Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Talks About the Networks Lined Up to Work With Her, How MTV Treated Her “Like a Puppet” & Her Thoughts On Chelsea Houska

“I’ve got something to say…dude.”

Jenelle Evans had a nice long chat with the This Family Tree podcast this week–talking about everything from how she made her husband David Eason and her mom Barbara Evans get along; why her Teen Mom 2 contract was so bad, and how unfair her edit on the show was compared to how her co-star Chelsea Houska was portrayed.

Jenelle promoted the interview on Instagram on Thursday night, and by Friday, her haters had started to raise hell, so much so that the owners of the podcast eventually deleted the episode. (The Ashley will have the whole scoop on that tomorrow– stay tuned!)

Luckily, though, The Ashley was able to listen to Jenelle’s full interview before it was deleted and has preserved Jenelle’s musings for years to come.

“I’m into more of the family life and being humbled. Now that The Corona has hit the United States and everyone’s in quarantine…I feel like we finally get a little bit of privacy, away from the show, and everyone gets to focus on the family,” Jenelle begins.

Fry up some doughboys and settle into bathtub, because this interview is a doozy! 

Let’s get started, shall we?

On ‘the real reason’ she was fired from ‘Teen Mom 2’ (according to Jenelle, anyway):

Jenelle is still clearly unhappy with how her story on ‘Teen Mom 2’ played out. (She was fired in April 2019, as fans know, after David shot and killed her dog Nugget, following nearly a year of him threatening the crew, producers and Jenelle’s cast members online and in-person.)

Jenelle apparently feels that she was let go from the show for other reasons, though.

“We were butting heads and I think it’s because I wanted to be so positive,” Jenelle said. “And they didn’t want that…It wasn’t positive. It was always dramatic…

“They would try to dig. For a while, I let it slide. I’d let it go. I let them perceive me to the public the way they wanted to, but after a while we started butting heads. I think that’s when they were just done with me because I didn’t want to be portrayed like that anymore,” she said.

“Are ya kiddin’ me?”

On why she thinks MTV “turned everyone against” her:

“Towards the end, I got really uncomfortable,” Jenelle said. “They would put you in situations with the girls at the Reunion show. I would always say I don’t want to go near them because we all don’t get along but they wanted that. It got to the point where I couldn’t trust who I was working with anymore.

“My voice wasn’t being heard when I did go to my boss and talk to her about it. It was kind of like everyone just turned against me because I was trying to make my own rules…My voice just doesn’t get heard and I don’t feel like anybody else’s voice gets heard either. It’s not just me.”

“‘It was no fair, dude.”

On how she feel she was treated by producers:

Jenelle is still mad she didn’t get a say in what aired on the show, despite reality stars rarely getting to have control over what makes it onto their TV shows.

“You try to voice your opinion and say, ‘Hey we should do this or do that’ and they really don’t listen,” she said. “I hate to say that but they really don’t. I felt like at some times we were treated as puppets. There’s people who still complain about it now.”

She did, however, acknowledge that she wouldn’t be in the public eye without the show, though.

“I don’t want to completely hate on them because they’re the ones that gave me my following. They’re the ones that got me to where I am today and I’m really grateful for that.”

On not making enough money on ‘Teen Mom 2’:

As The Ashley has reported in the past, the original ‘Teen Mom’ girls are paid very well, making literally hundreds of thousands of dollars per season. Jenelle, though, felt that the contract wasn’t fair and that she should have been given more money.

“When you try to negotiate to a new contract, they don’t listen. If you ask for a raise, they’ll give you, like, a 5 percent raise,” she said.

(A 5 percent raise of $300,000 is $15,000 by the way…)

She also had a problem with the fact that MTV added episodes to the seasons. (As The Ashley has reported, the girls are well aware that the network can exercise its right to add a “B” season into an existing contract. The girls are paid per episode that they appear in, so they are not doing the “B” season for free, by the way.)

“You’re like, ‘OK it’s a new season, our rate is going to go higher. And then your rate doesn’t go higher. They’re like, ‘It’s not a new season. It’s a continuation of the last season. So we’re just going to add 12 more episodes to these first episodes.’ And that’s how they get you,” Jenelle said. “I’ve compared my salary to the ‘Jersey Shore’ people and they get like a 150% increase every time. And they make way more than we do.”

