Paul Staehle of 90 Day Fiancé sat down for a shocking (to say the least) interview with The Domenick Nati Show this week, during which he made more wild statements than TLC has made “90 Day” spin-offs.
From open relationships, convicted pedophiles and domestic abuse to STDs, suicide attempts and a fetus in a refrigerator, there is a lot to unpack here – A. LOT.
(It’s worth noting that during the interview, Paul’s wife Karine is seen at least twice on-camera and can be heard talking to Paul off-camera as well. While she appears to leave the house with the couple’s son briefly to run an errand, Karine is seemingly present while Paul is making at least some of these comments/accusations.)
Just a trigger warning here: this interview contained talk of miscarriage, domestic violence and a few other topics that may be disturbing to some readers.

On his and Karine’s relationship status:
Despite a chaotic few months this year that resulted in Paul and Karine filing protective orders against one another, Paul said he and Karine – currently expecting their second child together – are living in the same house and even sharing a bed as long as Paul is “not in trouble and sleeping in the doghouse.”
Regarding the “unfortunate” July incident that kickstarted the couple’s 2020 drama, Paul said the “whole thing got really, really crazy.” As The Ashley told you in October, the restraining orders the couple filed against each other have been dropped.
On whether or not Karine has cheated on him:
When asked if Karine has been unfaithful to him, Paul responded, “that’s a tough thing to talk about.” He ultimately said he was “going to be respectful” and “avoid that right now,” though he did hint that some infidelity had occurred.
“People make mistakes in life and things happen, you know … when I was in my 20s, I’m sure [when] you were in your 20s, we did crazy things,” he said. “It happens, you know? It is what it is, it’s being in your 20s. It’s a wild time.”
Later in the interview, Paul said although Karine does not currently want a divorce, “she did before.” In fact, he said Karine wants to divorce him “every time she’s pregnant” – something that began with Karine’s first pregnancy (before their son, Pierre), which resulted in a miscarriage.
On Karine’s questionable parenting decisions:
In addition to pleading the fifth on whether or not Karine drinks alcohol while she’s pregnant and accusing Karine of consuming alcohol while breastfeeding, Paul claimed there have been situations where his wife has allowed people around their child that he is not comfortable with. One of those people, he alleged, being a convicted pedophile.
“ … at one point I put my foot down and literally, I got some people I knew in law enforcement involved at that point, because I found out who it was and I ran the background check and on the background check, it came up with like basic pedophile charges,” he said. “I explained to [Karine] and she’s like, ‘No, he said that’s all lies, it’s all lies,’ and I’m like, I really don’t want to take the risk with that with my son, I don’t want to do that.”
Paul said Karine never actually met the individual; however, he said there was another individual that had a warrant out for his arrest as a result of excessive DUI’s. Despite the man having his license revoked, Paul said the individual was “driving down to pick [Karine] up and drive her out of state.”
“I didn’t want my son first of all, going out of state, secondly, with somebody that has no license and a warrant and is drinking” he said.
On the dangerous job offer Karine allegedly received:
After expressing his concerns about child trafficking, Paul went on to talk about a rather sketchy job offer Karine received, in which a man was allegedly “going to bring her and Pierre down out of state and live there and take care of them” and fly Karine to different hotels around the United States “to meet with other men.”
Paul said once Karine found out what the job involved, she declined the offer.

“I was like, ‘Well, I’m proud of you, I’m very glad you declined that job … I’m very glad that you told me the truth and what’s going on,’” he said.
Paul said he explained to Karine at that time the dangers of human trafficking.
On Karine being allowed to be with other men:
When asked if he allows Karine to go out with other men, Paul essential confirmed that he does, but not before doing a background check on the men.
“What I’m saying is, before we had an argument about it and what I told her was, ‘I’m OK if you want to go with Pierre and everything else, I’m OK with that if I can do a background check to make sure everything’s cool before you take my son around those individuals,’” he said.
Paul added that he can’t stop Karine from going out with these men because Karine is an adult and “what she does with her life and her body and her stuff is her business.” As for whether or not Karine is sleeping with these men, Paul says he’s unsure.

