From taking account for their actions to being taken into custody, the stars of the ‘Teen Mom’ franchise (both past and present) have been keeping themselves busy lately!
In an effort to get you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom OG and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile. Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that have happened over the last week or so…
Kieffer Delp is No Longer on the Lam

Two months ago, The Ashley broke the news that Jenelle’s former soulmate (and proud felon) Kieffer was on the run, having been labelled an absconder by the State of Pennsylvania. After “Kieffa” stopped reporting to his parole officer, a warrant issued for his arrest in August.
The Ashley can confirm that Kieffer has been caught! He was returned to custody on Wednesday. It’s unknown what consequences he will now face for bolting on his parole terms.
As Kieffer said, “being a felon ain’t illegal.” However, running from the law certainly is!
Kail Lowry actually apologizes….and to Lauren Comeau!

Although Kail apologizing seems about as likely as David Eason getting a job, it actually did happen on Tuesday night.
After watching a scene play out on Tuesday’s episode of ‘Teen Mom 2,’ Kail issued a written apology to her nemesis, Lauren Comeau. The apology came after the airing of the episode, which featured a scene in which Kail exposed texts from her ex (and Lauren’s current boyfriend) Javi Marroquin that show him trying to hook up with Kail, despite the fact that he was in a relationship with Lauren at the time. (Click here for more on that!)
Anyway, after the episode aired, Kail took to Twitter and Instagram to apologize to Lauren because she realized that, in her effort to expose Javi, she also caused embarrassment for Lauren.
“I want to publicly apologize to Lauren in regards to tonight’s episode. She didn’t deserve the humiliation she was put through due to a situation between Javi & me. I’ve been in her shoes and I’ve felt that pain, however have never experienced that being exploited on tv.”
I want to publicly apologize to Lauren in regards to tonight’s episode. She didn’t deserve the humiliation she was put through due to a situation between Javi & me. I’ve been in her shoes and I’ve felt that pain, however have never experienced that being exploited on tv #TeenMom2
— Kailyn Lowry (@KailLowry) October 14, 2020
Kail also added that she addressed the issue with Lauren out of the public eye, too.
I did have a private conversation with her, but owe her a public apology as well. #TeenMom2
— Kailyn Lowry (@KailLowry) October 14, 2020
Bar Smith Finally Finished High School

‘Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant’ dad Bar announced on social media this week that he is now a high school graduate, having completed his final tests to get his GED. He thanked his fiance(?) Ashley Jones for her support, even when he wasn’t motivated to get the degree.
“I got my GED if you know me you know how important this is to me, you know how I struggle day to day with mental s**t and life, you know the change I’ve been making!!!” he wrote. “If you don’t have yours GET IT it’s not as hard as it seems or as hard as I made it seem since it took me so long! Good luck ?? #acheivement #GED #IFinallyDidIt”
(Shockingly, no one pointed out that Bar had misspelled “achievement.”)
In the comment section of his post, he thanked Ashley for standing by him.
“I love you so much,” he wrote to her. “Thank you for supporting me through the last 5 years of me ‘about to get my ged.'”
He also shared his future plans to continue his education.
“Definitely [want to go to] college,” he wrote in response to a fan’s question. “I’ve been wanting to go to college since elementary school if that makes sense.”
Bar also made it clear that he will have no problem paying his tuition. When one person asked him why he needs college and a real job if he makes as much money as he has claimed in the past, Bar clapped back.
“I counted 20k today and got a ged what you do?”

Mackenzie McKee’s Dad is Struggling with His Health Again
‘Teen Mom OG’ star Mackenzie lost her mother last year to cancer, and is now facing health issues with her father, Brad Douthit, who had major heart surgery last month. According to new posts from one of Mackenzie’s aunt, Brad has been struggling in his recovery and his now back in the hospital and in a lot of pain.
On Wednesday, Mackenzie’s aunt provided a sad update on Brad’s condition after he acquired an infection.
“Brad is having a procedure done today to find out what kind of infection he has developed,” the family member wrote on Facebook. “It will be 4 weeks Thursday since his heart surgery & he hasn’t had much of any kind of relief at all. He is has been in constant pain. Pray with us that he can keep up the fight to make it through this.
“We talked last night about God giving his toughest warriors the toughest trials. I am afraid he is losing his will to fight, I can see it in his eyes,” she continued, later adding, “They don’t really know yet if it is actually an infection or what. They won’t know for a few days, & he will stay here in hospital during that time. They said he is having trouble healing because of being a type 1 diabetic, & put a vacuum on incision to help bring it together.
“Surgeon said he has never seen anything like the pain he is having in head & neck. It is almost like something is broken up there. He has said that is what it feels like, his collar bone being broken.”
Brad has appeared on ‘Teen Mom OG’ since Mackenzie joined the show. Before that, he appeared on ‘Teen Mom 3’ and Mackenzie’s “16 and Pregnant” episode. Mackenzie and her kids recently moved to Florida from Oklahoma, where Brad still lives.
To catch up on more ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
16 Responses
Jenelles true love, , “being a felon ain’t illegal.” keiffA.
Sad to see Mackenzies dad suffer. Like he has not been trough enough! I pray for his recovery and for his kids to be able to relax!
Has hell frozen over?! Kail apologized to LAUREN!?
Kail wanted to make sure that she twisted the knife publicly knowing That she would make a lame half assed apology on Twitter but she wanted to make sure she got her jab in to hurt Lauren.
She is a vicious Viper
Hey guys, I’m back. Sorry it’s been so long l have been going through a lot of things, including my marriage breaking up. I’m doing great now though. I’m in a much safer situation. My husband has severe health problems, and severe anger issues. He started taking everything out on me, and we went broke. I just couldn’t take it anymore, so in March I called my sister and I left. Now, I’m in a situation where I can make my own friends, and I’m cared about.
Sorry to hear this, Ali’spinKchair. I wish nothing but the best for you.
Take care.
Kail knew exactly what she was doing. Parking lots are her thing apparently. From the mall parking lot to the Waa-Waa parking lot.
It is so sad to see Mackenzie going through something like this again… it’s truly heartbreaking!! They say when it rains, it pours but give this poor girl a break!! She was devastated when she lost her mother and, now, to be going through something like this with her dad is just awful!! I honestly don’t know how she’s keeping it together!! I lost my mom when I was 21 to cancer but THANK GOD I still have my dad or I don’t know what I would do!! I’m praying her dad makes it through this and makes a full recovery! That’s just way too much, too soon, for any one person to handle… especially on a TV show! My heart goes out to her. I have a question for u guys though… are her and Josh still together?? I didn’t think so and figured he may just be there to support her and see her dad but wasn’t sure!
I hope Brad gets better soon!
Too little too late, Twatasaurus Rex! We all see right through you, Kailyn. Leave Lauren’s sad ass alone. You’re a mother to 4 boys. Don’t you have better things to do then be on social media apologizing for always being such a giant anus? YAWN. ??
“Twatasaurus” made me spit out my water! ROTFL!
Best nick name EVER. ???????