‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Chelsea Houska Reveals Her Fourth Baby’s Gender & Discusses How She’s Managing Her Anxiety Through This Pregnancy

“Are we having a Barbara or a Butch?”

Break out the giant baby bows!

Chelsea Houska— who recently announced she’s expecting her fourth child— revealed on Friday that she and husband Cole DeBoer will soon be welcoming a baby girl!

In a photo posted to Instagram, the Teen Mom 2 star and her family (which includes daughters Aubree and Layne and son Watson) are shown standing in front of the new house they’re building, celebrating as pink streamers are released!

“Baby…..GIRL!” Chelsea wrote in the caption of the photo. 

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Baby…….GIRL!!!!!! . . . ?: @bayaraephotography

A post shared by Chelsea DeBoer (@chelseahouska) on

Cole posted the same photo, along with the caption, “So in love!” 

Chelsea stated on Instagram that she found out the baby’s gender so early through a blood test.

Chelsea and Cole have indicated that this baby will be the “grand finale”; however Chelsea stated in Instagram comments earlier this week that there may be another DeBoer after this one.

“This little babe will probably complete the fam!” Chelsea told one of her followers. “I mean, I’m 98.5% sure but maybe we’ll get a wild hair in like 5 years, who knows!”

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Hiiiii little babe ?

A post shared by Chelsea DeBoer (@chelseahouska) on

Chelsea also addressed her anxiety—- a topic covered during the last season of ‘Teen Mom 2’— and how her pregnancy is affecting it.

“In the past I was sooo hard on myself for breastfeeding or not,” Chelsea said. “This time I feel confident just knowing I want to do what’s best for my mental health and that baby will be fine either way! 

“I’m gonna start off nursing but if it gets to the point it was last time, I’m not going to be too hard on myself and [I’ll] do what’s best for my mental health,” she continued. “But honestly after I stopped breastfeeding Layne my anxiety got 3000% better. So I’m not sure if it was related to those hormones and everything that goes along with nursing but I’ve been feeling great and feel good knowing what to look for postpartum this go around.”

Chelsea has stated that Baby No. 4 is due in early 2021.

Chelsea, Cole and the whole DeBoer gang (and the other ‘Teen Mom 2’ gals) will be back on our TVs starting September 1. Click here to watch the Season 10 trailer! 

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Chelsea Houska Announces She’s Pregnant With Her Fourth Child

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

25 Responses

  1. She needs to get off the show, and live life in private less stress on her and her baby voiced hubby, she’s so boring

  2. I think since breastfeeding is the absolute best for a baby we as mothers owe them at least the effort of trying to do it. If it doesn’t work out it’s fine, baby won’t die from being fed with formula but it doesn’t replace the benefits of their mother’s milk regarding antibodies and such.

    1. Or, and this is a crazy thought, you can breastfeed your baby and I can bottle feed mine straight from birth, and you can mind your fucking business. Mom shaming is such bullshit.

  3. I have watched this show since the beginning. IMO, Chelsea always gets the best edits. Maybe I am too cynical but her relationship with Cole is just “too perfect”. She is Teen Mom’s, great success story. I’m more interest in Brianna and Jade. I can relate to those relationships better.

  4. I don’t even like Chelsea, personality wise. I think her voice is annoying and she tries too hard. Despite her not being my cup of tea, I think her family life is adorable and I actually think she’s the only one who’s come out from the other side of Teen Mom as a success story.

    She kicked a loser to the curb and doesn’t let him affect her daughters life, she has found a wonderful partner and gone on to build a beautiful home and have children that she obviously loves and adores. Even if I’m not a fan of her as a person, she’s doing right by her kids and used Teen Mom to her advantage to give them everything they need and want. Can’t ask for more than that.

    And as for breastfeeding? Mom of 2 here who has suffered from anxiety all of my life. I knew from the minute I was pregnant that breastfeeding wasn’t possible. The constant worry of whether they were actually being nourished and how much they needed and how much my body could produce….yeah not worth it. No regrets. Both my kids are happy and healthy despite not breastfeeding, and I wish more women could be open about the fact it’s not for everyone and that’s precisely why we have formula….

  5. When I had my daughter, I was on the fence about breastfeeding, which my doctor and nurses were really understanding about. When my daughter was a few hours old, she had to be transported to a NICU due to her possibly having seizures. The NICU nurse that came as part of the transport team handed me a breast pump and a cooler and told me that I owed it to my daughter to breastfeed, so I needed to start pumping. One of my regular nurses warned me not to be bullied into this by anyone, but I still tried pumping. I wasn’t having much luck producing anything, when a lactation consultant called to speak to me. I told her about my initial misgivings about breastfeeding and she was so sweet to me! She told me we’d go with formula and that that was fine; stop stressing myself out about it, the important part was that my daughter was getting what she needed, and it didn’t matter if it came from formula or from breast milk.