“A lot of people think that we’re just all millionaires and we’re not. Our rate really doesn’t change.

“Ya rate changed to a big fat zero though because ya got fired!”

On her contract with MTV:

Jenelle then insisted that she’s still tied into a contract with MTV. (The Ashley has asked her sources and all claim that she should have no existing ties to the show or production company at this point. Her non-compete contract, etc. was up one year from the date her last episode aired, which was in April 2020, so The Ashley has no clue what Jenelle is talking about here.)

“We’re kind of locked into a contract. I’m still locked into my contract, actually until March. That’s why I haven’t done anything,” she said.

Later in the interview, Jenelle talked about the networks that are lining up to work with her.

“I’m still under contract until March, when I can think about speaking to any networks,” she said. “I do have people lined up. It’s just, they don’t want to make other people mad. Because they talk to them too.”

“Damn this never-ending contract!”

On why she absolutely, positively wasn’t fired by MTV:

Jenelle still insists that she wasn’t fired from ‘Teen Mom 2.’ (You can click here to read what actually went down behind the scenes of the firing.) 

Here’s Jenelle’s version of events, though.

“To me, it was kind of weird that they would let me go for [David killing the dog],” she said. “It caught me by surprise because they filmed me on drugs. They filmed me, no lie, nodding out on-camera. They filmed me going to buy marijuana and my director knew I had it in my car. There was so much illegal stuff that they filmed. And this wasn’t even part of filming. They weren’t even there and had nothing to do with it. But they still let me go.”

“It was weird to me that they called me and was like, ‘We want to talk to you on the phone. I was just so upset I couldn’t talk to them.’ I was like, ‘I understand. I know you guys are calling me because you’re letting me go. I understand that the media is going crazy right now, and if that’s your decision, I understand.”

“Then they said, ‘If people ask if you’re fired, you’re not fired. We’re just letting you go for this season.’ So then it gets plastered everywhere that I’m fired… People still think I was fired and MTV won’t speak up about it. And that’s where I’m at.”

“Hello Kristen? Larry? You need to tell the truth that I wasn’t fired….hello? HELLO?”

On why she wants to return to TV:

Jenelle stated that she hopes she will get to go back to TV, in order to tell her story with more positivity.

“I definitely think I want to share my life in more of a positive light,” she said. “I would love to share that with my fans, even if it was one season, just to show where I’m at, how I truly am, and to wrap up that my life isn’t as horrible as [MTV] made it out to be. [It would be] kind of like a redemption story, and if it’s just one season, that’s fine with me. But I hate it being left off where it left off at.”

A new show wouldn’t have to be about her and David living happily ever after on The Land, though.

“Just like ‘The Notebook,’ dude!”

“It wouldn’t just be all roses. I wouldn’t just make sure everything is clean. If me and David have an argument, or say me and my mom have a disagreement, if you’re there to film it, film it. If you want to air it, air it. That’s real. But when you’re trying to push the negativity the entire time, it just makes me upset.”

On why Chelsea Houska was favored by producers, according to Jenelle: 

Jenelle said she felt that the producers made her out to be bad, all while covering for her co-star Chelsea Houska.

“You have Chelsea, who they portrayed as the Golden One,” Jenelle said. “Like, I knew some things she would do behind closed doors when we would go to the Reunion shows but that was never brought up. I’m not trying to rat her out, or even say the things she did but I’m just saying she’s not a goodie-two-shoes. It makes me upset that they wouldn’t show her raw footage but they made me out to be like a villain.”

“What are you talking about? The time I went 5 mph over the speed limit? Face it, Jenelle. I’m boring.”

On why David and Barb get along now:

Jenelle said she made it clear to Barbara that she doesn’t want her talking crap on David anymore.

“I feel like now I have a bigger support system because my mom and David get along and I think I drilled my mom’s head so much to please stop being so loud, please stop being so negative. ‘Stop saying little remarks to David as you walk past him. I think I drilled that into her head so much, and cut her off every time she’s overstepped herself, that she understands that I’m gonna pull myself back. And then I’m not going to talk to her, and she hates that,” Jenelle said.

