It’s been two years since Debra “Debz OG” Danielsen (and her daughter Farrah Abraham) were booted from Teen Mom OG, but the rhyme-spitting granny says she’s still open to making a comeback, despite Farrah’s forced exit from the show.
In fact, Debra told Heavy that aside from bestowing her sick rhymes upon the world, returning to television is her main goal, especially if that means returning to ‘Teen Mom OG.’
“I know that sounds kind of odd, but the reason I say that is we all started together,” she explained. “We kicked off the franchise. It was about us, right? And so we became a family, and we would always have holidays together because that’s the way the network was going at that time. So I do miss everybody. I miss the girls. I miss the kids and I miss the producers, too.”

Debra did not comment on whether Farrah, who was fired from the show in 2017, misses the cast and crew, as well. However, I think we all know the answer to that one…

As for the possibility of Farrah agreeing to a ‘Teen Mom OG’ comeback, (assuming she were ever asked to return, that is) Debra seems to be a Trekkie optimistic.
“I think we would all go back to ‘Teen Mom’ if we could,” she said. “I’m going to put this in terms that are probably hilarious. But, you know, it reminds me of Spock from ‘Star Trek.’ I think we need to have a Vulcan mind-meld to get things going here. It’s like we can’t get people to see eye to eye and … there are good people on each side.”

If she’s unable to find a good connection in the props department, Debra has a backup plan: get the ‘Teen Mom OG’ producers in a room with Farrah to “hammer this b*tch out and fix it.”
“ … We’re going to be smarter than this issue and put all the ego outside the door and let’s just get smart here and do what’s right,” she added.

