‘Sister Wives’ Star Gwendlyn Brown Reveals She’s Bisexual; Says She Hates “Cult-y” Christians

“Finally some Brown Family news that doesn’t include the words ‘Coyote Pass!'”

After recently showing her support on social media for LGBTQ rights, 18-year-old Gwendlyn Brown, daughter of Sister Wives stars Kody and Christine Brown, has added “raging bisexual” to her Twitter bio – a move supported by her family and friends. 

The topic of Gwendlyn’s bisexuality was brought up to her older sister Mykelti on Facebook Live this week, The Sun reports, when a fan asked if she was “super proud of Gwen for coming out as bisexual.” 

“Of course I am,” Mykelti responded. 

On Wednesday, Gwendlyn congratulated “everyone who somehow found [her] Twitter,” revealing that she planned to changed her username and remove her last name to make it harder for more people to find her. 

“You’re all welcome to stay though,” she added. 

A couple of Gwendlyn’s followers responded to her tweet to show their support. 

“I was delighted to see your twitter bio and happy to follow,” one wrote, while another person tweeted a heart emoji. 

In response to one of the articles claiming she had officially “come out,” as bisexual, Gwendlyn provided some clarity. 

“‘Comes out’ … I was never ‘in,’” she tweeted. 


As fans of ‘Sister Wives’ know, the Browns are Apostolic United Brethren – a fundamentalist Mormon sect – and while their religion doesn’t believe in same-sex marriage, the Brown family does. 

Back in 2017, Kody and Meri Brown’s daughter Mariah came out as gay during an episode of the show and in a later episode, the wives discussed their support for the 25-year-old, who is now engaged to Audrey Kriss. 

“When Mariah came out, it was a bit of a shock to me,” Meri said on the show. “I’m really glad that I had experiences in my life that I was open to that, because I see so many families reject their kids or other family members when they come out as gay. I can’t imagine rejecting my daughter and not knowing who she is, like, who she truly is, and knowing her and Audrey together.” 

“I like being part of their life, I like being able to see it,” Christine added. “Coming from the background that we come from and the church that we come from, if we were just to follow… I don’t even want to finish the thought. I think it’s so horrible to think about rejecting your kids for who they are. I don’t even want to finish the thought. It just makes me nauseous.” 

Last year, Gwendlyn announced she would not follow in the plural-wife footsteps of her parents, claiming she “would get jealous too easily.” 

This week she expressed more of her feelings about the family’s religion on social media, tweeting, “As a Christian, everyday I hate Christians more and more.” In a followup post, Gwendlyn revealed she had received a DM about the tweet from someone who admitted to being “transphobic, homophobic, and misogynistic.” 

“Some Karen dmed me about this and she was the quintessential kind of Christian I’m talking about here,” Gwendlyn wrote. “Like very cult-y behavior, insanely childish and *finally* admitted she was transphobic, homophobic, and misogynistic.” 

RELATED STORY: ’Sister Wives’ Star Mykelti Brown Reveals Brown Family Siblings “Aren’t Close”; Confirms Marital Issues Between Kody & Meri Are Real

(Photos: Instagram; Twitter) 

15 Responses

  1. She has said she hasn’t dated and doesn’t have anyone who she is interested in or who is interested in her atm. So I find it hard to believe she genuinely understands her sexuality at this point.

    1. Did you need to sample sleeping with people of various genders before determining your sexuality?

      No judgement if you did, except for universalizing that experience.

      But most of us quite were overtly trained and received near-constant subconscious reinforcement to be attracted to members of the [presumed] opposite sex from the moment we’re born (or earlier, if we have sicko parents who have genital reveal parties).

      Because of this, most heterosexual people never have to question their sexuality, as the images of the cuteness of their proximity to a family friend of another gender at age three, forever captioned in a photo album as girlfriend and boyfriend, or the constant barrage of questions about whether she likes any of the boys in her junior high, or the parent’s fantasies of when she goes to prom or gets married, or a quiz in Cosmo about what kind of guy she should date, or the whole range of well-meaning adults inflicting their picket-fence ideals on what a happy future looks like, align in at least a most general sense with her orientation.

      So, while, if anyone SHOULD be questioning if they’re really the sexuality they claim or have just been so overloaded by messaging that suggests they are and just don’t have the experience to know otherwise, it’s heterosexuals, but, oddly enough, except when someone’s gender presentation doesn’t neatly match the dominant binary, it’s rare to see one’s internal life so summarily erased or dismissed like that.

      Yet, when someone manages to cut through all of the noise telling them they are or will be someone they’re not, expecting them, as Gwyndylyn impressively calls out, to “come out” as gay or bi or anything if not the default if cis straight, complete strangers have no problem disbelieving her confidently self-proffessed understanding of who she is.