“I feel like everyone’s on the same level ground now and I feel like I have the biggest support system that I’ve ever had.”

Keep your trap shut, Ma!”

UPDATE! The owners of the This Family Tree podcast have talked to The Ashley about why they decided to pull this episode down. Click here to read that interview

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52 Responses

  1. Janelle lost her kids twice in a year starting in 2019 she has not changed one bit since she was a 16 year old knocked up junkie. How do you edit a gun in someones hand while infront of a child? How do you edit bruises all over the children? How do you edit Keiser crying neglected in the background while Janelle and david do a hillbilly photoshoot? How do you edit the 911 calls highlighting abuse? How do you edit the cps report where it says they taken due to abuse? Nahhh i choose to believe the facts and not some washed up junky child abuser whos been known to lie her entire life.

  2. [* Shield Security plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    Netflix has the entire TeenMom2 series available from the jump, so we have been binging during snowy pandemic time. In one of the very first eppies in Season One, Jenelle physically “assaults” Barb by pushing her (after SCREAMING her freakin guts out in Barb’s face). Jenelle has never been mentally healthy, I suspect undiagnosed, untreated BPD. This podcast was a real missed opportunity. They could have addressed her history in a respectful way rather than gleening over everything, giving her a mic and a soapbox, only to delete in the end. Their name would have gotten out there without the tarnish if they would have put a mirror up to Jenelle rather than open-ended airtime. Yuck.

  3. [* Shield Security plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    People make mistakes, no one is perfect. I am 45 at 45 I am not the same person I was at 16, 18, 21,25 etc. People can also redeem themselves. I don’t understand why people love to hate on others and go out of their way to make anothers life hell. Janelle is not who she was when we 1st met her on tv. She personally has grown so much. We don’t have to like every decision she makes cuz it’s not our life…none of our business. It makes me sad people continue to write only bad things about her, won’t give her a chance at redemption but we do w murderers smh I feel bad for her people have nothing better to do w their time than to hate on her. She is a mom, she needs to work. The people preventing that knowing she has those babies to feed they are worse than she is. I am a dog lover…mine cuddle and sleep w me nightly and yes what DAVID DID NOT JANELLE was wrong but quit f**king punishing her. There are women out there dating or married to much worse men. There is much worse going on in the world right now. People need to forgive and move on. You make money off reporting the way you do…I like your content but not the way u talk about the moms sometimes, people make money off of making vids about her, reporting on her still going out of their way, your way, to make sure they still live a life of hell..I’m sorry it doesn’t make u any better. You write your articles like u are better than…the hillbilly name calling, make fun of some cuz they are poor, trashing them…I’m sorry but what u and others do is worse. u don’t stop, u won’t use your platform to teach people to be kind, try and see her for who she is today and report good things. You don’t use your platform to give her a chance at redemption, or to show kindness and teach people to forgive…Janelle needs that. She needs someone w a platform to help people see her growth and change but God forbid you use your platform for good…no you would rather use it to bash the moms, make fun of them, be the mean girl in school. It’s like politics…media is all the same u use your opinion to sway others opinions. Try doing a special report and sit down w Janelle and give her a chance at redemption and help her rebuild what has been something good! I don’t care how much hate she got the podcast should of never been pulled. How can we forgive someone, give them a chance to fix their mistakes, give them a chance to rebuild their lives, if we let the world control us and the content u post or others post. It is sad no one out there w atforms to do good is willing to help Janelle or give her a chance at redemption. I think all of u are much worse. U might need to be forgiven someday and I hope karma doesn’t come your way. And another thing…it’s not right to make fun of poor people. Shame on you for doing that!!!

    1. Janelle NOT DAVID pulled a gun on someone because of road rage in front of jase. Go simp the child abuser somehwere else. Grosssss!