Debra said without Farrah on the show, ‘Teen Mom OG’ is seriously lacking and “needs to be reformatted.”
“My daughter is the only one who has gone on and who has the vision to do professional development to the point where she can actually go out and be self-sufficient,” she continued. “She’s the only one not continuing to reproduce. So she takes it very seriously that she wants to be empowered as a female and to be self-sufficient.”
If going back to ‘Teen Mom OG’ isn’t an option, Debra said she still wants to return to reality TV, preferably with Farrah and Farrah’s daughter, Sophia.
“I think between the three of us, there really isn’t anybody doing that kind of stuff we’re doing as a family,” she said. “There’s none of that. And I really think that we have a cool story and I really think we have content that people would be interested in.”
RELATED STORY: New Audio Features Farrah Abraham’s 11-Year-Old Daughter Sophia Begging Her Not to “Expose” & “Embarrass” Her in the Press Anymore
(Photos: Instagram; YouTube; MTV)
30 Responses
shes doing a Fans Only sight now on which she will pee or shit on camera for you for a small fee.Serious.
Your bitch of a daughter didnt have another child, because no man wants to deal woth her for 18 years.
Its not because she is being responsible, its because no man wants to bareback it, because shes a crazy idiotoc moron.
Fo you embarrasing old fool.
Oh no no no….I cant stand them
If they come back I swear I will NEVER watch the show ever again. There weird, bitchy and now the kid Devil is older n acting like a big snooty doofus big shot. The cast wont want them. So how off and make your own show ladies, we dont need migraines returning. Farrah’s has done some low class nasty stuff w people her daughter shouldnt have been around…plus body work done in front of Sophia. That child is doomed! Derricks family should’ve fought for custody years ago!!! Derrick wouldnt be proud!
Farrah has said numerous times that the production staff was misogynistic, abusive and keeping ‘good women down’. She claimed it was a toxic work environment and especially dangerous for her young daughter who was being exposed to production’s reckless and hateful editing. Farrah further said the whole show was ‘fake’ and did not portray reality for any of the girls and that only Farrah’s story was real. I don’t see how she could consider going back with all that going on.
While Farrah has not had anymore children—that’s really not the point of the show’s message. It was portraying the choices teen moms make and the consequences of those choices. So while she had no more children, there are still many lessons that she did not learn, that the other girls managed to skate away from—primarily the porn industry. While we may judge someone like Kail who has had a couple of children while involved in a toxic relationship, Kail has managed to stay away from porn and the degrading and harmful messages it brings with it. Kail is supporting herself and her children without having to film herself with her fist up her fanny on live video with her kids sleeping in the next room. I am not porn shaming, so much as pointing out that Farrah has not had an easy journey, despite the window dressing she presents to the world. She was not a successive business woman—all three of her businesses failed, and failed big. Her Inc award was not for any of her businesses, though depending on which business you’re talking about she’ll claim it was the one that won the award. She didn’t even own the businesses along enough to qualify. She used her LLC that all her porn money was in, as an umbrella for the three stores. It was her porn money that made her portfolio seem bigger/successful.
Farrah’s story continues to be one of the saddest stories because Farrah still hasn’t learned the consequences of her behavior and continues to groom Sophia for a journey towards the porn industry. I think many of us would have rather seen her in a loving relationship that ended with another child, then to see her on the self-destructive path her mother obviously can’t admit is real.
No please don’t. I have no interest in seeing either you or farrahs delusions and how rude she is to producers. Or how entitled you both think you are. The trash that Farrah has put out there is disgusting and I hope her daughter never has to see it.
My wife and daughter both say that the show has become very boring, but to bring back Farrah and her family isn’t the answer, they say it’s time to close up the show and for everyone to move on with their lives. I the show has become too scripted and they’d like to think these people can’t be this stupid.
Delusion dropped of the tree and didn’t even roll.
How is it possible that these people are so detached from reality?
NO DO NOT want to see your family on teen mom or any other show..You people are so messed up..
Is she still with that weirdo dr boyfriend ? What happened to the dad? I believe he remarried a normal person… & her sister does she talk to any of the family? I’d be interested in “behind the scenes” type show interview sister & see what that crazy ass house was like growing up
I would watch that as well. As long as dumb & dummy get ZERO money. I bet she has some stories.
Don’t care what she or the offspring are up to.
Farrah hasn’t had another child because you can’t get pregnant from getting it in the back door.
Stay lit
Someone’s desperate for attention.
?? Phoebe on Friends “my eyes, my eyes”. ??
Some of the girls that get pregnant again got pregnant by their husband! The only reason why Farrah hasn’t is because NO ONE wants to be with her
If you are craving soup, are you hungry or thirsty?
stay lit Deb OG
You have some much to be proud of DebzOG. A daughter who not only sells videos of her asshole, she can’t even spell the word! Top class parenting right there.
Why pay you to be on TV when we see you act a fool for free on social media?
Anyone buy that Farrah video of her dropping a deuce, busting a grumpy, laying some wolf bait, taking a Kail, leave some gorilla fingers, burning a mule? How was it?
stay lit
The nonsensical word salad doesn’t fall far from the tree.
I think I can do without watching Farrah talk down to people (you and Michael included) every week. How she treated the crew alone was enough to give me anxiety everytime I watched. But thank you for offering.
Go away – you are fucking pathetic. Ur daughter is discusting and delusional.
Yes, Deb…Farrah might be the only one who hasn’t reproduced, but she is also the only one who got so desperate for fame and attention, not to mention Farrah has this weird obsession with becoming the next Kim K, that she recorded herself taking it in her back door for all to see.
The only reason we look up for a second when Farrah’s name is mentioned, it’s because we are hoping one of two things:
1. That she has FINALLY decided to act like a normal human person, and tell us that everything she has done and said in the past 9 years(I consider her 16 & Pregnant episode the REAL her), was all bullshit, and she is ready to stop being a fucking weirdo and act right.
2. That she is finally having to answer for the terrible way she has clearly treated people, especially those who she believes work for her, or are “lower” than her. Oh what an apology tour that would be!
2b. Also, although I do believe she loves Sophia, do the right thing and put her in real school, with real kids her age.
oh, and just stop sticking so much up your butt and being one, it’s not that hard.
Someone is broke & needs a big’ol Mtv paycheck. hahaha
Pray for Sophia that poor child does not have 1 good / or sane person in her life.
Debra, your daughter is a whore. It’s not as if she is a successful business woman. That is nothing to look up to or aspire to become. Pretty much anyone can do it. It doesn’t take any talent whatsoever, just a few open holes. It’s good money and STD’s for life. I don’t blame you for loving your daughter but I certainly wouldn’t be talking up the virtues of her so-called “ca-rear.” ???. If it weren’t for all the slimey scum balls out there, she wouldn’t even have (or give) a job! You taught her well!
❤️ the Ca-rear ?