Nikkole Paulun is pregnant again.
The former 16 and Pregnant star— who appeared alongside the original Teen Mom 2 girls when we first met them on MTV back in 2010— announced on Sunday that she’s expecting her third child.
Nikkole told her followers on Instagram that she is due in July. Nikkole last made headlines in June when she revealed she had suffered a miscarriage, shortly after marrying Kyle Ledda in July.
“Our rainbow is coming July 2021,” Nikkole wrote in the caption of a photo showing her and Kyle holding a sonogram photo, with balloons that spell out “Baby” in the background.
Nikkole is already the mother of 11-year-old Lyle (who was born on her “16 and Pregnant” episode), and five-year-old daughter Ellie. They both have different fathers. (Lyle’s father, Josh Drummonds, has been in and out of jail since Lyle’s birth, while Ellie’s father is a former fiance of Nikkole’s.)
On Instagram Stories, Nikkole addressed some of people who sent her negative messages after her pregnancy announcement.
“Of course people have to come after me about having 3 baby daddies,” she wrote. “Was I supposed to stay with the guy who knocked me up at 15 and ended up being abusive and a drug addict just so I could only have one [baby daddy]? Or should I have stayed with the guy I dated at 20, was abusive, and treated me and my first child like crap so I could stop at 2 [baby daddies],” she wrote.
Nikkole stated that she was not good at choosing men in her younger years.
“I was very broken starting at a young age and allowed men to treat me like trash,” she wrote. “I feel extremely blessed to have recognized my worth and stop settling for less than what me and my babies deserve. My life may not be a fairy tale to you but it feels like one to me. Even if that means having 3 baby daddies.”
“And let’s not forget the third one is my HUSBAND, the man who’s stepped up to raise my children, and someone who works hard every day and who has never so much as raised his voice at me or called me a name.”
Nikkole has been one of the more-controversial figures to come out of “16 and Pregnant.” Although she wasn’t chosen for a ‘Teen Mom’ show, she has continued to keep her name in the news over the years: from getting a tattoo so she could get free tanning for life, to allegedly faking a pregnancy and miscarriage in 2013.
(Photos: Instagram)
23 Responses
There’s nothing wrong with three baby daddies. There is however something wrong with faking a pregnancy and stillbirth.
Mmhm… with Nikkole’s historically oil-and-water relationship with the truth, I’m not sure I’ll believe her even if she has a new kid with her at the end of all this.
I will never forget that she faked that pregnancy and stillbirth. Unforgivable, especially since she never owned up to it. I don’t give a **** about her life. I hope it stucks
She’s an adult and though she has bad choice in men… she’s an adult. Idc if she doesn’t know how to use birth control. She’s an adult.
There’s no “allegedly” faked a still birth.
She faked it. Straight up.
And I would have a smidge more of the ZERO respect I have for her if she would own it.
I cannot stand this thing.
I hated her, you could tell she just wanted to be on the show ..
No Nicole you werent supposed to stay with an abusive, loser boyfriend. You werent supposed to have a kid as a parting gift with everyone of them either.
This freaking airhead has such an inflated sense of self-importance she’s close to the top of the TM franchise. We all know she’s vying for a spot on one of the shows once one opens. I remember her from 16&P and being disgusted by her fake baby voice talking self and her sick-in-the-head baby daddy. Maybe she’s so screwed up because her mom decided to spell her name like that.
Are we sure she isn’t faking this pregnancy? This chick is SICK!! Back in like 2012, she faked an entire pregnancy, fake belly that they use in movies and all, then said she had a stillbirth. Then pictures started floating around of her at a music festival of her her in a TINY bikini… days after alleged ‘stillbirth.’ I’m sorry but my friend had a stillbirth and her milk still came in full force, and she bled the same as a healthy birth. No way was Nikkole traipsing around in a string bikini days after essentially giving birth. Just nope. This chick had major mental issues, which her mother seems to co-sign. It was her moms hospital bed abd gown that she posted the picture of her holding ‘stillborn baby.’ I went down the rabbit hole of all this mess one night back in April when my son was a month old, up cluster feeding. Lol. Radar Online oaid her for the story, which she got breast implants with. Supposedly that was was the entire reason for the scam. That and she wanted a guy back that she had been dating and he left her. Great reason to fake a whole pregnancy. Her poor kid!!
Right? I heard a rumor that she confessed to faking the pregnancy to some blogger years back. And she avoids mentioning it on social media. Not even when she announced her miscarriage. She made it seem like it was her first loss (which, technically, it was).
It’s not a rumour. I have the audio of her confession.
There is no allegedly. She faked it. Straight up. I can’t stand this bitch.
You do?! I want to hear that. She’s so crazy…
Yep. I used to be a regular on the blog Teen Mom Junkies. And got friendly with the writer. She confessed during an interview with her. She tried to share it with some other news outlets-I think even The Ashley. But because of the laws around recording people without their knowledge or something-no one was interested in it.
Mtv actually canceled a special where she talked about her “stillbirth” with other teen moms who actually had stillbirths with dr.drew. I am dead surprised that she didn’t get jail time or arrested for, this would have been considered fraud.
When my friend had her stillbirth, she was in hell. She bled longer than I did when I gave birth, everything hurt, she was in so much physical and emotional pain.
She faked it and that’s just disgusting. Especially bringing her other child into that bullshit and making him think he had and lost a sibling.
I cannot even begin to imagine the trauma of going through a still birth 🙁
She was very lucky to have such an amazing partner in her husband, because the hospital she had to go to treated them like shit.
She has since had a very beautiful little boy and talks very openly about her stillbirthing experience.
Why the fuck did this get two downvotes?!?
“I was very broken starting at a young age and allowed men to treat me like trash,”
You know what we called this at the TKE house?
We also NEVER dumped the clip inside.
stay lit young cum dumpster
Nibs ?
Your sign off on each post always makes me smile
LMAO I love your commentary on these. Oh and the “stay lit”. Gets me everytime
If your eldest child is closer to the age you were last on tv than you are, maybe it’s time to drop the MTV from your social media, trash panda.