Former “16 and Pregnant” Star Lori Wickelhaus Arrested on Child P0rn Charges: Facing 20 Counts of Viewing or Possessing Inappropriate Matter

Lori Wickelhaus has gone from 16 and Pregnant to 28 and in BIG TROUBLE!

Lori— who starred on Season 2 of the MTV show alongside Teen Mom 2 stars Kail Lowry, Chelsea Houska and Leah Messer— was arrested on August 24 in Campbell County, Kentucky, and charged with a whopping 20 counts of possessing or viewing matter portraying a sexual performance by a minor. 

Starcasm obtained the police report, which was mostly redacted. However, it did provide a synopsis of the events that took place before Lori’s arrest.

According to the report, the county’s police department received a Cybertip from the Kentucky State Police Internet Crimes Against Task Force that was originally submitted by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. The tip came in after an unknown person uploaded photos that showed illicit child images to a Dropbox account. From there, a search began in March of Lori’s computers and phone, and she was indicted on August 13 and arrested earlier this week. 

The Sun — who was the first to break the news of Lori’s arrest — reports that the images in question were found on an iPhone and white chrome laptop PC.

Lori was released on a cash bond of $10,000 and is due to be arraigned in a Kentucky courtroom on September 8 at noon.

In her mugshot, Lori looks incredibly disturbed and obviously had been crying. 


Fans of “16 and Pregnant” will most likely remember Lori’s episode, which was one of the most heartbreaking of the entire series. During the episode, Lori and her then-boyfriend Corey Haskett struggled with their decision to place their baby boy for adoption. Lori— who was adopted herself— eventually decided on an open adoption and placed her son, Aiden (who was born in December 2009) with his adoptive family at the end of the episode.

Lori opened up years later about how hard the period of time following Aiden’s adoption was for her. 

“[I] fell into a downward spiral,” Lori said in a video filmed in 2012 about Lori’s stay at Q&A Associates, a transitional program for young adults in West Virginia. “I had no dreams, I had no goals, I didn’t care what happened day to day,” 

After graduating from the program, Lori met a man named Joey and they became engaged. They went on to welcome a daughter, Rylynn in 2013 and a son, Logan, in 2014, before breaking up. 

It is unknown if Lori’s two children are currently with her.

In 2018, Lori was arrested twice in one week. Her first arrest, in January, came with a charge of “Theft by Deception” for writing bad checks and failing to appear in court. She was arrested again days later for once again failing to appear in court. 

One of Lori’s impressive mugshot from 2018…

Since then, though, she does not appear to have been in trouble with the law. 

The Ashley has reached out to Lori’s baby daddy, Cory, who had “no comment” on Lori’s arrest. She has also reached out to several family members of Lori’s, who have yet to respond to The Ashley’s comment request. 

Since news of her arrest broke, Lori has deleted her social media accounts. 

Nikkole Paulun, who starred on the second season of “16 and Pregnant” with Lori, expressed her disgust at Lori’s alleged actions.

“Yep she’s cancelled,” Nikkole tweeted this week, along with a link to Starcasm‘s article about Lori, and a vomiting emoji. 

The Ashley will update this story when more info is available.

(Photo: MTV; Campbell County; Twitter)

44 Responses

  1. Girl really Lori why u did this and wheres allies 16 and pregnant episode at cant find hers anymore it says has been removed and i cant even watch 16 and pregnant asia anymore its niw been removed from the internet whats goin on here anybody???

  2. Most likely scenario is that she’s hooked on drugs, desperately needs money and sold her own children’s naked photos for easy $$$. Disgusting. If I ever got to a situation where I was broke af I would go and sell MY body and would never ever get close to even thinking about exploiting my children. What a monster. So much for that catholic school her parents were so proud of.

  3. Honestly she had the most awful adoptive parents forcing her to give up her child. That woman was barren for a reason she didn’t have the heart to be a mother. I don’t know exactly what she did and obviously it’s horrible but the girl came from the most screwed up family dynamic possible.

