The questionable pairing of Chris Williams and Paige Banks on the current season of Married at First Sight has many viewers in disbelief and at least one former cast member convinced that the show is intentionally setting people up for failure.
“The show is intentionally putting women in marriages that will fail and profiting off of their pain,” Season 8 cast member Kate Sisk told her social media followers this week.
Fans watched as Kate attempted to make things work with then-husband Luke Cuccurrollo on ‘MAFS,’ only for the tumultuous pair to call it quits on Decision Day.
Fan also saw Luke admit he wasn’t attracted to his wife – something viewers are seeing once again as Season 12’s Chris has made similar comments about his wife Paige.
In addition to sleeping with his wife multiple times only to then admit on-camera that he isn’t attracted to her, Chris revealed after tying the knot that his ex-fiancé – whom he was planning to marry just months before marrying Paige on ‘MAFS’ – is pregnant with his child. The questionable matchmaking of Chris and Paige has viewers angry and looking to show experts Dr. Viviana Coles, Dr. Pepper Schwartz and Pastor Calvin Roberson for an explanation.
In a series of Instagram Stories, Dr. Viviana said ‘MAFS’ fans needed to “chill out” and refrain from having such “strong” reactions to the Season 12 cast’s “shocking” behavior. In response to a repost of Dr. Viviana’s message, Kate went off and insisted fans had every right to voice their concerns.
“She says ‘Don’t stress? Chill out?’ WOW,” Kate commented. “So we witness abuse on this show and now they’re telling fans to stop talking about it. Fans are not overreacting. These are real people.”
Kate went on to criticize show producers for asking if she felt “safe” before leaving her with Luke on their wedding night back in Season 8.

“ … I said yes but I realize now that they should never have to ask me that about a husband they chose for me,” she wrote.
Kate then defended herself in response to a comment arguing that the experts couldn’t predict how Luke would behave on the show.
“You say they can’t predict what a person can do? Yes they can,” she insisted. “The show did extensive psychological tests on all of us and matched me with someone they knew would hurt me. On purpose.”
As for the casting/pairing of Paige and Chris, Pastor Cal responded to an individual last month on social media who accused ‘MAFS’ of compromising Paige’s happiness for ratings.
“Thank you for caring for Paige,” he replied. “We do also, and she knows it, since we’re in communication with her. Ratings are never more important than our couples.”
When another commenter asked how Chris managed to be cast on ‘MAFS,’ Pastor Cal said the show does its “absolute best to match couples with integrity, but we can’t predict how they will act when the cameras roll.”
“We’re surprised also,” he added.
A viewer also complained that the show should have had “better representation of a Black man for Paige”, to which Pastor Cal responded, “People surprise us. But there’s always a chance for redemption.”
Of the 39 couples paired during the first 11 seasons of ‘MAFS,’ only 12 couples remain married today – three being from Season 11 – making an overall marriage success rate of just 30 percent.
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(Photos: Instagram; Lifetime)
12 Responses
I am a new viewer to the show and while I have enjoyed watching many of the couples fall in love, it is heartbreaking to watch others. I knew the moment at Kate and Luke’s wedding reception that he was gay when he would not kiss her. My conviction on this was even stronger when he wanted to sleep on the couch. Shame on the experts!!!!! Setting Kate up like that makes me loose all faith in their integrity and makes me question their goals. Secondly SHAME on Luke for doing this and not being his authentic self.
I would suggest there be rules in the contract to be understood up front and signed off on. 1. The minute it becomes apparent that a person doesn’t have the maturity to get over “initial lack of physical attraction” thus making it hurtful for the other spouse, they’re pulled from show.
2. In the contract, to be emphasized up front and signed off on that ANY outright lies, cheating, or abuse be immediately exposed and contestant pulled from the show.
3. When producers see that a cast member is there for notoriety, they are pulled from show immediately.
Going over these thoroughly up front and having these among other, signed off on, will discourage “bad apples” from moving forward with process.
Chris Williams is the biggest douche ever! Just don’t understand why mafs keeps giving him air time. He is truly a disgusting piece of work, and I can’t wait until he disappears.
Ms. Paige Banks….
You use God’s name as an excuse for your own insecurities…God has no intention to hook someone up with a Narcissistic Fool like Chris at the expense of the love of one his children. How blind does one have to be with the Truth. The Truth here Paige is that God is talking to you and you are not listening. He has shown you that this Narcissistic man is abusive, that he doesn’t care for you, he doesn’t find you attractive, but yet he needs to have sex with you to confirm this. Are you kidding me. This is not God’s way girl. You need to re-read the bible and talk to the pastor about what’s good,healthy, and what’s bad and destructive to one’s soul.
This man then tells you that he has been thinking about going back with his Ex, and reaffirms that he’s still in love with her. He’s not feeling anything for you at this moment.. God is not going to make this happen. His own religious friend/minister even told him not to have sex with you and to think with the head in his shoulder and not with the head in his pants. He couldn’t agree to this as well.
How many clues do you have to have before you stop making God responsible for your own insecurities and reckless behavior.
Idk after watching the crazy matches on MAFS Australia I do think they pick some that could work and one that won’t.
This couple was a total flop from the start and Paige seems so nice but Chris seems like a f boy.
Oh, heck, I could have told you that ages ago. How much are you paying them to find you a match? What? They’re paying you? To make a TV show? Then that’s what they’re choosing couples for – to make good television, not to make good marriages.
they also put people on that show that clearly have very heavy mental health issues like Ryan D from season 2, he seemed like he could become extremely violent at any moment, and some of the men are very clearly gay like Ryan R from Season 2 and Sean from Season 2. People that are students and don’t have established careers like Ashley from season 3 shouldn’t be on either. It’s also very annoying how they call each stranger throughout the whole show, they knew the deal and once you meet someone and are introduced to each other the person is no longer a stranger.
She’s right, but I’m not mad about it.
It is all for views and I am here for it