Mackenzie Edwards Blasts ‘Teen Mom’ Stars Who Post “Disgusting” Fake Clickbait Stories About Her & Her Husband Ryan Edwards

“Enough already, Clickbait Cate and Made-up Story Maci!”

Mackenzie Edwards has a hate for the bait…clickbait that is.

The wife of Teen Mom OG dad Ryan Edwards took to Instagram Stories over the weekend to slam her ‘Teen Mom’ co-stars for posting phony stories about her and Ryan. The stories— which usually feature misleading headlines written to entice people to click and photos of people who often have nothing to do with the story that’s linked to it— are posted daily by many of the ‘Teen Mom’ stars, including Mackenzie’s nemesis Maci Bookout.

Other ‘Teen Mom’ clickbait culprits include Amber PortwoodJenelle Evans and Catelynn Lowell. (Catelynn is arguably the worst offender. She posts something fake about her biological daughter Carly, or pretends via clickbait to be pregnant and/or divorcing her husband Tyler Baltierra, at least once a week. She even once posted a clickbait story that said that she and Tyler were giving their daughter Nova away. No, seriously…)

“Hey, those therapy horses ain’t gonna pay for themselves!”

Mackenzie was particularly disturbed by a recent story posted by the Clickbait Crew that just featured a photo of herself and Ryan, along with an emoji of a broken heart to say “heartbreaking news.” Mackenzie reposted a screenshot of the story, telling her followers that the story was not heartbreaking news about her and Ryan. In fact, she noted that the story wasn’t about her and Ryan at all!

“Save your time, it’s about music legends that died,” Mackenzie wrote. “This s**t is so f**ked up.”

She then hopped on Instagram Stories to further slam the ‘Teen Mom’ Click Bait Crew for posting “disgusting” things about other ‘Teen Mom’ stars.

“OK, I’m sorry. Actually, no I’m not sorry. But these clickbait things are absolutely disgusting,” she said. “It’s like The National Enquirer on freakin’ steroids! I really feel like it’s disgusting. The headlines that they put are so disturbing and the pictures that they use, they use pictures of me and Ryan and, get out of here with that s**t.”

As The Ashley has previously reported, reality stars make a pretty nice income from posting these fake stories. (The Ashley hears one ‘Teen Mom’ was guaranteed a monthly income of $15,000 for posting, back when the clickbait stuff was in its hey-day.) The stars do not post the stories themselves; they simply give the company permission to post on their accounts. (They are able to refuse to post certain stories, or stories about certain people, from what The Ashley hears.) 

Mackenzie’s rant has done little to stop the ‘Teen Mom’ clickbaiters, though. In fact, they even turned Mackenzie’s rant about hating clickbait into a clickbait


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28 Responses

  1. I actually think she looks pretty great.

    I never thought she was ugly really .. i don’t like how Maci looks, never have, always thought she looked like someone who smells ?
    – yes you go hit that downvote ..

    But both of their personalities stink, can’t stand anyone of them

    1. Literally not one person in this entire world, unless they’re friends or family, would say so many nice things about someone that’s done the stupid things she’s done. Especially when Maci has been mature and a great prentice. Things that make you go hmm….

  2. Mackenzie has the type of body where if she loses too much weight it doesn’t look good. Her head looks like it grew 3x the size in that pic.
    Andddd if they would pay her to post that trash- she would do it too. We know Ryan isn’t bringing home the bacon!

    1. Seriously that picture looks horrible. She looks old as hell but isn’t she only like 23? Her weight loss was looking good but too much just looks scary. I’m sure the cosmetic surgeries she’s had also have something to do with this botch look she’s doing

    2. Exactly it looks like her head grew. I think the Botox is also giving her a slightly creepy vibe – the top half of her face doesn’t look like she’s smiling. And the lip injections – someone please tell these girls lip injections don’t look good (makes Kail look even bigger)

  3. Omggggg. I didnt even recognize her. Hope she didn’t lose all that weight on the heroin diet. She looks like Faye Resnick. (RHOBH)

  4. Honestly, she’s right. The fact there was an arrow pointing to Ryan and it said RIP made it seem that Ryan had died. Its disgusting.

  5. Is there a clickbait article out there about the work she’s had done on her face? At first I thought that was Farrah.

  6. She considers clickbait disgusting, but not the fact that her husband had to be so high to marry her, he probably doesn’t even remember their wedding day. How sad.

  7. You were so desperate to get married that you married Ryan while he was high as a kite and had two kids with him. That’s disgusting. Now go and enable your loser, cheating husband a little more

  8. What’s really disgusting is a guy like your husband who has disappointed his son time after time, because he was too lazy, spoiled, off doing heroin, or driving passed out. But if stupid click-bait crap is what you find disgusting, you do you Mackenzie.

    And if you don’t want anything to do with the show, maybe doing Instagram lives to the fans isn’t the brightest idea.

  9. She looks like Monica from Netflix Cheer or Dancing with the Stars now. Nice glow up. I don’t think she’s thirsty. I think she’s fed up with the crap that comes from this S/Show. I don’t blame her.

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