Former Dance Moms star JoJo Siwa has received some words of encouragement from her former dance instructor, Abby Lee Miller, days after revealing she is part of the LGBTQ community.
Abby took to Facebook Saturday to express how proud she was of the 17-year-old “triple threat.”
“I always knew the world would be a more colorful, positive, sparkly place with a kind, loving, dazzling triple threat like you in it – a shining example for the kids out there to live their BEST lives each day,” Abby wrote.
“You put your heart on the platter! (If you know you know) Love you kiddo!!! Keep making me proud,” she added.
Abby and JoJo have continued to support each other following JoJo’s run on ‘Dance Moms.’ JoJo even visited Abby in the hospital in 2018 as Abby battled cancer, presenting her with a $10,000 donation through the charity Dancers Against Cancer.
JoJo confirmed Saturday night on Instagram Live that she was part of the LGBTQ community, days after posting a TikTok of herself lip-syncing to Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” and a day after sharing a photo on Twitter of herself wearing a shirt given to her by her cousin that read “Best. Gay. Cousin. Ever.”
Many began to speculate that JoJo had officially come out and on Saturday, she thanked fans for the positive reception she had received, revealing she has “never, ever, ever been this happy before and it feels really awesome.”
“I’ve been happy for a little bit now,” JoJo added. “It’s just so, so, so awesome.”
JoJo went on in her Instagram Live to answer a few questions from fans, including one who asked JoJo about her label within the LGBTQ community.
“I have thought about this, but the reason I’m not going to say this answer is because I don’t really know the answer,” she responded. “I think humans are awesome, I think humans are really incredible people. Right now, I’m super duper happy and I want to share everything with the world, but I also want to keep things in my life private until they are ready to go public.
“Right now what matters most is that you guys know that no matter who you love, that it’s OK,” she continued. “It’s awesome and the world is there for you. There are so many people that are there for you. I know everyone’s situation is different and it might be harder for some people and easier for some people to come out or be themselves, but I think coming out has this stigma around it, that it’s this really, really scary thing, but it’s not anymore.”
JoJo assured her fans it’s OK “not to be normal, it’s OK to be a little different, it’s OK to be a little weird, strange, different.”
“That’s something we should never, ever be afraid of,” she added. “That’s something we should be proud of … I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, that’s what matters.”
Another fan asked JoJo how long she had been part of the LGBTQ community, to which she replied, “I don’t know, I think my whole life.”
“Because my whole life … I just liked people, but I’ve never fallen in love before,” she said. “But I always believed that my person was just going to be my person. If that person happened to be a boy, great! If that person happened to be a girl, great! I’m just really happy. I think in life you know when you meet your person. I really do.”
Later in the video, JoJo told fans her “parents have known,” noting that her mom has known for about two years.
“ … About two years ago, she was like, ‘I don’t think you only like boys and that’s totally OK,’” JoJo said. “ … My family is awesome.”
The former ‘Dance Moms’ star concluded her video with some advice she received from her dad: “love is universal.” She also included some advice of her own.
“If I can give you any advice, do what makes you happy,” she said. “Do whatever it is that makes you happy.”
Watch JoJo’s full Instagram Live video below!
(Photos: Facebook; Instagram; Twitter)
18 Responses
Why are we discussing the very personal topic of a teenager’s sex life?
Good for her.
But for the love of god, take that damn bow out and get a new act, you getting to old to pretend you are 12 …
Abby talking about love and positivity and kindness is pretty damn ironic.
If being gay is normal stop trying to make it a big deal. They are not anymore special than anyone else.
Down voted on accident. I completely agree! Do other people come out straight? Hey, best straight cousin ever! Just go be you.
It’s not the same though. People aren’t judged for being straight, so they have nothing to hide from others. They don’t have to fear hatred, anger, losing friendships and close family members. They don’t have to worry that someone might try to harm them because of who they like/love.
Are straight kids disowned and kicked out by their families for being straight? Are they targeted? Are they assaulted for being straight?
So shut the fuck up. It’s STILL a big deal.
Fuck your down votes! Don’t be a fucking bigot!
Well, it is good for business….. And you are less likely to be wiped out by cancel culture.
So proud of Jojo for not being afraid to finally come out! I’m sure there are a lot of parents out there that aren’t going to let their child have anything to do with any jojo products now. But this really goes to show that who or what gender a person likes has no effect on you or your life whatsoever. Here’s to hoping that 2021 will be a year where people feel comfortable in their own skin and don’t care what haters have to say!
Time to lose the bow and repair your hairline.
She can look however she damn well pleases. It’s her choice, her right, her business. You have no right to tell ANYONE how they ‘should’ look. There are no set rules. We make our own. Must suck being such an unhappy loser that you pick on teenagers. Feel good about yourself for putting down a girl that is still technically a CHILD? You big and bad now? This is actually a positive story for once. That’s one brave and sweet girl.
Jesus Christ Emma doesn’t belong on gossip sites. Emma sounds like a butthurt teen. Emma needs a nap.
Girl relax. That ponytail looks like it’s been pulling on her scalp for years. Sometimes these kids need to drop their child like look and grow up. But it’s probably for business purposes to keep up the “child like persona”. But go take a nap Emma.
Every time I see her I think about her hairline. Poor girl is going to need a wig by her thirties if she keeps pulling it that tight.
Yay, JoJo! She is such a positive role model for kids like my daughter. There isn’t a mean bone in her body, and she’s consistently preached acceptance and love.
I actually think Abby is misunderstood. I think she has built this tough exterior because she loved all of those kids, but at the end of the day she couldn’t keep them. I think losing kids she was super invested in like Maddie took a toll on her, and what you see is her barbed exterior.
” There isn’t a mean bone in her body, and she’s consistently preached acceptance and love.”
Apparently there will never be a “bone” in this body.
I’m here all week, don’t forget to tip the waitress
stay lit