      Is it impossible that self-identity won’t change over time? Of course not. Plenty of people don’t recognize their sexuality until they’re decades into their lives, which may include sexual and/or romantic partners. Others know before they have language to describe it. Others realize once they unpack all of the general societal conditioning to which we’ve been exposed our entire lives. For some people, attraction to a specific person or people may be the impetus for this. For others, it’s more abstract. And, if she goes on to have crushed on relationships with or random sex with only women or only men or a perfect 50/50 split, she still may identify as bi, if that’s her “genuine understanding of her sexuality.” That’s pretty much the definition of her genuine understanding of it: she defined it based in how she understands her feelings, not how a stranger interprets her actions.

      Most of us were raised to believe that a monogamous relationship is the norm and what we should want (albeit with “cheating” being a frequent part of these monogamous relationships). And most of us go on to repeatand presumably desire similar relationship arrangements.
      Others recognize that a polyamorous relationship better fits them.
      Interestingly, the Brown kids were explicitly raised to view a polygamous relationship as God’s plan, although with at least lip service paid to their parents’ being ok with whatever they chose. And, from what we know so far, none of them has chosen to follow what was modeled for them in that regard. Indeed, it doesn’t appear any of them has even tried a polygamous or even polyamorous relationship.

      Would you suggest that maybe they don’t really genuinely understand which they’d prefer yet, having not given it a chance, or at least the younger ones who haven’t been in a relationship but claim they only want one partner? How could they know without having been interested in a partner or partners yet? To genuinely understand our sexuality, at age 18, do we need to try out realtionships with people who identify as different genders, same genders, non-binary, trans, and then monogamous and polyamorous arrangements of all of the above?

      Personally,I’m not going to judge someone if they want to try out dozens of varieties of sexually and/or romantic relationships as long as everyone involved is aware and consenting, but I can’t see why the statement of an adult isn’t enough to believe her that that’s her sexual or romantic orientation or preference, nor do I understand especially why anyone would want to police the expression of a young woman who was raised in a religion where women’s sexuality is, generally, policed well beyond that already done by mainstream culture.

      Probably the sole positive thing I’ll say about the Browns is that they have granted their children far greater space and acceptance to find their own path than their religion seemed to dictate they should, but I think much of that openness came over time, and I while I find the views Paedon espouses repugnant, I can see the path that led to him to them. Yours? Are similarly, at best, ignorant, but I can’t figure out the reasoning behind them nor why you’d express them about a young woman who’s probably had on average less than an hour of screentime a year and is, even in the most generous edited reality show character sense, a stranger but a human being who is newly adult and, after spending her childhood bring dragged into the public eye’s peripheral vision, is–like every other person her age* in the country and most of the world–getting a bum deal to what should have been her first year as an individual and not one of her father’s litter I don’t get your point, regardless, but, if your goal isn’t to understand, maybe have some grace?

      If, in a few years, she posts a retraction and says, “Hey, those strangers on the Internet and my homophobic brother were right about me; I didn’t genuinely understand my sexuality and confused my wanting to bang and build relationships with men and my wanting to have platonic female friends for being comparable desires, and I was wrong and apologize to both the bi communities and the proscriptive and policing heterosexuals and like-minded folk who magically knew my own mind and body better than I did. I wish I had paid better attention to your prophetic wisdom before I carelessly tweeted something that, unlike most 18 year olds, I could not understand at that age, but thank you for weighing in on my identity back when I didn’t lack the confidence to question it,” I will sincerely apologize for failing to acknowledge your clairvoyant, if still unnecessary, statements.

      *Assuming she was one of the ones set to start college this year; if I’m off, my apologies.

  2. This once again proves that statistically it is almost impossible to have a large amount of children and not have one child that is LGBTQI. It’s very normal, a percentage of all of us are born LGBTQI and there’s nothing wrong with that, that’s just how nature creates us.
    I pitty the Duggar kids and I’m not thinking about just Jana.

  3. Good for the Browns for supporting their kids, no matter what!! Not a fan of the Browns, at all, but other than encouraging their kids give birth in front of the whole family, in the family bathtub, on TV, they sound very supportive in their major life choices.

  4. For the record—these guys are in no way associated with Mormons, or Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (as we prefer to be called). We abolished polygamy in 1890. When polygamy was prohibited there were groups who opted to leave the church and stay polygamists. These groups are no longer associated in any way with Mormons.

    I truly don’t want this to turn into a whole religious debate. I hope my comment will be taken as intended—merely as a point of clarification.

    1. And as a Christian who does her best (but often fails, as you do), I believe God loves *all* of His children—and He’s asked me to love all of them, too. So simple. So hard.

    2. They aren’t a part of the Members of The Church of Christ and Latter Day Saints, but they are definitely Mormon. They are simply a different denomination following the teachings of Moroni, Joseph Smith, and Brigham Young. Your church, though it represents the large majority of Mormons, does not have a monopoly on use of the term “Mormon”.

  5. I don’t watch the show often, but just from this article and the last one about her siblings fighting, she seems annoying as hell. Also, you know your candidate sucks when you’re literally telling people to just “settle” for him. ?

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