  4. Hahaha her cash cow is gone and boy is she mad! Wake up Jenelle, he shot your dog because he is a maniac. He is so controlling and abusive that he was jealous of the love you had for a dog! And he also did it to prove he has the power over you and your possessions. Who’s next? Your kids? Why haven’t you gotten your kids away from this psycho? You’ve turned away any friends who tried to help you and testified against them! You are gonna be all alone with a savage beast because you choose him everytime. For once in your life, be a mother and think of your kids!

  5. Is this witch for real?! Did she not claim in April 2020 with a tweet about finally being free from contract and to look out for things to come that’s she’s doing…. Meanwhile she’s fully opted not to do shit and blame everyone and thing else as to why it isnt done or hadn’t worked out. I’m so sick of this wench. When will the earth spin hard enough that she flys off

  6. [* Shield Security plugin marked this comment as “Trash”. Reason: Failed Bot Test (expired) *]
    I can totally see where she’s coming from. Haters gonna hate

  7. Jenelle is so delusional. Sorry sweetie, you and your trailer trash husband aren’t anything special! Also, do you expect people to forget the fact that you admitted that he abuses you and all your children? And the number of times police get called to the swamp? Puh-lease ?

  8. So what is her excuse for saying that her contract expired in April 2020 and now its March 2021? She’s full of crap. They are not held to their contract for two years. Farrah was only held for a year..why would Jenelle be any different? Does she not remember we saw a conference call she was on a couple months before David killed the dog. She was refusing to film unless David was allowed to be there. Even her final season they barely had enough footage to use her. They had to film her on trips with her mom or going to visit Briana. She was formally let go because of David killing the dog because sponsors threatened to walk if MTV kept her. She wasn’t worth the hassle anymore. She was refusing to film, David was consistently interrupting filming and threatening crew,and then David killing the dog and sponsors leaving…it was a perfect storm to just drop her. She is the perfect example of someone who always rewrites history and thinks everyone has forgotten.

    1. I think Chelsea just wasn’t dumb enough to do things on camera that were illegal or questionable like Jenelle did. Not to mention MTV filmed and showed what Jenelle gave them to use. She was nasty to the crew and so was David. While I’m not a Chelsea fan I don’t ever remember a time Chelsea was nasty to the crew or refused to film. The couple times she had issue with something they were trying to show with Aubree she shut it down and MTV used that footage too.

  9. It’s quite clear that Jenelle is still just as insecure as ever. Listen-if you’re as happy and humbled as you claim to be, then just go live. The whole world is turned upside down right now and the last thing anyone gives a s&+# about is Jenelle’s redemption story.

    You have followers and you made money because your life was (probably still is) a dumpster fire. If you don’t have enough common sense to know that reality TV producers don’t need five grown woman purchasing cell phones every episode, then there’s no hope for you. Go get a job and put this behind you.

  10. Oh man Jenelle. So she’s not making Barbara closer to them she’s threatening to withhold her other two grandchildren if she isn’t nice to David.

  11. I noticed how people who always talk about how “positive” they are or want to be usually aren’t…also what kind of a redemption story, you delusional brat?! The one that you went back to you abusing and crazy husband?! That’s supposed to be his redemption or what?!

    1. Maybe jenelle and Farrah can go on a tour all about how positive they are. While they are gone maybe a real parent can step in and save their kids.

  12. well MTV isn’t going to say she was fired because she wasn’t an employee. She was a contractor. They just didn’t renew her contract.

    and well David and Barb get along because Barb realizes you don’t want to poke the bear because if you do, you don’t get to see your other grandkids.

    and well if one cast member buys pot, shoots up, pulls guns on people, lets her husband kill tiny little sweet dogs, etc. etc. etc. etc. and another one pops out kids and talks baby talk to her husband, one is going to be portrayed as the loser and the other the golden one.

    and well…the show’s ratings have been tanking. You have fewer viewers than Jersey shore by like 100% and fewer than that fat pig K. Lowry has instagram followers. So get a clue. You were OVERPAID if anything. and you snorted, shot up or literally sank your money into the land.

    I really wish she would sink into the land too and go away.

  13. Why are people still interviewing Jenelle? Do they not do any research before booking people? Glad it was taken down though. I don’t think there’s be so much backlash against Jenelle if she was just truthful at all. She tries to rewrite events that are on film and internet the last 10 years. I’ll bet when March comes around again, it will be the same lie about the contract she’s been out if for 8 or 9 months already.

