It’s a Boy! “90 Day Fiance” Couple Paul & Karine Staehle Welcome Second Child; Paul Livestreams Aftermath of Baby’s Birth

“I told Karine we should name him Paul after her favorite person, me.” “Stop talking, Paul.”

Paul Staehle is now the father of two children. (The Ashley will give you a moment to process that scary thought…)

The 90 Day Fiance star announced on Instagram on Friday that his sometimes-estranged wife, Karine, had given birth to their second child. The couple named the baby boy Ethan, just as Paul stated they would in an interview several months ago.

Baby Ethan— who joins big brother Pierre for what’s sure to be a lifetime of visits to sewage plants— was born “healthy and very fast,” according to Paul’s post.

And, in true Paul form, he captured the Kodak moment on Instagram Live, streaming video of the baby (as well as of Karine after she had just given birth).

Paul, running to get his camera to stick in his tired wife’s face…

In the video an exhausted Karine is peppered with questions from Paul about the whereabouts of random people. Despite Karine telling Paul she’s tired, he continues to try to chat it up with her.

He finally shuts down the filming when he realizes that Baby Ethan wants to breastfeed.

Mother and son appear to feel the same way about Paul…

Karine gave birth in a medical facility in Brazil, despite Paul posting recently that there was a possibility she’d have to give birth at home, due to Brazilian hospitals having converted many maternity wards into COVID units, according to Paul. At the time, Paul told his followers that they were considering traveling back to the United States so Karine could give birth there.

“Karine’s doctor just told us all private and public hospitals have no availability for births because of COVID-19,” Paul revealed to his followers. “So, if that’s true I guess it’s an in-apartment birth or back to the USA as quickly as possible.”

Karine, trying to figure out if there’s enough room to deliver a baby next to Paul’s garbage bag pile in their apartment…

Eventually, Paul realized that Karine traveling during the final days of her pregnancy was very risky so they nixed that idea. He apparently was able to find a medical facility for Karine to have Ethan in. 

Paul and Karine have had a very…interesting…relationship, particularly over the past year. In a shocking (to say the least) interview with The Domenick Nati Show in December, Paul detailed the “open” relationship he and Karine have (or had). He also stated that Karine sometimes goes out with other men. As for whether or not she was having a sexual relationship with anyone else, Paul said he wasn’t sure. 

“You know, I don’t know what’s all going on,” he said, adding that in the past Karine would often be gone overnight – sometimes for days at a time. “I mean, she’s sleeping somewhere. She’s gotta lay her head down somewhere, but you know, I’m not there so I mean … I’m not gonna say something … I’m not there.”

During the same interview, Paul said that, although he feels there’s “like a 99.99 [percent] probability” that Ethan is his son, he was still considering doing a DNA test to prove he’s the father because he doesn’t “want anybody to dispute it.”

“I probably should have stayed in the womb…there’s some goofy guy with a camera staring at me now…”

Paul and Karine received plenty of well wishes from other members of the “90 Day Fiance” family.

“Congratulations to you all,” David Toborowsky wrote in the post’s comment section. “Be safe and healthy. I hope and pray this helps your family become closer and brings you all joy and happiness.”

“Omg he [is 100 percent] beautiful,” wrote Angela Deem. “CONGRATULATIONS.”

You can watch Paul’s full video below!


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RELATED STORY: “90 Day Fiance” Star Paul Staehle Talks About Wife Karine Physically Assaulting Him; Says They Keep a Miscarried Fetus in the Fridge & More

(Photos: TLC; Instagram)

19 Responses

  1. I would definitely get a DNA test just to make sure. Even early on she was talking to other guys, marriage didn’t change that. Not to mention if she is away from home many nights the chance of it being someone else’s child are probably high.

  2. If Karine is an escort the real question is who is paying top dollar to sleep with that. She is in my opinion an ugly woman. I can see why she is with Paul, no American would want to be her savior, and no other woman in any part world would be with a loser like Paul.

  3. Am I the only one that thinks “open relationship” is code for “Karine is a prostitute/escort so that the family can have money because Paul can’t be bothered getting a job?”

    1. Princess doesn’t want to get a decent job either, so many people want come to this country to go to work, and go to school and have a better life for them selves, she probably just wanted an American to pay for everything while she shops and does nothing all day.

    2. She never wanted to get a job either. Actually, she never seemed to want to do much at all except be waited on by him. To be fair, Paul has tried to get a job. I can’t imagine it is easy with very little skills and a felony. It has to be hard for him with his wife constantly going back and forth from Brazil to the USA and wanting him to come.
      You can’t get a stable job when your wife is running all around and, because you want to be with your family, you have to just follow. Regardless, he did make enough to support them with odd jobs. He has given a lot more than she has. She just makes it harder.

  4. I just dont get them… why is Karine still living with Paul if she is back in Brazil? Her obvious intention for being with that psychopath freak of nature was to get US citizenship, but she moved back home? I feel so bad for their children, they really lost the parent lottery ?. I hope Paul is lying about the open relationship thing because if not, it sounds like Karine puts herself and her children in very dangerous situations

    1. I don’t think he is lying about the “open relationship” how else would they have money to survive. I hear they only get $1,000 per episode and both of them re allergic to work, so they have o be getting that money somewhere. Also, she met Paul slithering around the internet looking o score a green card, so she’s no stranger to it. Cute baby, but his parents are totally gross.

  5. Who would want Paul in the delivery room? He’d be stressing me out lol. Also, I hope Karine agreed to be recorded right after delivering, though it doesn’t seem like she wanted to be.

  6. First of all, he’s full of poop to say such an asinine thing as the hospitals aren’t taking any patients who are about to deliver because of Covid.

    Secondly, even if they wanted to fly back to the USA to have the baby, no airline would allow a woman to board the plane this late in the game of her pregnancy.

    He’s a drama HO….pure and simple.

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