Deavan Clegg of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way sat down for an interview with 90 Day Fiancé blogger John Yates on Sunday to talk about everything from her impending divorce from Jihoon Lee to producers allegedly egging on her daughter’s wild behavior.
(She even addressed that dreadful translator egg!)
Here are some of the juicer tidbits from the interview!
On where things stand with Jihoon:

During her live interview, Deavan said she is still waiting for Jihoon to sign divorce papers and still claims Jihoon has blocked her and her family on social media. Despite the allegations of abuse towards Deavan’s daughter, Drascilla, and allegations that Jihoon wants nothing to do with their son, Taeyang, Deavan said Jihoon is “more than welcome to come [to the U.S.]” to visit his son, but she will not bring Taeyang to him at the moment due to Korea’s mandatory two-week COVID-19 quarantine period.
As she had mentioned last month on social media, Deavan again claimed that Jihoon has a fan in California sending stuff to Taeyang on his behalf.
“We’re uncomfortable with the fact that he is giving fans our address when he can ship things from Korea, he can buy things from Amazon in America and ship it here,” she said. “There’s no reason to involve an outside party that we both don’t know. He’s never met this person. I’ve never met this person and we were very scared. We have had to relocate twice.”
(Deavan previously accused Jihoon’s fans of showing up at her house and threatening her and the children.)
On her relationship with Topher Park:
Deavan revealed during the live chat that she and boyfriend Topher Park are now living together and though she understands how some may criticize her for moving on so quickly, she points out that she and Jihoon “had been mentally out of love for a very long time.”
Deavan said Topher is great with her kids and Taeyang is especially “super-attached to him.”
Deavan said she and Topher met at LAX while she was preparing to fly to Korea to see Jihoon and Topher was flying to see his then-girlfriend. The two talked before boarding the plane, but they were not seated together during the flight. Later on (after Jihoon and Deavan had split), Topher recognized Deavan through a mutual friend on social media. In addition to having a mutual friend, she said the two soon realized they were from the same hometown in California.
On her daughter’s behavior:
This season fans saw Drascilla allegedly dart into a busy street – an incident that Deavan and her mom, Elicia, blamed solely on Jihoon, despite both women being in the vicinity when Drascilla dashed. During her live chat, however, Deavan revealed that the scene didn’t happen the way it appeared on TV.

“The scene you guys saw on the show was not actually where it happened and TLC has probably came out and said that as well and they have apologized to me,” she said.
“ … We were actually done filming, we had hung up our microphones, everything, cameras were being [taken] down and I was putting [Taeyang] in the car because we were going to get food,” she explained. “[Jihoon] was in charge of watching Drascilla and as I’m putting [Taeyang] in the car I look up and she was off, [Jihoon] was on his phone and that’s really what happened.”
Deavan revealed that producers made them “record what we said in a microphone,” and producers said they would inform viewers with a caption on screen that they hadn’t caught the actual event on video.
“Of course that’s not what happened,” Deavan said, noting during another part of her live chat that the footage TLC used had actually taken place an hour before the “actual scene.”
Deavan addressed Drascilla’s allegedly difficult behavior again later in the interview, seemingly blaming production for giving a “three year-old a bunch of snacks and candy.”

“ … Producers who are constantly giving her sugar, who are constantly doing this and telling her to run around and do this stuff because it would be funny,” Deavan said. “So I don’t think people realize that’s the job of a producer … .”
On her daughter’s health:
Deavan recently revealed Drascilla had been diagnosed with Bell’s palsy and during her live chat, Deavan said she became concerned after her daughter informed her she was unable to “move [her] smile” on one side. Though Deavan initially thought Drascilla was joking, after two days she realized something was actually wrong.
“I started panicking and you know, I studied medicine in school so you know, everything was going through my head and then everything was just going back to Bell’s palsy,” she said. “No one knows exactly why it’s caused, they think it happens from a viral infection. People saying it’s from stress, that’s not true.”
Deavan noted that Drascilla has been doing “a lot of facial exercises” and though she is still unable to close her eye completely, she is almost there. Deavan said she hopes within a week, Drascilla’s smile will be back, along with her complete eye function.
On the infamous translator egg:

When the topic of the dreaded (and often-flawed) translator device came up, Deavan revealed she actually understands a lot of Korean as she studied it for two years, though she believes “they were shying away from [showing that] on the show.” She also revealed they always had a translator with them during filming.
Deavan said the texting app she and Jihoon used to translate during Season 1 was “way more accurate,” however, “it takes a bit more time,” so production asked that the couple utilize the translator device for Season 2 because “it was just too hard for [the show] to keep filming our phone screens.”
“They thought it would be better to use the translation device that way they could hear it out loud but it actually just kind of backfired,” she said, admitting that eventually they stopped using the translator egg out of frustration.
“ … We were just so fed up with it just being so wrong that we started just pulling our phones out and using that instead,” she added.
On staying in the relationship with Jihoon for the sake of the show:
When asked if she holds herself accountable for anything, Deavan replied, “of course, all the time.”