“You know, I don’t know what’s all going on,” he said, adding that in the past Karine would be gone overnight – sometimes for a few days at a time.
“I mean, she’s sleeping somewhere,” he said. “She’s gotta lay her head down somewhere, but you know, I’m not there so I mean … I’m not gonna say something … I’m not there. I can’t see it and I haven’t seen any of the videos of that stuff, thank god, so I try not to think about those kind of things as much as I can right now.”
Paul said he tries to think of “the best possible scenario” and considers that Karine may have met a “Brazilian local, like a girl or something” during these random sleepovers.
Once again, he blamed the Karine’s behavior on her age.
“I mean, things happen,” he said. “She’s in her 20s, man. I get it. When I was in my 20s dude, I did some really wild and crazy stupid stuff and that’s the way I looked at it, you know?”
On the paternity of Karine’s second child:
Despite the strange arrangement he and Karine have, Paul says “there’s like a 99.99 probability” that the child Karine is currently carrying is his.

Still, he has considered doing a DNA test to prove he’s the father because he doesn’t “want anybody to dispute it.”
On the repercussions of his open relationship:
After having previously accused his wife on Instagram Live of giving him an STD, Paul confirmed that there were “some things that happened with that” regarding said-STDs, though he maintains “they were minor, they were like, kind of common things, so all that stuff got resolved pretty quick.” Looking back on the situation, Paul said it’s something he “should have really kept private.”

“I was upset with everything that was going on, I was very upset with the way things were going,” he said. “I went [on Instagram] Live and did things that I shouldn’t have done … I mean, we both got tested, those things all got cleared up, so everything’s fine now … It wasn’t anything like life threatening or permanent, umm, there are some things that was minor, but it’s been resolved a long time ago and that’s all taken care of now.”
On the physical abuse in his and Karine’s relationship:
Paul alleges that Karine has physically assaulted him in the past; however, he claims “it was minor” and “really didn’t hurt.”
“ … She gets stressed and frustrated and wants to let her anger out, it’s fine, that’s OK,” he said.
When asked how many times Karine has slapped him in the face, Paul joked, “I don’t know. I mean, as many times as I’ve been annoying enough to drive her to that point.”
He added that when Karine becomes frustrated and pushed to this point, he will either go downstairs or go to a hotel overnight. Paul said if “things get too crazy,” he will take Pierre with him when he leaves.
Paul claims he has never laid a hand on Karine or physically assaulted her in any way.
On Karine’s mental health:
Paul alleged that his wife had “done some things in the past that were concerning,” when asked if Karine had ever attempted suicide. Paul went on to claim that production of “90 Day Fiancé” even had to be halted at one point due to Karine’s mental health.
“I know there’s one time that she was in the hospital for a few nights because I was concerned because she made some comments to some other people as well as myself and when those comments were made, I felt that at that point, it was best for me to take some action,” he said of another incident. “Her family hated me for it. I didn’t like it … .”
Paul said his concern began after Karine allegedly asked someone if “people that commit suicide go to heaven.” According to Paul, Karine also said she wanted to be alone one night and asked that Paul take Pierre to his mom’s house, turn off the cameras in their home and get her “the strongest sleeping medicine” in the house. Paul said Karine told him to “just come check on [her] in the morning.” Karine assured Paul she just wanted to get some sleep and be alone, but Paul remained concerned.
“I was legitimately concerned for my wife … ,” he said. “And then of course, … if anything ever happened to her and she did do something, that I’ll be the first suspect in a murder investigation, you know? It’d be, ‘Paul Murdered Karine!’”
Paul said whenever he thinks Karine “might be in a dark place,” he just wants to “get her somewhere so she’s in a better place as quickly as I humanly can.”

