‘Counting On’ Stars Jessa & Ben Seewald Are Expecting Their Fourth Child After Suffering Miscarriage

“Get ready to share your toys with another kid, Ben.”

Jessa and Ben Seewald just keep churning out the babies!

The couple announced on Thursday that they are expecting their fourth child.  

The Counting On stars, who are already parents to Spurgeon, 4, Henry, 3, and Ivy, 1, shared the big news in the traditional Duggar family fashion – an announcement for TLCme. 

They also revealed for the first time that they dealt with a miscarriage.

“After the heartbreaking loss of a baby last year, we’re overjoyed to share that another little Seewald is on the way,” the couple said. 

In an announcement posted on her Instagram, Jessa told followers she and Ben were looking forward to summertime and that baby Seewald, whom she referred to as their “#RainbowBaby,” was the “#1 reason.”  

In an accompanying video for TLC, Jessa said she was glad to be out of her first trimester, during which she was “pretty sick,” adding that “everything is good now.” 

With Baby Seewald set to make his or her debut this summer, Jessa said big brothers Spurgeon and Henry are already “very excited.” 

“They understand,” she said. “We have little pregnancy apps on my phone that we look at and they get to see updates of the baby’s progress and growth.” 

As for Ivy, Jessa said the one-year-old doesn’t quite understand what – or rather who – is to come.

“I think it’s gonna be kind of a shock whenever baby arrives,” she added. 

When you realize someone is coming in to steal your ‘baby of the family’ thunder.

Jessa and Ben have yet to decide whether they will continue their tradition of keeping their babies’ genders a secret from the whole family, as Spurgeon and Henry have taken a bigger interest this time around.

The couple told Us Weekly last summer that they were definitely planning to expand their family, possibly through adoption, which they have discussed on ‘Counting On’ over the years. 

“We’re not sure if our next baby will be adopted or not, but that’s something that has weighed heavily on our hearts since before we were married,” she told the magazine. 

“We could wait until all of our kids are grown and gone and then adopt but I also think it’s kind of cool to have an adopted child growing up with the other kids,” Ben added. 

Jessa also admitted at the time that she still had baby fever and that she and Ben “would love to have a house full [of kids.]” 

Baby Seewald will be the 21st grandchild for Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar. 

“I don’t know about you, but I stopped learning names about 6 grandkids ago.”

Joe and Kendra Duggar are expected to welcome their third child – Duggar grandchild number 20 – later this month.   

For those of you tracking each Duggar kid’s “blessings,” this new baby will put Jessa in second place among her siblings for most babies. Currently, only her oldest brother Josh and his wife Anna have more kids (with six) than Ben and Jessa do.

RELATED STORY: ‘Bringing Up Bates’ Star Alyssa Bates & Husband John Webster Welcome Baby Number Four 

(Photos: TLC; Instagram) 

11 Responses

  1. It IS weird! I think some women want to experience pregnancy again after they see how new and exciting it is for their pregnant daughter.
    I worked with a girl who said her mother started wearing maternity clotbes so she could “share” in her daughter’s pregnancy journey.

  2. Say what you want about these Duggar’s, but these people produced a bunch of girls that are not opposed to getting down, anytime, any place, and I for one respect that, minus all the kids. You know your boy never busts inside. Got to show your work!

    stay lit

  3. Duggar pregnancy announcements are getting to be like politicians saying stupid stuff. You feel it coming imminently, and with no escape, like a sneeze.
    Jessa is fast becoming the image of her mother in many aspects. Only months ago she was talking about maybe getting an epidural “next time”. Blimey.

  4. Is having a miscarriage like some new Badge if Honor? After experiencing a miscarriage, I’m tired if seeing “celebrities” feeling the need to share their story of miscarriage. How much attention can a person crave?

    1. Thank you, @punchmenthegut !!!! I had a miscarriage a month ago, and it fucking sucked. I’m so sorry to hear that you experienced one as well.

    2. OMG right?! Chrissy Teigan hung on to her miscarriage and dangled it for months with the media. She STILL talks about it. And you gotta grieve how you grieve but I feel like especially Chrissy totally exploited it for media attention. I don’t think sharing the fact is so bad but when it’s all anyone talks about, then it’s like okay now start to heal WITHOUT letting us all know what that entails. I’m sorry you both experienced your losses.

      1. Absolutely right about Chrissy,

        I had a miscarriage at 14 weeks and before that I had a stillborn at 36 1/2 weeks. It just irks me the way some of these “stars” milk it. I’m not being mean but just realistic.

  5. I wonder what would he their claim to fame if something happened if they could no longer make babies?

    SN: Anyone else thinks it’s weird, everytime Kendra is pregnant, so is her mom?

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