The Ashley broke the news on October 29 that Chelsea Houska was officially leaving Teen Mom 2, shocking the show’s fans. However, the fans were not the only ones floored by the news. Chelsea’s co-stars were also surprised by Chelsea’s decision to leave the show when they found out while taping the ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 10 Reunion in October.
In a preview clip of the Reunion episode, Chelsea reveals her big news to Jade Cline, Kail Lowry, Briana DeJesus and Leah Messer, as well as Reunion hosts Dr. Drew Pinksy and Nessa. She’s met with a variety of emotions. Dr. Drew, in particular, had perhaps the biggest reaction to Chelsea leaving, telling her he’s “both pissed and sad.”
“My question is— and I have a mix of emotions and I’m sort of keeping a lid on them at the moment– but why?!” Drew— who has worked with Chelsea since she appeared on 16 and Pregnant over 10 years ago— said. “Why you doing this?”

As The Ashley told you, Chelsea decided to leave the show for several reasons, the biggest being that her oldest daughter Aubree is now a pre-teen and that Chelsea wanted her to live her life more privately, away from the pressures of TV.
“Watching this last season, I was getting a bad feeling in my stomach,” Chelsea told the group. “It just feels like it’s time to close the chapter. I’m almost 30. I’m having my fourth baby. It just feels like the right time.”
Chelsea’s co-stars also reacted to the big news.
“More power to you!” Briana told Chelsea. “Good luck on your journey with you and your family. I wish you nothing but the best!”
“It’s sad; it’s definitely bittersweet,” Leah— who, along with Kail, has starred on the show with Chelsea since it started in 2010— said. “But I think Chelsea and her family get to make the best decision for their family at the end of the day. I wish them nothing but the best.”

Jade, the latest girl to join the ‘Teen Mom 2’ cast, said she was “really surprised” that Chelsea wouldn’t want to film about her baby.
“I didn’t expect it, especially because she’s having a new baby,” Jade said. “It seemed like there was a lot of stuff going on but I totally understand wanting to step back from the reality TV world.”
Kail stated that she had been talking to Chelsea frequently, so the news wasn’t exactly shocking. However, she did mention that “it’s going to be a little bit weird” doing the show without Chelsea.
“We’ve been doing this together for 10 years but I’m really excited to see what opportunities she has once she moves on from this,” Kail said.
As The Ashley previously reported, Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant star Ashley Jones will be settling into Chelsea’s spot on the show for the next season.
Watch the preview clip of the Reunion below!
Tonight on a very bittersweet #TeenMom2 Reunion, @ChelseaHouska begins to say her goodbyes to both the series and the cast. ? pic.twitter.com/NhcQ1Hh6PM
— Teen Mom (@TeenMom) January 5, 2021
RELATED STORY: Dr. Drew Pinsky Details His Battle with COVID-19, Months After Downplaying the Seriousness of the Virus
(Photos: MTV)
44 Responses
She will be missed, honestly one of the best mom’s I have seen as starting at 16yrs old, Good luck with baby number 4 you will sadly be missed and never forgotten you have brought this show to different dimensions and they have benefitted very well from you, You feel it’s time for you to move on in life do what’s best for you baby girl you only have one chance at it. Very proud supporter of you Chelsea.
I think its time and she knows it. I mean come on these women are far from being teen mom’s. I think a whole new cast or cancel the show the title is “Teen Mom”.
So sorry that Chelsea is leaving but I understand it and admire her for wanting to keep Aubree in a more normal setting at this time in her life. Proud of Chelsea for all she has been through and how well she has turned out now. Thankful she met Cole and he has been such a good husband for her and been so good to Aubree
Good for her! It’s called growing up. None of these girls are “ teen” Moms anymore. The others also need to grow up and stop getting pregnant for ratings by deadbeat Dad’s. MTV needs to cut these girls off after the age of 19! I mean, they’re making a living out of getting pregnant.
I’ve enjoyed watching Chelsea’s story. And the progression through the beginning years until present. But I find some of her characteristics have not developed much further than they were from day one. She still depends on her father for damn near everything in her life. To the extent that she probably calls him to ask if she should make pancakes or waffles. This has not changed, but greatly shifted to another male figure of whom she depends on in her day to day life. She cannot make any decisions on her own, and at this point has probably never even attempted to.(and unlikely ever will) So for “HER” to make this huge life altering decision, is not even close to being believable. This grand idea suits whomever benefits most.
