Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Reveals Nathan Griffith & David Eason Now “Get Along”; Says She & Nathan Came to a Custody Agreement for Son Kaiser

“I’m Jenelle Evans, and I approve this friendship.”

There’s been a surprising turn of events down in the swamp!

Jenelle Evans says that her dueling baby daddies— ex Nathan Griffith and husband David Eason— are now buddies, after years of being at each other’s throats.

The former Teen Mom 2 star revealed Thursday that Nathan even gifted David a piece of President Donald Trump swag as a sort of peace offering (or “peace gathering” in Jenelle-speak). She also recently stated on social media that she and Nathan had settled their ongoing custody battle for their son Kaiser.

Jenelle shared what Nathan had done for David on Twitter, calling the gesture, “super adorable.”

“You know what I think is super adorable? The way [Nathan] bought new Trump flag for David,” she wrote. “Glad everyone is on the same page now. #CoParenting.

“Never in a million years would I think those two would get along,” she said in a second tweet.

Jenelle’s tweets ignited quite a few responses on social media, with one questioning Jenelle’s surprise at David and Nathan getting along, given that “they are both trash.” 

“That’ll last 5 minutes like everything else,” one person wrote.

“[Too] bad it takes someone buying something for your husband for you to consider it coparenting,” another commented. “Though David is a child, he’s not Nathan’s child so save the coparenting [hashtags] for when the kids are involved.”

Earlier this week, Jenelle tweeted more about her newly found coparenting strategy with Nathan.

“I said it once, and I’ll say it again… no matter how much you hate the other parent you cannot hold them away from their child forever whether you like it or not #Truth,” she wrote.

When followers called her out for her previous actions of doing just that to Nathan, Jenelle said that’s all in the past now.

“Uhm… what? Lmao he’s always had visits with kaiser. Now we have settled outside of court and he has unsupervised visits. You know nothing,” she wrote. 

She encouraged her haters to “ask him yourself.”

In addition to his ongoing custody battle with Jenelle, Nathan expressed concern in June about his son being around David, whom he has accused of abusing Kaiser on more than one occasion.

“How do you explained marks on my son’s back, black eye, whip marks on his rear end, continuous police investigation,” Nathan tweeted this summer. “Charges against David Eason for multiple violence and aggressive behavior… NOTHING HAPPENS. What am I supposed to do besides being a panic parent!”

“Well I don’t think ya supposed to reward them with gifts!”

David has yet to show off his new merchandise… possibly because he’s busy making himself and Nathan a pair of matching BFF bracelets at the moment.

UPDATE! Nathan has revealed why he chose to make amends with David and Jenelle. Click here to read that story.

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans Faces Off with Her Husband’s Ex Olivia Leedham in Court: Here’s What Happened 

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Twitter)

26 Responses

  1. That’s something to be proud. Not fighting for your child. After you know David beats him. Same for you Jenelle. F U and David. Burn In Hell.

  2. Yeah he might have been physically and mentally abusing my son, but hey he’s a Trump supporter too, so it’s all good!
    Kaiser has no chance.

  3. Trump Supporters… What a Proud Moment for the Maniac currently running our country(right into near oblivion.) I can only hope there is a hand delivered invitation to their next super spreader event.

  4. I love how they openly support a racist. Makes sense since they’re racists/homophobes as well. Fuck Trump and these loonies in the NC swamp water with their guns and drugs and confederate flags.

  5. I’m surprised that David didn’t burn (or shoot, or pistol whip) the “peace gathering” that was given to him by Nate. And wtf is Nate eve thinking? I hope he is only doing this to gather more evidence against Lurch and Bride of Lurch in order to prove that they are both unfit parents.

  6. Well, if I needed a reason to NOT vote for Trump, the fact that Eason’s are supporters should be evidence enough of Trump’s terribleness.

    1. Grow up.
      Not trumps fault these two asshats vote for him.
      If this is stopping you voting trump, then your not mature enough to vote period.

          1. actually in North Carolina they can vote even with felonies. Although I’m not sure both have been convicted of felonies.

    1. Lol maybe Nathan should have sent some Coors light or a picture of Jenelle to break the ice. A Trump flag though? That speaks volumes about both individuals. Theres already enough testament to the quality of both individuals, though Nathan doesn’t beat kids as far as we know.

  7. These are the exact type of people who shouldn’t be allowed to vote. A group of criminals, abusers, and drug addicts.

    1. David probably can’t vote. Pretty sure he’s a felon. Not sure about Nathan though, think most of his charges have been DUI’s and driving w/ suspended license. Jenelle beat all her charges when good ol’ boy Dustin was her lawyer, and the bitch continues to skate and get away with EVERYTHING!! Waiting for this wretched skank to face SOME type of consequence for her behavior, sadly enough it probably won’t happen, and the ones that suffer the most are her kids. Poor Kaiser, Ensley, & Maryssa.

      1. I agree with you a 100%! I feel so bad for anyone that has to live with them. The kids and the animals. When will Karma finally prevail? I just want them to be upheld for all those 2 have done to others. I am waiting for justice.

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