“The things that happened, I hold myself accountable one hundred percent,” she continued. “I was supposed to protect my family and I went to Korea when I shouldn’t have and I am very hard on myself and I’m very critical of myself of that. …
“There are certain things that I unfortunately, I feel like me and [Jihoon] were done before we even started filming Season 2 and I feel like we both internally just carried it out for the show,” Deavan admitted. “I can’t speak on him, but I feel like we both mentally felt that way and I wish instead of pushing through for a show we were both just honest with our hearts and didn’t cause all of this drama to happen and I hold myself accountable for that… .“
On her future with TLC:
Deavan said she’s “a hundred percent done” with TLC, though she later revealed she (and presumably her boyfriend) are working on a documentary that will come out in December or January.
“It’s going to tell our truth,” she explained. “It’s going to show who we really are and we’re not going to be biased. We’re like, leaving it the way this is, how life is and we thought it would be better to do [a] documentary and then people can really open their eyes on the difference between reality TV and actually real life.”
Deavan said the documentary will also focus a lot on “creating” – specifically her boyfriend’s magazine and the process of “getting ready for that” – as well as home life, “tragedies in reality TV” and more.
Watch Deavan’s full interview below.
RELATED STORY: Former “90 Day Fiancé” Star Nicole Nafziger is Accused of Posting Tribute to Herself From Fiancé Azan Tefou’s Social Media
(Photos: TLC; Instagram; YouTube)
27 Responses
Oh just shut up, lady. This is a problem you created by fluttering your eyelids and showing your nanner so it really makes me feel zero empathy for you when you continue to sell your body and not actually raise the kids. Joony sure as hell isn’t fit to do it.
First of all that little girl has had absolutely NO HOME TRAINING and that is her mother’s fault. But after seeing Deavonn’s mother I can better understand. I’m sure Jihoon’s parents were shocked and disgusted by her behavior. Would I want that child living in my house, HELL NO!!!!! Deavonn needs to stop worrying about what man she’s going to have sex with and do something about her daughter. She better get ready because there is a good chance that she will be coming home black and blue quite a bit because kids can be some of the meanest people. I hope Jihoon can get his son away from this woman and her child because both of them are horrible role models for him.
She expects us to believe that it was only sugar that caused that child to behave that way?? See this is the problem. She doesn’t want to admit that her child is wild, so she’s just going to keep letting her run around like Donnie from the Wild Thornberrys. Ridiculous.
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I honestly don’t think I ever once saw Deavan smile. Perhaps in the ‘documentary.’ It would also be refreshing if she could learn proper English before taping anything else.
Pronouns seem particularly difficult for her as in ‘him and I.’ Him went to sleep? Drop one pronoun and repeat the sentence. And the use of I is not always correct. Me is correct 50% of the time. What was she doing from 3rd through 5th grades?
Sorry Deaven, it is not true at all that sugar makes you hyper, that is a long disproved myth. Of course she tries to justify her child’s shitty behavior by saying that though…
Drascilla has been wild since their debut episode. It ain’t production. Take some ownership as a parent.
I dislike her even more after reading this. She has a serious likeability problem, and is totally unaware. She studied medicine, so did my golden retriever. And if she studied Korean for 2 years she needs her money back because she couldn’t even order a meal when she was out with her mother. The truth and Deaven are complete strangers in my opinion.
There’s a real Farrah-esque quality about this young lady. Not that she’s horrible to people (yet), it just seems like she’s very entitled, full of excuses, plans on using her looks and future plastic enhancements to make her living and will be cashing in on a string of bad choices. I don’t know what her issue is, but one thing categorically false in her statement is that she is done with TLC, I’d bet my entire savings and the savings of everyone else on this page that she is filming for them right now, or will be in the next few months.
I liked when she told his Mom that they bought their veggies from the grocery store, already chopped up. I can’t afford to do that. I see them in the produce section and wish I could.
I doubt they can really afford that. You’re not missing out, the pre-chopped produce spoils faster and freshly cut tastes better
UGH! I can’t stand her! And next week we get to watch her Mom torture this nice Korean family?
So many things wrong with this, I don’t even know where to start.
So, the producers made Dracula crawl on the counter with a loaded diaper and eat eggs with her nasty hands?
You understand Korean yet get pissed when the app mistranslates something because you listened to that and not the person speaking Korean?
They made you use that translation device when other couples they’ve shown have just used their phones the whole time?
The list goes on crazy lady.
Yes, the producers are why your child is so misbehaved.. not the fact that you’ve openly admitted to not believing in discipline?♀️?♀️
Ylang ylang is attached to Topher because he thinks he is Jihoon.
So the caps that this THREE YEAR OLD had on her back molars, are from the candy and sugar that the producers fed her? Nice try Deavan. Poor kid doesn’t even get her teeth brushed if she has metal caps by age 3!! Probably bottle rot too.
And it took her TWO days to realize her face paralysis was an issue? She is the worst mom.
My thoughts too.
Also she slept with a man she had never met on the first night without protection. Then you accidentally get pregnant again? Who’s teaching these women these days? Use birth control or wrap it up.
She knew him what 2 weeks? And moves him in w/ her babies??!!
I know my amazon delivery person better than she knows him. Then she will wonder why it did not work out sometime next year.
Wow. What a couple of sleezeballs deaville and topher are. They were both with someone else. Obviously she wanted him bad the moment she met him