In my opinion, this selfish choice to quit the show is yet another bratty, snotty little example of her being an entitled, immature ‘girl’ (cause that’s what she is) who has no care or appreciation for the gifts she’s been given.
The millions of dollars that have been handed to her as result of people like myself watching her on this show are not appreciated or necessary any longer to fluff her privileged life.
It shows insensitivity and immaturity. Money doesn’t last any longer than a name in the spotlight. So hopefully your new furniture gig kicks off high. This “best decision” ‘you’ve’ just made for your family will fade much faster than you’ll realize. The new man in command will quickly be singing a different tune when true reality bites him in the Ass. Hopefully The OG Big Daddy sticks around for saving.
Well said alicia. ??????
When fans begin to criticize you stating that you’re boring and are now using your preteen daughter to draw a paycheck, Its definitely time to exit.. Chelsea did the right thing for her daughter and herself.
I have been a fan since day one. Although I love the show, I feel after all these years, I feel it’s about time to rap this show up.How long will this show continue until the mother’s reach Social Security status?? This shows is not really realistic by that I mean the only person that had a job was Cole. They buy very beautiful and expensive homes driving different cars each season which is not the way the world turns. What happened to having safe sex. What about having many children by different father’s? I feel this show has steered way off the map as to why the show was created in the first place. All I see now is have many babies and have a lifestyle like these girls have by living off child support. Look at sorry Ryan who has a beautiful home without working on a 9 to 5 gig like the rest of us have to do to survive. This show is too impressionable for the young teens of today who see lots of money to be made without working. And what about safe sex when Briana caught a STD? Really? This show is just like all the reality shows on the tube who are on just for the MONEY ? it makes for the network. Oh…forgot,look at the sorry father’s some of the girl’s have babies by. It is really time to rap this show up and move on to something else. Will miss Chelsea and Cole and wish them all the best.
Coery has a job, jeramy has a job.
They always have.
And to goid tp be true, Cole gave his job up.
Sidenote: did Chelsea have work done on her face or is it just a unfortunate picture In this article?
Shes always haf a long face and a wide jaw.
Its those stupid hats she wears.
Holy freakin’ shit Leah needs to not get her makeup done like that. Scary stuff.
I’m so over Dr. Drew. He’s been a farce this entire time enabling these girls (now women) and this attitude just further cements he doesn’t give a hoot about what’s best for them. Good for Chelsea. It’s time to move on. You as well Drew, get out of the limelight and stick to being a Covid-denier.
Im not even mad. She was boring and the baby-voice was cringe ..
Jade is boring too. Sorry ?
Dr. Drew – you’re pissed?? As a doctor, do you not see that this is a HEALTHY, ADMIRABLE and SMART decision to leave now? She’s hardly a teen mom anymore, and wants to protect her preteen daughter from MTV cameras & public judgement as she struggles through adolescence, and an uninvolved father during a pandemic, adolescence is hard enough. I applaud her decision to choose her family over MTV money. You just prove over and over again that you only care about the cameras and publicity then actual medical and mental healthcare.
I would think Dr. Drew would applaud any one of these mom’s who got out of the Reality TV trap. I don’t think it could be good for your children’s mental health to be raised with cameras two feet in front of your face, recording every word and…. random nasty people weighing in on your life and choices every single day.
From a mental health perspective, this cannot be healthy and he is a mental health professional, right?
Dr. Drew acts like he’s passed Chelsea won’t continue to “tell her story.” Her story ended relative to the show’s intent long ago.
The show needs to be cancelled.
They all seem so surprised Chelsea doesn’t want to cash in on the Teen Mom special move–she’s wasting the opportunity to film her fourth baby! that’s people want to see. I recently went back and started watching the first two seasons on netflix and I love that Chelsea’s story was the only story that was about growth and change. To see her crying of Adam and her dad telling her that one day the right guy is going to come around made me so proud (of this person i don’t really know). No lie, i was mostly fast forwarding through their segments to see Jenelle totally ignoring her child to chase Kieffer who introduces himself to Barb as being “highly skilled” and “should have no problem finding a job” as he proved to have no reputable skills at all and never actually got a real job–Jenelle ignores her firstborn to be heartbroken over her drug addict mooch boyfriend. She even says it at one point, “All you ever talk about is drugs, alcohol and weed” … what a train wreck. She makes her boyfriends/husbands so fucking important but they’re all mostly God awful.
