The cast of Teen Mom 2 reunited for a virtual reunion last week, though despite the moms filming from their respective homes, there were still some moments of tension between some of the cast – namely, Briana DeJesus and Kail Lowry.
While Briana and Kail haven’t been on a reunion stage together since 2018 (when all hell broke loose), Hollywood Life reports that the two came as close as possible to reuniting last week when they appeared on screen at the same time (along with their fellow cast members) at which point reunion host Dr. Drew Pinsky allegedly began stirring the pot.
Briana took to Instagram promoting a “#LinkInBio” article on “what went down” between herself and Kail at the reunion, calling Kail “immature” and “petty,” and then shading Kail’s recent arrest and her allegedly abusive relationship (presumably with her baby daddy Chris Lopez, whom Kail has accused of abusing her in the past.)

“While one would think Kail would be more concerned with her recent arrest or selling her foot pics on [OnlyFans], we had an encounter at the reunion yesterday and it’s safe to say s**t got awkward,” Briana wrote – referring to Kail’s September arrest for a “domestic incident” involving her ex-boyfriend Chris Lopez, with whom she shares sons Lux and Creed; as well as Kail confirming in August that she had joined OnlyFans.
“She is immature, has not grown and is still so hot and bothered by my presence it’s laughable,” Briana continued. “So I’m telling ALL regarding what went on- and hopefully it airs in full, as you’ll see her for the petty person she continues to be.”
Bri then bragged about her happy (and abuse-free) relationship with Javier Gonzalez.
“I’ll continue living life in my own lane with a man who LOVES me and makes me HAPPY (and doesn’t lay his hands on me). Sending lots of love in her dark direction…” Bri wrote.
Briana told CELEBUZZ the reunion was “super awkward in general,” but the last segment was particularly uncomfortable, as all of the moms were brought out together – again, virtually.
“This was obviously the first time Kail and I had appeared on camera together since our infamous ‘reunion fight’ – which, by the way, occurred YEARS ago and (to me, at least) is LONG in the past,” Briana explained. “Dr. Drew decided to ask Kail how it was to see me on camera and how she felt about it.

“In true Kail fashion, she was exceptionally cold and said she didn’t care to comment,” Briana continued. “I’ve been clear in the past that I’m over the drama from years past. So I decided to pipe in to comment. I told Kail that it wasn’t that serious, I was happy to see her and wished her nothing but the best going forward. At that point, Kail still refused to comment and didn’t say anything.”
Briana said Kail’s silence could only prove one thing: Kail “still has a grudge” against her for dating Kail’s ex-husband Javi Marroquin years ago.