    1. Why should they be burdened with raising their child’s child? Why should their retirement years be put on hold for another 18 years? Because, 99% of the ‘mothers’ on 16nP, their parents were doing the parenting, and the financial part too. These two were just giving it to her straight, as hard as it was to watch. Their child-rearing days were almost over as Lori was in her late teens at the time, I think 17.

      1. Because anyone who has been a mother knows how excruciating it would be to be separated from a child you have carried and given birth to. It is emotionally crushing. You can see how it has played out in Catelynn. No real mother would force her daughter to go through that especially when she would probably only need help for a couple years and would then be on her own. You don’t give away or kill family members because they aren’t convenient. When you decide to become a parent you take on the responsibility knowing that everything may not go according to your perfect plans but that you will still be there for your child no matter what. Lori’s mother isn’t actually a mother. She didn’t bond with Lori in the same way that a woman who carries a child does which is why she was heartless enough to tell he to just give away not only her child but the only flesh and blood relative she had. Those people were sickeningly cruel and heartless.

        1. I AM a mother, thank you very much. Adoptive mothers are absolutely mothers. I’d dare you to tell an adoptive mother that ‘they’re not really a mother.’ because she didn’t carry the child for 9 months and push her out of her vagina (or have a C section.) We know nothing about Lori, except she’s now an accused pedophile. Her parents may have been privy to some behaviors that the show didn’t document, or producers weren’t aware of, that they knew she wasn’t fit to be a mother. Fast forward 10-11 years, thank GOD she placed the child for adoption, because it doesn’t seem like Lori’s life has been too stable since placing her baby for adoption. Her child would be crucified at school for having a ‘pedophile mom.’
          Honestly, I think the only reason Cate regrets placing Carly for adoption is that because of TM, they would have been able to provide well for her. But I can guarantee if they didn’t have money from the show, and were living in a trailer, working dead end jobs, chain smoking and smoking weed all day (like they already do) they wouldn’t have regretted it nearly as much.

        2. I’m adopted me. Screw you for implying my mom doesn’t love me as much as a biological parent.

  4. I grew up watching these girls and I remember her episode very clearly. There was something I really disliked in her and I didn’t like the attitude she had towards the adoptive parents. Anything to do with abusing children is unforgivable and I hope she gets everything she deserves.

  5. What a sick fuck. Child porn, abuse or molestation to me, are the absolute worst crimes that you can commit, and I don’t understand why there aren’t harsher punishments for it. Needs to be automatic death penalty IMO. No cure for being a pervert.

    1. Yeah I always wondered why there is a ‘statute of limitations ‘ on such crimes… There should be NO such thing when you commit a heinous crime against a child. Especially considering it usually takes them years to come to terms with or even realize what happened to them

      1. If they are charging her with felony counts there’s no statute in the state of Kentucky, unless they’ve recently made major changes, that’s doubtful.
        This sounds like a pretty secure case , obviously they have some hard evidence if they’re withholding detail.
        They nabbed her in plenty of time , that’s usually the problem with the statute, time ran out before enough evidence was available. In the instance a case would be dismissed for lack of evidence, the state will ask for it to be dismissed without prejudice, this allows more time to collect evidence and reopen the case.

        As disgusting as this is , I’m not shocked. Back in the 16 and pregnant days I thought that’s when MTV was really displaying a lesson . They must have really shifted through looking for the worst , almost all of them have now been exposed for doing the raunchiest things, at nearly 30!

  6. Hard to tell – but it sort of sounds like she was selling pictures of her children – she uploaded the images, didn’t download them. I pray her children are taken away from her and she is never allowed near any other children ever again.

    1. I have a relative serving time for viewing CP. and no, we don’t speak. However, looking at her charges I would guess that she was likely sexting or something of that nature with someone who was underage. That doesn’t make it any better. My relative actually possessed CP images of his step daughters that were pre-school aged at that time, so needless to say they threw the fucking book at him. Looking at her charges, I don’t think she would have been selling images of her own children but that’s just my guess.

      1. Just another FYI, he was given NO bond because of the nature of his crimes. So if she has a bond, I would think it wasn’t younger children like 12 & under but again that’s just my guess.