I have been rewatching on Netflix too! It is so bizarre to rewatch as a 30 year old since I was around these women’s ages when the show started airing. As an adult, it is crazy to watch what these women went through when they were so young.
I remembered that Kieffer had always been a loser, but had completely forgotten that he was literally a homeless, alcoholic, drug addict. How could Jenelle have even though about abandoning her sweet baby for such a loser ?.
I’m proud of Chelsea. She is hands down the most mature mom on the show. These kids deserve to go into their awkward teen years in privacy and not on camera.
Dr Drew’s Covid is all over this place.
Leah and Chelsea are both naturally pretty women and while they may not be teenagers anymore they are still way too young in my opinion for all of the botox and fillers. It’s already giving them that unnatural older look. It’s a shame because at this rate by the time they are 35 they are going to look 55. It’s sad to see.
I think Dr. Drew is pissed, because she was the ONLY success story. However, she grew up privileged. Her father is a dentist that paid her way for years to give her a leg up in life. She has always had a solid support family and financially.
I think she left because her husband was getting criticism and he probably put his foot down and said we’re out. As we have seen she is controlled by him..
He’s a host that sees them twice a year. How does her completely rational and reasonable choice effect his life in any way?
Honestly kinda grossed out by some of yall commenters. Especially when you all want to bring up eligible role models while tearing apart their looks and being condescending about their intelligence. Do better. You can dislike them and their platform without belittling them. And honestly who gaf about whether Leah’s “hunting for man” it damn sure doesn’t make someone a whore to do so.
Leah’s got her man-huntin face on. You know how hunters put that camouflage shit on their face when they go hunting. Well Leah has her “Whorin” Make up on! ?????
Chelsea’s preggo cans are the best cans, it needed to be said. I need some milk.
stay lit
Pregnancy and breastfeeding boobs are the best. I miss mine, they were glorious.
Chelsea needs to lay off the fillers and botox.
Leah too.
Neither looks under 30. No way.
Yessss! Didn’t Chelsea’s dad the dentist give her friend injections in the past????( the blonde girl with crazy hair- same name maybe idk but damn I noticed!) Chelsea’s bottom lip looks huge! Chelsea has always been pretty- definitely doesn’t need any help
Leah, of course, has to use the phrase “at the end of the day”. Throwing around a big word “bittersweet”. Maybe the others will now realize they need to leave as well. Or at least change the name of the show to I WAS A TEEN MOM, MY MOM WAS A TEEN MOM, NOW MY SONS AND DAUGHTERS ARE TEEN MOMS AND DADS.
And “I mean” before a statement …
I hate when girls do that! Grow up already!
Dr. Drew is such a wang…. he is just seeing the writing on the wall now that the only likeable mom of the whole series is leaving.
Cancel this show these women are all grown and have way too many baby daddy issues. Very bad role models for young girls and teens.
Karma is a B aka corona!
Seriously though, what happened to Leahs face??!! Tragic!
It’s good to see that MTV is adding Ashley Jones and that, hard working, boyfriend of hers!
Dr Drew is the worst.
Kail looks like shit as always! Who did Leahs eyebrows?
Addie must have drawn them on.
I’m not surprised in the slightest and think it’s a very mature move. She’s the one who has grown up the most and honestly has grown out of the show. She has started several businesses on her own and makes good bank without the help of MTV in designing clothing, baby items, and home decor. Her family is stable and deserves privacy more than ever. I think it will make her a much happier, relaxed person. As a mom, I’m actually really proud of all she has accomplished and making this decision. Good luck, Chelsea and family!
She’s the only one from the show, who came from a good, supportive, family that she has good relationships with and that had the financial recourses to help her when she was a teen mom. It Shouldn’t be surprising that she’s the only one who makes decent decisions & is good with $. A lot of people like to pretend that as soon as soon someone enters adulthood, all the BS from their childhood just disappears, but unfortunately, it’s not the case.
I think Drew was really out of line. Chelsea is doing what’s best for her family and her daughter’s emotional well-being. I can only imagine how much kids tease her about things they are on the show related to her awful father and his overbearing mother. Hopefully she was smart with the money she made and Cole has always worked and contributed to the household (*coughs* Eason).