    Just give it up already and get a regular job. Maybe Barb can put in a good word for you and David at Walmart since you guys are all on good terms now.

    1. Hahah (in the sound of Babs cackling). David and Janelle working at WalMart?! They would never do that. It’s honest work that can be hard at times and requires sticking to a schedule, being polite to people and taking orders from management. Neither of those entitled losers are capable of adhering to those requirements. Plus neither would ever pass a background check (if WalMart requires one).

      Unlike Janelle, Chelsea proved that she’s capable of holding down a real job.

  14. So is Jenelle saying that networks are “lined up” to have their production crews threatened with guns and bodily harm by resident gun nut David if they set foot on her property? And are these the same networks that are obviously located on a deserted island somewhere and have never heard about what a sheer living nightmare she and David can be to work with?

    I swear, this girl needs to brush up on the medical assistant degree she earned a few years back, get a real job, and lay off the damn drugs. Seriously.

    (Cue big eye roll.)

    1. She couldn’t pass the state exam. Also she has so many drug charges I doubt any place would want to hire her.

  15. I cant even begin to start on this one!!
    If I started I wouldn’t be able to stop!

    I will say this,
    – MTV probably didn’t say “you’re fired” in those exact words bc they KNOW she would try to sue them for any cent she could. They know her! They FIRED her by carefully letting her contract expire…YEARS AGO! It was obvious to everyone except JE that they were playing their cards extremely careful and it would be silly to pretend everything they did was not based on legal advice.

    – She was not fired “just” (and I use that loosely!! RIP INNOCENT Nugget?) because DE savagely murdered Nugget for no reason, or even because she lied, covered up AND SUPPORTED his actions(she admitted to not even leaving the trailer for a night). She was FIRED because she was a nightmare in every way on top of supporting animal and child abuse!! That is VERY different than doing drugs that only harm yourself (and evidently unborn children). She refused to film more than she filmed, laughed at the threats DE sent crew (and has publicly insulted them because of it many times, despite it being smart and insurance companies not covering them around them!), lied (not very well) and REFUSED TO WORK FOR $450K when she has ZERO employable skills! (As she is now learning…)

    -On that note, she is “not a millionaire” because she consumed her millions! Ive spent the vast majority of my life getting an education that provides me a comfortable salary and it’s nothing close to $450k! She also got free trips, meals, event invites, etc, not bc she is Jenelephant but bc she WAS associated with MTV. Period.
    The real delusion lies in her “raise” theory!! Not only was she SUBSTANTIALLY OVER PAID, it was the crew that had to do the work!! She refused to film literally every episode, (empty) threatened to “quit” weekly and made such bogus demands that the real shock is that they kept her around that long! She complains about airing more episodes (which The Ashley kindly confirms WERE PAID!) BUT WHAT ABOUT THE EPISODES SHE WAS NOT EVEN ON BECAUSE THEY DIDNT HAVE ENOUGH FOOTAGE?!? OR the ones she actually was on but just a 10 second shot of her in the car saying she was too sick to film. They SHOULD have paid her by the aired minute, or even by the filming hour! Heck, the idiot claimed she couldnt film because her sinuses were clogged and she had to have an emergency nose job…yes I say NOSE JOB because the above mentioned education taught me that there is no “emergency septoplasty” outside of trauma, which we saw she didn’t have. She was conveniently (dope)”sick” every time she flew somewhere so couldnt film…yet she has the audacity to bitch about not earning more money for extra episodes they paid her for when it did not involve more of her avoiding work? I cant even use work bc she literally just had to have a camera crew around as she went about her pathetic life. AND GOT PAID MILLIONS!

    – My last point, I promise (until Twitter I’m sure?) MTV MADE HER LOOK LIKE A SAINT COMPARED TO HOW SHE MAKES HERSELF LOOK EVERY DAY! Case and point! As far as I’m concerned she should be thanking MTV for saving her reputation as long as they did! She not only lost a free pay check and all the perks with being associated with MTV but lost THEIR EDITING which showed her in a WAY better light than she shows herself!!