He then accused Karine of doing these things for attention, confirmed that she suffered from postpartum depression and revealed that latter to be the reason why Karine didn’t take part in one of the Tell-Alls.
“Sharp and TLC were very respectful and they understood that she was having a lot of stuff going on emotionally that they wanted the best for her mental health … ,” he noted.
(Paul provided a similar explanation in October when asked this same question.)
On the shocking place Paul keeps his and Karine’s miscarried baby:
During his interview, Paul spoke on the rumors involving the baby Karine miscarried – specially where they are keeping the “body.”
“That’s one thing you do here in Brazil, in America you can’t even keep a tooth … ,” Paul said. “ … When we left the hospital I didn’t even realize what it was at first until later. Then when I found out what it was, I was kind of like, wow, I was in shock at the whole situation. But we do need to do a burial … .”
Paul said currently, his and Karine’s miscarried child is being kept in the refrigerator at his home.
On Paul and Karine’s future with TLC:
“We were not fired, we were basically given time off to deal with our situations,” he said.
Check out the full interview below!
RELATED STORY: “90 Day Fiancé” Couple Kirlyam & Alan Cox Expecting Baby Number Two: See Their Adorable ‘Friends’-Inspired Announcement!
(Photos: TLC; Instagram; YouTube)
23 Responses
She seems severely depressed if she is considering suicide. In the video which shows her right after giving birth she looks utterly devoid of joy. Not a glance toward the newborn. Paul might as well have been a floor lamp for as little attention she paid him. She gave birth very quickly, according to Paul. So she was not probably all worn out from a painful, protracted labor. Paul is a mess too. Those poor innocent babies, even the one in the fridge.
“Honey, I think we’re out of mustard!”
“No, it’s there, look behind the fetus.”
That they are able to sleep and live with a fetus in their refrigerator is the stuff of horror movies.
I’m sorry but someone desperately needs to look into this situation. I feel like they’re both unstable
They are both completely and utterly nuts.
I feel so bad for those kids..
Paul’s mother should had have him sterilized from day one. Some people should NOT reproduce…….he’s top on my list.
Well… this was interesting ?
WTF did I just read??? Paul is clearly mentally unstable, and it sounds like Karine is, too, with substance abuse issues thrown in there as well. What mother of two kids under two has time to be driving out of state to meet men??? Those poor little babies!! I hope this is all Paul’s delusion talking and Karine isn’t that dangerous to her children.
If I had to bet money on it…….I would bet ALL OF IT that Paul is DELUSIONAL and is in desperate need of meds to stabilize his brain where he can be rational enough to make somewhat sense.
I’m not saying Karine is an angel or deserves Mother/Wife of the Year award, but I can actually be comfortable in saying that I don’t buy majority of the crap he’s selling about her. JMO
He let’s her go on ‘dates’ and she can take her son with her? Is he pimping them both out?
She drinks while pregnant and does crazy sh*t because she’s in her 20’s? In my 20’s I was married, working 2 jobs and only drinking when we had a babysitter.
I don’t even want to talk about what is in their fridge!
Wow, just wow!
What the actual f*ck?! If they want to have an open relationship that’s their business but don’t involve your child in your intimate affairs, don’t take him with you to meet men. Also don’t drink alcohol while pregnant. And don’t assault your husband. I always thought Paul was nuts but Karine doesn’t seem too sane either. Poor kids, they don’t stand a chance at a normal life
There is a 100% chance that is Karine continues to take her son(s) to meet strange men in other states they will take her children and sell them. Karine will then be forced into a life of sex slavery until she is dead and/or used up. It’s disgusting and sad but it is true and way more commonplace than people want to believe. My heart breaks for those children.
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This are some serious accusations but I don’t believe Paul, neither Karine. Both are crazy as sh*t
Omg… just bizarre. Being in your 20s is no excuse. I know teen parents who are great with their kids, responsible and would NEVER bring their kids around pedos or leave for days at a time, sleep with other men, do all this shady business… age has nothing to do with it. Karine clearly has major, major problems. Not surprised if she drinks while pregnant. It is actually borderline CPS worthy because they have the child sleeping in places Paul is unaware of, probably with random men karine meets…I never thought I’d read such a freaking bizarre article in my life
Can CPS take those kids away, they make Farrah from tm look like mother of the year. Karine is one of those foreign chicks who think a white American man can save her, I bet the only reason she is with him is because he has blonde hair and blue eyes so she could have a blonde hair blue eyed baby which she does have.
Shockingly, this is true about Farrah. At least we know Sophia is safe and taken care of
What did I just read!!!!WTF!!
As if 2020 wasn’t bizarre enough…
Absolutely friggen nutcases the two of them!
Those kids stand no chance.
That’s all I have to say too. That was a bizarre read.