Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Dad Nathan Griffith Has Officially Split with His Longtime Girlfriend Ashley Lanhardt (Exclusive Details)

“So, um, can I have my T-shirt back now, Nate?”

The sun has set on yet another Teen Mom relationship.

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that former Teen Mom 2 star Nathan Griffith is no longer dating his longtime girlfriend, Ashley Lanhardt. The couple— who started dating in 2017— has officially broken up, a source tells The Ashley.

“Nathan is not living in Florida anymore, and has moved back to Tennessee to live with his mom [Doris],” the source said, adding that, although the couple has been on-and-off in the past, this split appears to be for good. 

“I suppose this means I’ll be the one shaving your back from here on out, right Nathan?”

“Ashley broke up with him,” the source said. 

While photos of Nathan still remain on Ashley’s social media accounts, there is no trace of Ashley on Nathan’s Instagram account, and for good reason.

“Nathan is seeing another girl already,” the source said. 

Ashley appeared on a few episodes of ‘Teen Mom 2’ but generally shied away from the spotlight. One of her most-memorable appearances, though, took place during a Reunion episode taping in 2017, when Nathan’s ex-fiancé, Jenelle Evans, saw Ashley hug Jenelle’s mom Barbara Evans and flipped out, causing a giant scene in the hallway backstage at the Reunion. (The Ashley likes to refer to this event as the “Hall Brawl.”) While the incident wasn’t physical, there was plenty of yelling, cussing and screaming to be heard, courtesy of Jenelle.

During her relationship with Nathan, Ashley had grown quite close to Kaiser (Nathan’s son with Jenelle), as well as his daughter Emery. In December, she posted to her Instagram account that she considered the kids her own family.

“My love for these 3 runs so deep,” she wrote, referring to Nathan and his kids. “After my dad passed I lost all desire to start a family of my own. Then these 3 special humans walk into my life unexpectedly, but right when I needed them most. You don’t have to be blood to be family, these two tiny humans are my kids. I love them both with every ounce of me. We are a family & I absolutely can’t imagine my life with out them.”

RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Talks About Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Co-Stars During Instagram Live; Claims She Was Ignored at Reunions

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

48 Responses

  1. Regardless, she wouldn’t stick around this long IMO if she was just looking to ride on the fame wave. She seemed everything that was needed – loving, protective, present. Of course she was pretty to boot, but if that was the only thing she had to offer, she would have never hung in this long. Bless her, and Kaiser I bet will thank her someday.

  2. Ashley was Nathan’s only redeeming quality. I feel sad for the kids. This won’t be the last time someone they are attached to leaves.

  3. I’m happy for her, she deserves better. But I do feel bad the only responsible adult those kids know won’t be in their life any longer. Pretty sad the best person to those kids aren’t even related. They need to get their shit together and be better or give their kids to someone who will. Honestly what’s keeping nathan from trying for custody since jenelle doesn’t have mtv money to stop it now?

  4. And sometimes the trash takes itself out!
    He did her a huge favor! That is just too much baggage to deal with. Hopefully she isn’t crying over Nathan… She lost nothing ??

    1. I always wondered why she stayed with him. He can’t speak a coherent sentence, and she seems normal and intelligent. Plus, the Jenelle baggage is a bit much.

  5. Nathan is nasty.
    Horrible dad.
    No job.
    No potential job
    Lives with his momma.

    What a catch, said no smart woman ever.

  6. He’s 33 with 2 kids by 2 different women, he lives with his mom, looks like a refugees from Miami Vice, and he’s already got another girlfriend?

  7. Yeah, whatever. Ashley deserves much better, no judgement on her. And Nathan’s young son Kaiser remains on The Land, being primarily parented by Dog-murdering, felonious David and his lovely wife, gun-toting and addicted Jenelle. I hope on Nathan’s tombstone the inscription reads, “He let a**holes abuse his kid.”

    1. To be fair he has tried to get custody making the same claims you just pointed out and loses every time.

  8. He moves back to Tennessee to live with his Mommy, not back to be close with his son Kaiser. SMH…

    No one deserves to be with Nathan. His son, who strangers seem to care more about, deserves to be first priority in his parents lives. Unfortunately, his mom and dad are very self centered, selfish people.

  9. Ashley deserves someone who treats her well and I’m happy she realized it. Nathan is a piece of work.

    1. Yes, the 50-year-old-looking 25 year old with the ’80s edgy lady rock star’ hairdo. Jenelle beaned her with a mason jar full of ice water. She flipped that crimson ‘n clover hair around every time she retold the story, and had a mysteriously subtle speech impediment. She and Nathan had matching personalized hoodies indicating they were ‘SWOLEMATES.’ All these details and yet I have no idea what the heck her name was or what happened to her.

        1. Yes…I did not mean Ashley! Ashley always seemed way too genuine and normal for Nathan. I was wrong though because the original question was about the girl he was living with when he met Jenelle. I don’t remember ever seeing that on the show, maybe I missed it or maybe it came out later? It definitely wouldn’t be surprising.

  10. she went through all that shit with him and jenelle and stayed with him for FOUR YEARS just for him to basically cheat on her???? yea nathan’s trash

    1. And it’s not the first time. I think they’ve been on and off and every time they’ve been off it’s been because of his cheating.
      My opinion is that she wanted to save him and that’s why she came back every time. But honestly he is a wreck – he is dumb, he clearly has issues with alcohol, he doesn’t have a job, doesn’t have custody of his children and never really tried to gain custody nor to make the best decisions in regard to custody – at some point he opposed his mother getting custody of Kaiser. Had he allowed it maybe Kaiser wouldn’t have to live in the swamp,

      1. “He is dumb” – I have a mental list of Nathan’s greatest hits that I think about to lighten up when I’m having a bad day, starting with his discussion about how Jenelle and David should just ‘e-loop.’ He and Jenelle going back and forth about the definition of ‘minimum’ is up there, also.?

        Ashley will do MUCH better for herself in due time and will wonder what the heck she was doing with him all these years!

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