    So I said I wasn’t going to rant…I guess I lied too…but trust that’s a fraction of what I want to say…”like maybe 5%”?

    Cheers all!
    Bye Jenelephant!
    Keep trolling and sinking yourself further! The most “positive” thing you could do for you and your happy family is disconnect your wifi forever and forget the internet even exists…

  16. She thinks you get to make your own rules at work. That’s adorable.

  17. Girl, you are clearly DELUSIONAL. We aren’t buying the cow crap you are selling.

    I think you will find much greater inner peace and happiness, Jenelle, if you quit trying to weasel your way back onto tv. Stop doing interviews and start reading to your children. Stop trying to convince tv networks/production companies that you are interesting enough to film and get a real job. I truly believe your life will be so much better if you take a regular 9-5 job and behave like a proper parent.

    And stop trying to convince us that David isn’t going to murder you and your kids before he dies by suicide (or suicide by cop). Mentally unstable people should not have access to guns—just saying.

  18. You got yourself to where you are today, Jenelle. Out on the sinking swamp with a man who allegedly abuses you and your children and can’t see his own son. You’re so broke that you kept a pregnant dog to likely sell the puppies.
    Lie in this sh&t bed that you made.

  19. From the article: ‘ As The Ashley has reported in the past, the original ‘Teen Mom’ girls are payed very well, ‘

    The word is PAID, not ‘payed.’

  20. There is nothing “positive” anyone can show about Jenelle’s life aside from a positive drug test…and why is she so obsessed with Chelsea? I think it’s safe to say we all know Chelsea wasn’t a goody two shoes….she got pregnant at 16 for crying out loud.

    1. Exactly!
      No one has ever claimed Chelsea walked the straight and narrow!
      What we do say is that she has ALWAYS been respectful to absolutely everyone in her life, is raising happy, healthy children, found herself her perfect supportive man who loves Aubree like his own, has made responsible decisions etc etc etc etc!!
      I’m actually sad to see her go because she was a breath of POSITIVITY, very likely why JE is pretending to be “positive” now, she pulled that line directly off of a Twitter?convo! (Along with a few other key words). Not that we need more proof she spends her days trolling instead of parenting!! We were all saying exactly this and how different her send off from MTV was vs JEs CLEAR FIRING. JE needs to stop comparing herself to Chelsea bc she will never be remotely in the same league. Not even the same sport! Chelsea matured out of reality TV, JE somehow managed to get fired for being too trashy for reality TV…that’s almost impressive actually, if it wasn’t so pathetic.
      JE always has to have someone to compare herself to and claim she is better than in every way doesnt she…it’s always something.

      This set of nonsense really should be the final nail in her coffin.
      No network would EVER touch her, that’s why she tried to make her own to rival youtube! Ha ha. I cant even remember the name of it but it sure did appear after her post about “why use someone else’s website when you can make your own”…couple weeks later, that ridiculous attempt at claiming a streaming site (that she obviously had made) was a “tv network”

      Ah I could go on for days how pathetic Jenelephant is but we all know very well.

      Cheers ? friends!?

    2. Exactly! I’ve said that for years. No one thinks Chelsea is perfect. She has just been smart about how she allows herself to be filmed and with *what* she allows to be filmed. Maci is another example of this. You can’t be portrayed in a negative light when you do not show anything negative on camera.

      When she was younger, Maci was on camera partying. She got a lot of flack for it, and guess what? She stopped showing that part of her life. Ryan is also someone who learned this. He was always seen as somewhat of an absentee dad, but he was years into a heroin addiction before the viewers ever knew it. Everyone knew he wasn’t acting right, but it was several seasons before it was evident that there were drugs involved. He controlled his image until he couldn’t anymore. And Maci also helped to protect him when it came to that, until she didn’t want to protect him anymore.

      Jenelle has no concept of how much control she actually has over her own image. You can’t be seen as an out of control lunatic when you don’t act that way in front of the cameras. When you’re on film refusing to feed your kids, threatening them, allowing your husband to call them names, fighting with your husband in front of them, or just flat out ignoring them – guess what? That’s how you are going to be portrayed on your REALITY TV show.

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