‘Teen Mom OG’ Star Amber Portwood Gets Restraining Order Against Baby Daddy Andrew Glennon After Claiming He Interfered with Her Parenting Time with Son James

“I want him thrown in GEL for what he’s done!”

After months of relatively peaceful co-parenting, all hell has broken loose (again) between Amber Portwood and her second baby daddy Andrew Glennon.

On Monday, a restraining order was issued against Andrew, 20 days after the Teen Mom OG star filed a motion against him, claiming he was interfering with her parenting time for their two-year-old son, James. The restraining order prevents Andrew from interfering or preventing Amber’s scheduled parenting time.

Amber is demanding that Andrew be held in contempt of the court for allegedly breaking their court-ordered custody agreement. She is also asking that the missed parenting time be made up, and that Andrew pay her attorney’s fees.

“He must stay at least 200 feet from my couch at all times!”

A hearing has been set for January 19 to discuss the parenting issues and for Andrew to explain why he was not in contempt of their custody order.

As The Ashley has previously reported, the exes have joint legal custody of James. While Andrew has primary physical custody of the boy, Amber is to see him at least three times a week, with holiday parenting time being pre-determined each year. Amber and Andrew are to communicate through the court-run parenting app “Our Family Wizard.”

According to court documents obtained by The Sun, Amber claimed that Andrew refused to allow her to see James over the Christmas holiday. She stated that Andrew entered that he would be traveling with James for Christmas from December 22-27, and that his plans would interfere with her scheduled visit with James on Christmas Day from noon to 9 p.m. 

Amber claimed in the court docs that Andrew did not get their parenting coordinator (who was assigned to their case in October 2020) involved. 

“[Andrew] has failed to comply with this court’s order to initiate the services of the Parenting Time Coordinator and [Andrew] is again attempting to deny [Amber] holiday parenting time over Christmas vacation, in violation of this Court’s Order,” the court docs filed by Amber read, according to The Sun

Amber, James and Andrew in happier times…

This is not the first time Amber has claimed that Andrew—- who lives in her Indianapolis home with James, as ordered by the court—has prevented her from seeing James on holidays. A year ago, Amber asked that Andrew be held in contempt of court for keeping James away from her during the Christmas holiday. In March 2020, he was found not to be in contempt.

Amber has kept a low profile in recent months, abandoning her Twitter and Instagram accounts. (As part of their custody agreement, Amber and Andrew are both prevented from posting photos of James to social media.) She will appear on the next season of ‘Teen Mom OG,’ which premieres later this month. 

The Ashley will update this story when more information is available. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Kail Lowry Changes Her Son’s Last Name, Amber Portwood Vows to Change Herself & More

(Photos: MTV)

24 Responses

  1. She is pathetic. Two kids where she doesn’t have primary custody of either one. Spending a few hours a week with them doesn’t make you a mother- it makes you a baby sitter!

  2. I’m just blown away as to how the court can order that ANDREW gets to live in AMBER’S house, while SHE has to find somewhere else to live. I’m no fan of Amber, AT ALL, but that’s fucked up. But, I guess if it were the other way around, if the aggressor in a situation was the father, he’d be ordered to leave the home, and the mother would live in the previously shared home with the child. Just making myself think of it that way makes it seem very fair, actually. Women want equal rights, now you got them!

    1. I was thinking how fucked that was too, but you make a good point. If rolls were reversed, he would have been removed from his home.

    2. I don’t know nor really care about Ambers situation but if you buy a house in your name you should not be forced to move out. Regardless of the situation.

    3. I believe the story about the house was that James should not have to leave his home so since Andrew has custody of James, he remained in the house.

  3. When I first started reading this, I thought Amber was angry over missing a whole court-appointed week with James! Nooo, she’s having a cow over 9 hours! I don’t think Andrew should have to change his week-long travel plans over 9 hours. If Amber were a responsible mature adult (at 30!!) they could’ve worked this out. I agree that she doesn’t really care about James, and she just wants to stick it to Andrew!

    Gary, don’t let Amber move into your backyard, and keep her away from Leah! Amber brings destruction wherever she goes!

  4. Man, Amber really blew it. This guy seeked her out, has his own money, isn’t terrible looking, and could have changed her life in a big way moving to Los Angeles and being a dedicated dad to their son. Her mental illnesses have been diagnosed which is often the trickiest step- she just has to do the work that comes along with the medications in order to maintain and stay on track. Finding another guy like Andrew is like catching lightening in a bottle. I guess she self-sabotaged because she doesn’t feel worthy of a good man. She will consistently settle for crumbs when she could in fact have had the banquet.

  5. First of all, I still cannot believe Andrew got involved with and made a baby with such a scumbag…it’s so hard for me to be sympathetic towards him. 2ndly, shame on Amber for being so petty. We all know that this is what this is. She doesn’t care about that baby, she only cares about making Andrews life hell because he released those tapes. She’s a scumbag. Poor James, and poor Leah…their mom is always in the news for the most embarrassing stuff.

  6. It is moderately impressive that this moon-bat found two men that appear to be good fathers who do what they can to make up for her shortcomings as a parent. Not that either are perfect, but both kids could be worse off…

  7. I bet it turns out Andrew offered her another day to see James and she said no or she missed the visit, we saw on the show how long she went without seeing Leah because she was too depressed over Matt, then had the cheek to complain when Gary and Kristina said no to her having Leah on night they had made plans. She is making all the same mistakes she made before going to prison and honestly believe she will end up back in prison, I don’t think she is clean at all

  8. What’s the point of the restraining order? How is him not bringing James to her on Christmas grounds for a restraining order?

    1. Maybe she has been getting advice from KalChip on how to file PFA’s and Restraining Orders on baby daddy’s without “just-cause” ?

  9. That’s what you get for breeding with strangers you meet on Marriage Bootcamp to show your drifting predatory ex grandfather fiance you’ve moved on.

  10. Thanks to this article I now remember that Andrew and James exist. So, thanks, I guess.

  11. Succubus

    A succubus is a demon from Hell that occupies a female body. Succubi prey on emotionally weak men and steal their souls through sexual activity. They use the collected soul fragments to gain power and enslave more men. The four pillars of a succubus entity are Lust, Greed, Gluttony, and Selfishness. Succubi use psychological warfare to enslave men. Many succubi enter their host via an immensely strong link between a man and woman’s soul. Interestingly, the male prey can save a portion of his soul by evoking a satanic chant to sever this link permanently. Although it is not recommended and is extremely dangerous, as it leaves the males soul vulnerable to demonic possession as well.

    stay lit

  12. Did she really call it “Christmas vacation”? What the fuck is she on vacation from? Taking time off from her busy schedule of nothing?

    1. Hey don’t you dare knock amber. Do you know how hard it is to make butt prints in both the couch and bed!!!! While also maintaining a group of people in your life that will join you on the bed and couch at all times !?!

  13. Sooooo…..you can now get restraining orders against someone YOU chased around with a machete because you don’t like your “parenting time” being interfered with? Hmmm…stupid me thought restraining orders shouldn’t be abused and should be used for domestic violence and stalking victims. I find it laughable that Amber and “parenting” is used in any sentence. Let’s be honest, she has never been a parent. Her kids are being raised by their fathers because they are nothing more than a prop to her when it’s convenient for her to show off her ::cough cough:: “mothering skills” or lack there of.

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