’t there. I personally think at first they were but, then money, fame and greed bite them in the butt and their lives changed forever!!!
Yuck, I know! He’s mentally maybe 7 years old, and just a deadbeat manchild. I mean, there isn’t enough alcohol, drugs or money in the world for me to even consider sleeping with that gross garden gnome!