“It’s clear she still has a grudge against me… which given the news of her arrest yesterday, one would think she’d have better things to worry about like dealing with the courts for allegedly beating her baby daddy instead of me,” Briana said. “But, Kail will be Kail and there’s no changing that – and, frankly, I don’t care to. I kept it classy and she kept it exactly what would be expected. She’s immature and shows no growth. It’s sad.”
While Kail has yet to comment on Briana’s claims, she did share with fans on Sunday that she favors the virtual reunion format over in-person reunions.
When asked by a fan during an Instagram Q&A where she prefers to film, Kail responded “100000% at home.”
RELATED STORY: Kail Lowry’s Rep Denies “All of the Allegations” Related to the ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star’s September Arrest: Read the Statement
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
25 Responses
Kailynn is one of my favorites and I think bri is the immature one to be trying to bash on kailynn she wants to talk about javi loving her well bri don’t forget he loved kailynn at one time too so don’t give yourself to much of a bug head! ??
So the next show for these girls is a porn show? Onlyfans to pimp out your feet? Now that IS classy. But so is trying to bait someone into saying something bad about you. Briana is so shaddy. I mean she has two baby daddys, Kail has three. They really are on the same par. I am sure Brianna’s new boy will give her baby three and then they will be almost even. It’s so sad to see because they have all been given amazing opportunities but they continue to be messy. You want to root for them, but then you realize they are blowing it for themselves and their kids.
Brianna, if you really were classy, you wouldn’t speak publicly about your co-worker. You LOVE the messiness and it makes YOU look bad.
One of the reason’s we like Chelsea so much is she doesn’t get into twitter battles, or onstage fights with her co-workers.
Be the bigger person and mind your own business.
Brianna: I’ve been clear in the past that I’m over the drama from years past.
Also Brianna: So I decided to pipe in to comment.
And I don’t know about y’all, but when someone asks me to describe a mature person, the first thing I say is, “Someone that goes on social media to call other people immature and petty and bring up things from years ago all while claiming to be totally over the drama.”
Brianna calling anyone immature and petty is just astounding…but takes one to know one I guess.
These two just need to stop talking about each other. It’s not cute, and they both have done embarrassing and stupid crap. No one cares anymore!!!
But Bri is the one airing it all and calling names, casting character judgements etc while Kail had no comment and still hasn’t commented. So Bri is the one looking petty and grudge-holding while Kail seems to be bust focusing on other stuff.
OMG, that Javi pic. Don’t give the guy any ideas. You know he would love to have threesome.
But yeah, Briana calling Kail immature is like…saying the leaves are falling in autumn.
Pot calling Kettle Brianna
Bri just stirring the pot for some attention
Kail is my least favorite Teen Mom. She’s narcissistic, immature, and plain mean. Briana is right. She has shown no growth, but really none of the Teen Mom cast has except Chelsea.
Kail has problems with Lauren and Briana. What do they have in common? Javi. Kailyn has to still have feelings for him? Jail wants to have Javi on the side. Kail doesn’t like competition. She wants Javi so bad that she put Javi on blast on national tv. Which made Lauren leave Javi. What a complete bitch. No one loves Kailyn so she doesn’t want anyone else to have love. Kailyn also knows they are prettier than her. What a miserable person.
I’d love to see a season of Teen Mom where the Moms have to work a regular job with a regular salary while leading a regular life with regular kids. When your 2002 Camry breaks down, it’s a whole different story than one of your Range Rovers.
Hahahah “Maybe we should all meet up at WaWa and talk this out…” You just made me snot on my screen I’m laughing so hard! LOL
So let me get this straight. You’re literally on an Instagram Live discussing all of Kail’s mistakes and faults with your thousands of followers. And you wonder WHY Kail doesn’t want to speak to you? You really can’t figure that out Briana?
Worry about your own self. Girl, you just had a chlamydia storyline with a guy who doesn’t even see his child for more than 10 minutes once a year. Stop inserting yourself into the other girls’ business. No wonder none of them want to be friends with you. You’re always the first one to comment on any negative gossip involving any of them but then act all innocent and surprised when they don’t buy your “I kept it classy & wished her the best” act.
When a Hoodrat gets into a beef with a Chickenhead, nobody wins. Write that down girls.
stay lit
I want to like Brianna but she makes it impossible. Girl, just stop. ‘Shading’ a person for being in an abusive relationship makes YOU a bad person, not them. Besides, Brianna started this mess with Kailyn. After being hired by TM2 she immediately started dating Kailys exhusband, and tried to make him choose between them even though they share a child. Then she literally fought Kailyn onstage, with her sisters help of course. Not to mention Brianna brings it up every chance she gets that Chris hit Kailyn. She is messy, never classy. Brianna, you absolutely suck as a person.
Great as a)ways, NIbs.
Why would Kail be friendly to you when you had your thug ass sister attack her onstage because you were too much of a bitch to do it yourself? I wouldn’t be trying to talk to you either.
Brianna didn’t you just get an STD from your loser baby daddy? Not sure why you’re trying to prentend that your relationship (that has been all of a minute) is anything to hold over kail. Y’all are both messy.
Wow. They must have gotten the memo that they better bring the drama or the B season will be their good bye tour.
Hope it will be the last season.
Think they may have ages out of this “teen mom” show.
I like the new girls
I wouldn’t exactly call any of the Teen Moms classy.
When I read that Briana claims to keeps it classy I was glad I hadn’t just taken a sip of water otherwise I would have spit it out all over my computer from laughing.
All of the TM characters are so trashy, and those two are particularly ratchet. Briana’s family is even proud to be so, but I hope that doesn’t rub off on Nova and Stella.