    I really wish more women had the kind of support I got from the lactation consultant, and not the attitude I got from the first NICU nurse. I see so many women making themselves sick (mentally and physically) just trying to breastfeed, and that’s not what their babies need, either. I applaud those who work at it, and find a way to make it work, but it’s really okay to walk away, also.

  6. I don’t know why moms are so hard on themselves if breastfeeding doesn’t work out. The expectation from society lately (and other mommies especially) to breastfeed is borderline abusive. I fully admit I got caught up in it myself when my son was born in March 2019, I was borderline obsessed with breastfeeding him, and even when he dropped from 6lb8oz to 5lb10oz before my milk ever came in, (which it never really did, not to the point that I got engorged or hard boobs) we were forced to supplement because his pediatrician was uncomfortable at him losing so much weight. They made me stop breastfeeding and start pumping so we would know exactly what he was getting. I’d sit tethered to the pump 8-10 times a day, not even pumping enough to cover the bottom of the bottom of the bottle most times. But I persisted. I scoured the internet until I found out about this medication called Domperidone, which was banned in the US in 2004-5 by the fda because it was being used off label too much by lactating mothers. I found a way to buy it online and it was a wonder drug! It’s a stomach ulcer/Gastro paresis driv, but it also raises prolactin levels, which is the milk making hormone. I went from making a couple ounces a day to about 20 a day. I was strictly pumping at this point, and bottle feeding.. occasionally in the middle of the night he’d nurse so I wouldn’t have to pump. Sorry I went on a tangent lol… it’s just I so understand what Chelsea probably went through with Layne. It absolutely made my postpartum depression worse, which I was finally medicated for when my son was 5 months old. He’s finally off the damn boobie milk though, thank god!

  7. To be honest, anxiety is one of the reasons why I don’t want children. It is over the roof about things concerning me, I can’t imagine being so afraid for a child too.

    1. Exactly, I would hate people thinking it’s ok to touch me while pregnant. I also would hate to think I was doing something wrong and unknowingly messing up the child. But there are also babynappers and kidnappers too.

      We all know breastfeeding is ideal (colostrum the very least) but it would be stressful and there are horror scenarios I’ve read about. I did two semesters in school of mom baby and pediatrics but I can’t do it in real life or for work. I have dealt with a range of issues adult wise (for work), and am good at it. But babies give me anxiety.

      In reference to the article I can see where Chelsea’s coming from.

  8. I didn’t recognise Aubree in the picture at first, I thought it was some random friend. She’s nearly the same height as Chelsea.

  9. I’m always a little confused as to why they keep showing their new house, if the robbery was what triggered her anxiety storyline….but I hope her postpartum and breastfeeding is better this time for her.

    1. Yes it’s a little strange. She has a whole Instagram dedicated to it. I’m guessing the contractor is building it for free or heavily discounted for the exposure.

    2. That’s a really good point, why are they showing the lay out? Maybe they’re banking on a super alarm system. That will cause more frustration than they know. We did that when we were buying our house , you could upgrade certain things, change colors of things, etc. we upgraded the alarm , first time the wind blew too hard at 3am.. Master bedroom window ajar!!!
      We all know she’s going to have a gorgeous home, might be time to stop all the photos.
      I recall her saying one time that she had people stop and knock on her door because they recognized the house . She doesn’t need anything going on like that with her anxiety and being pregnant too.

  10. Honestly so much of my postpartum anxiety came from breastfeeding. I absolutely hated it and dreaded it and was so uncomfortable in my own body for about 4-5 months. Luckily I feel tons better now (got better around 6 months) and am having no issues breastfeeding until she’s a year old and possibly longer.
    No one tells you how hard breastfeeding is (okay maybe they do and I just didn’t understand until I was in the thick of it).

    1. Absolutely such a commitment to breastfeed. I also did not realize what a struggle it would be. My anxiety and depression improved once I stopped BFing. I think it was a combination of the lack of family support, no help with the baby, and exhaustion that led me to just say “I need to just buy the formula and make it ahead of time, refrigerate& be done with it”.

    2. I think there is so much outside pressure to breastfeed. I absolutely loved nursing my boys (after some practice), but it isn’t for everyone (and certainly isn’t always easy). I remember when my oldest was only about two weeks old, I was sitting on the kitchen floor crying while holding an unopened can of formula; exhausted with my breasts engorged and chaffed from this tiny little cluster feeding newborn thinking I would be a failure if I fed him the contents of that can. Lol It is disheartening to see people forcing their personal beliefs on others, and like your situation leaves mothers feeling depressed, uncomfortable, and often times suffering in silence. I am glad that you’re feeling so much better now ❤️

    3. I just had my first daughter in May and its been a crazy few months going from breastfeeding to exclusively pumping. Postpartum depression is a demon and breastfeeding is no joke.

  11. I think it’s so cool you can find the gender out so early now. Medical advancements have come such a long way considering ultrasounds haven’t even been around that long in the grand scope of things. My ex husband found out the gender of his last child the same way.

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