      2. While I’m sure it would be comforting to believe the charge was for a (comparatively) innocent act like sexting with a teenaged minor, the Dropbox tip suggests her conduct was much more insidious. Teenagers don’t sext through Dropbox.

    2. I’m kind of confused. She uploaded pictures of minor children being abused in her Dropbox or someone took pics of her abusing minor children or she was abusing her own kids and taking pics of it? It’s all horrendous no matter what.

      1. From this article, she was either having sex ( or sexing) with a minor OR she has minors portraying sexual acts in her possession. She doesn’t have to be part of the act to be charged. I’m assuming that this goes way beyond just naked pictures. It clearly reads portraying sexual acts , it also says the police report was redacted, meaning there’s evidence they don’t want leaked right now , they don’t want to say too much .
        As of now, we don’t know who’s kids or how old .. basically no good details, not yet.

        1. Nowhere in any of the articles I’ve read does it imply that she was having sex with or sexting with a minor. She was in possession of child p0rn! BIG difference.

          1. It’s says portraying sexual ACTS, that’s more than just naked pictures , and that’s what I said.

  7. Wtf!!!!!
    Disgusting pos, i hope her and anyother kids are kept far away from her.
    She should be in prison.

  8. Her adoptive parents should just have settled for the “shame” of having an unmarried mother as a daughter. I wonder if they like this actual shame better? I always knew that the trauma that Lori went through when her parents shamed her and forced her to give up her only blood family would backfire catastrophically.

  9. Her adoptive parents should just have settled for the “shame” of having an unmarried mother as a daughter. I wonder if they like this actual shame better? I have always known that the trauma that Lori went trough when her parents shamed her and forced her to place her only blood family up for adoption would backfire catastrophically.

    1. We could also look at it like this is just one child that’s safe now. Lori blamed her issues on the adoption but to me there’s no excuse for something like this.

    1. Who knows if he was in any way involved too, though? I hope the cops are properly investigating the whole home.

  10. Who the hell paid the bail for her?! Even with a bondsman, Someone has to put up a percentage. While I felt for the girl in her episode, as it was apparent she was forced into giving the baby up. I recently rewatched season 2, what winners we’ve got on that season. Jenelle (need I say more?), pregnancy and stillbirth faking Nikkole Paulun (all for money from radar online for a set of fake tits) and now this disgusting pig child predator. Hope she’s allowed nowhere near her children. Wether they were victims or not.

  11. Not defending her but she is definitely special. I think it was discussed on her episode that she has a diminished mental capacity in some form.

    Child p0rnography is repulsive and deserves significant punishment. Even if her kids weren’t victimized (man, I hope she wasn’t exploiting her own children), they are certainly victims in this situation. They will have no mother in their lives and will always have to carry the weight of her actions. Prayers for her children, her parents, family, and, of course, the victimized children in the photos.

  12. WTF- people on here talkin about Nikkole comments.. this story is about this girl being a PEDO!!! She is a vile disgusting human being if this is true. She needs to be in jail for LIFE and far away from children. If you disagree then you are a sick, demented, satanist yourself. If your ok with sex with children then seek help immediately. I don’t know what else to say I’m speechless.

    1. Nikkole is so thirsty it’s not even funny anymore. It’s just sad. How long do you think before she basically forces in MTV to give her a spot in one of the Teen Mom franchises?! She has a psycho for an ex, multiple baby daddies, she would fit right in!

      1. Yup she’s pathetic and even has MTV in her Insta handle – girl you were on ONE episode of 16&P… 10 fucking years ago.

  13. Ive always thought something was off about this one.

    Like she’s slow or something but shes definitely not all there.

  14. Ugh shut up Nikkole, you faked a whole pregnancy before that’s disgusting asf too. I hope the pics weren’t of her kids. SMH.

  15. Where does MTV find these people?! Repulsive! And, why is she out on bail? 20 counts of child pornography, I hope her two kids aren’t with her. What a nasty piece of shit.

  16. This is disgusting. It’s hard enough to try to understand when it’s a man, but I’ll never comprehend how a woman/mother can do this.

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