The relationship between former 90 Day Fiancé couple Nicole Nafziger and Azan Tefou is being called into question once again after Azan posted a rare tribute to his fiancé on social media.
Azan shared a touching tribute to Nicole Sunday on Instagram – a place usually reserved for Azan’s shameless (and often shirtless) gym selfies. However, many of the couples’ followers questioned whether the usually silent-on-social-media Azan actually wrote the post, or if Nicole was the culprit.
“I love you soooo much babe and I miss you,” Azan allegedly posted to his Instagram account. “And I’m so jealous of people who get to see you every day.”
Given Azan’s tendency to keep his social media virtually Nicole-free, critics quickly jumped into the comments, accusing Nicole of being the one who had posted the heartfelt dedication.
(As one person pointed out, Azan’s last post featuring Nicole was in fact made in 2017.)
As those who have kept up with Nicole and Azan’s long distance relationship are aware, Azan lives in Morocco, while Nicole continues to live in Florida, along with her young daughter, May, from a previous relationship.
Nicole is known for frequently defending her relationship to critics and despite multiple failed attempts to actually tie the knot in Morocco, Nicole maintains that she and Azan plan to get married and expand their family.

Over the summer, Nicole also defended her decision to spend a controversial five months with Azan in Morocco in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. Nicole has claimed she would have taken May along if she knew she was going to be gone for so long, though she insists she did not “abandon” May, as many suggested.
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
15 Responses
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Honestly everyone is tired of all this baloney. As for her so called ‘Mother’, shes every bit as bad. As we say here in northern Ireland “What’s in the cat,is in the kitten”…Says it all ??
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Nicole is an Idiot! If she was my daughter I would keep my grandaughter away from this joke of a relationship, who the …. gives a man money that he does not deserve !! as it could go to a savings account for her daughter…. if Nicole was my daughter I’d send her packing without the child. Nicloe has no self respect!! Be careful Nicole he may be after your daughter instead of you has that ever crossed your mind !!! it makes me sick how he acts like daddy but is a worthless and poor excuse of a man !!!
She needs some serious therapy. And her mom believes most of what Nicole tells her. Please get help nicole
Please whatevernyou do dont show or even talk about trashy larissa
Nicole is really stuck on stupid. Azan is Muslim and he won’t marry her if she’s not Muslim, so she would have to convert. Also, Azan is allowed to have more than one wife and there have been rumors that he is married. I really don’t think Nicole even cares or has the brains to figure the situation out. Also in some Muslim countries the first wife has to agree in order for the man to have a second wife. This girl is so desperate and needs a lot of help.
Sorry she knows what is being done she takes their checks. If your not happy what is being posted then stop doing it abd don’t sign a contract. Simple but she doesn’t
This poor girl is dumb as hell!!
It totally 100% is her. Sounds like her and you KNOW he never posts anything about her because… he DOES NOT like her! He is not attracted to her and can’t even use her anymore because it’s not worth it. I seriously do not know what is wrong with her. She is SO painfully desperate, it makes ME embarrassed for her and I have never even met her. She needs to let go and move on- He is NEVER going to marry you Nicole! EVER!
The fact this girl is/was on public assistance and sending the money meant for her child to this man who CLEARLY doesn’t want anything to do with her should be criminal. Honestly tax payers are providing care to her child and she’s not using it to provide for her. Even if she’s not on assistance now she admits she was And sent him $ during that time.
The real thing here is why hasn’t her enabling mom been honest and said stop being a f****** moron and be a mom. He flat out says ur too fat for him to want, he doesn’t post about you because he’s ashamed and if he wanted to be married to you he would be by now. I hope her daughter isn’t as blatantly dumb when she’s older.
Nobody cares.
Nicole is NO victim here, that’s for sure. Azan is a liar, but Nicole is a bigger liar because she actually BELIEVES her lies.
I’m not sure what kind of weirdness went on during the quarantine, but if I was stuck inside with my long distance bf, after we got thru banging for the 3rd time that day, we’d probably be doing some cooking, watching movies, gaming, etc. AND some of all this quarantine fun would be DOCUMENTED with one of our phones! Especially if the million people on my Insta were always thinking I was lying about my relationship, and my fiance was attracted to me 55%!!
So yeah, I dont believe this tribute of love from Azan, because Nicole has given me no reason to.
Exactly. Not one single pic was posted of the 2 of them together, until she was at the airport leaving.
She probably sent him her stimulus