Larry Edwards is clapping back at Teen Mom OG fans accusing his son, Ryan, of being back on drugs.
In a new interview with The Sun, Larry denied that Ryan has relapsed, as some on social media were suggesting after the most-recent episodes of the show aired.
“[Ryan] is doing just fine,” Larry told the newspaper. “Do you think if anything had or would happen they wouldn’t have already exposed it?”
(The Ashley is going to go ahead and take this as a compliment and assume he’s talking about her when he says “they.”)
Larry also addressed “someone” whom he feels enjoys kicking Ryan when he’s down. (While he didn’t name names, we can assume that the person he’s referring to here has a name that rhymes with ‘Tracy Snookout.”)
“We can’t win, just keep kicking the dog eventually he will bite you and when he does you want to put him down,” Larry said. (In this analogy, it’s to be assumed that the dog is Ryan and the kick-happy person is Maci.)

As The Ashley told you last month, Maci and her husband Taylor McKinney got into a nasty argument with Larry and his wife Jen while filming the ‘Teen Mom OG’ Season 9 Reunion. During the segment (which was filmed in-person in Tennessee with Maci, Taylor, Larry and Jen on-stage), Taylor got in Larry’s face and even asked him to settle their problems in the parking lot. (Larry declined to take part in a parking lot brawl, though.)
“He told them Ryan is a ‘piece of s**t’ and that he, unlike Ryan, has been there for Bentley for a long time,” The Ashley’s source told her at the time.
In addition, Maci called Jen “a manipulative bitch,” among other things. The segment ended with Taylor and Maci storming off stage.
Ryan, however, was not part of the on-stage shenanigans, as he and his wife Mackenzie refused to sit down with Maci and Taylor. (Maci later called Mackenzie out for this on Twitter.) Mack and Ryan filmed their segments at another time.
“Ryan is so calm, even at the reunion,” Larry told The Sun.

As fans know, Ryan has battled substance abuse issues for years, going to rehab (and jail) several times due to his addiction. During a Reunion episode that aired in September 2019, Ryan opened up about his addiction.
“Mine started out with painkillers and addiction wasn’t even thought of, ya know what I mean?” Ryan told reunion hosts Dr. Drew and Nessa Diab. “I was like, you can’t addicted to anything, that’s just homeless people walking down the street or whatever, ya know what I mean?”
Ryan then told the hosts that he didn’t know what made him start using heroin; however, he said once he began he “never went back to doing anything else.”
“Unfortunately, I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. I can’t say I’ll be sober for the rest of my life, because I don’t know that. I’d love to be and I’m willing to do pretty much whatever it’s going to take,” Ryan said during the episode.
Since that time, Ryan and his family have maintained that Ryan is still sober, and he has not had any run-ins with the law since then.
(Photos: MTV)
69 Responses
Nobody will ever convince me that Ryan isn’t high out of his mind in that picture of him sitting on the couch. He’s still using he’s just not getting caught.
I have to laugh at Larry’s “Ryan is so calm.” Comment… He does know the effects of heroin and opiates right? Being calm and numb is literally the point of those. I got caught up in the very cycle bc it was the only time in my anxiety and adhd riddled life I ever felt what calm was. I’ve been sober for like 10 years and in therapy I’m calmer than I was before addiction but definitely not as calm as I was during. Being calm doesn’t help his case like he seems to think it does. I will say what does make me wonder is the sudden weight gain. That is often a sign of someone who’s become sober. If I had to guess I’d say Ryan’s doing med maintenance which could go either way depending on him. If he really wants to be and stay clean he’ll be taking it as prescribed if he still wants to use he will only be using his prescribed meds to try and get high. It honestly depends on the readiness of the individual and not med maintenance I’ve known many addicts that have done either.
I wouldn’t trust Larry if he said that I’m sober. And I’ve never used drugs in my life
Oh Larry ?
All for ratings because it’s a shit show.
Larry has shown repeatedly he will lie and enable Ryan even when it puts other people’s lives at risk. He has claimed Ryan was sober when he was nodding off driving to wedding and claimed Ryan was sober again right before each heroin/theft arrest. I wouldn’t trust Larry to tell me the time of day if he thought it would affect Ryan in some way.
I’m starting to feel the same way about Larry. But maybe Larry legitimately thinks Ryan is sober? I mean, parents dont always know EVERYTHING their kids do.
I don’t/wouldn’t trust Ryan but maybe he has the wool pulled over his own parents eyes. Idk
Does it dawn on them that Bentley is 12 almost 13 years old and has the ability to read EVERYTHING they say and insinuate about his mother? You know, the parent that has raised him and never left him or ignored him? I’m sure he’ll LOVE you trashing the parent that has shown consistent love and support for him. Personally, I feel like Maci could say a lot worse about Ryan and still be justified in what she says. If I’d been dealing with that mess for 12+ years, I’m sure I’d be ready to explode with so much worse.
I wouldn’t trust Larry if he said that I’m sober. And I’ve never used drugs in my life
One of the biggest problems with Ryan is Larry and Jen. . They need to stop blaming the world for Ryan’s bs and hold him accountable.
I felt like until Mack came into the picture they (Maci, Taylor, Jen and Larry) were alot more family oriented, seems like since she came along and gave Ryan 2 more offspring to neglect that their “poor little Ryan” can do no wrong!!!!
Wth, I totally agree with you! Their both total enablers to the extent that it’s toxic and sickening
I’m so tired of these people. I’ve been reading this website for years and finally decided to comment. That’s how I fed up I am with these Teen Mom people. These people are being enabled by MTV to be horrible parents. And if they’re not horrible, they put their children’s business on display for the whole entire world to see since they literally were in the womb. For the life of me I don’t understand why they still employ Amber when she’s a terrible parent and human being. She abuses her spouses and suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder. If they would fire horrible Jenelle for what her husband has done and not her – Amber should have been reprimanded and fired for HER actions. She doesn’t have custody of any of her children yet MTV thinks that’s okay??? They fired Farrah for adult porn which children should not be watching so it’s within her right to do so but they think Amber physically assaulting her spouses on and off of camera is okay?? Even her daughter seems to resent filming with her. She has already said she has seen all that there’s need to be seen about her mother. Maci is a great mother. Though, her storyline OVER AND OVER AGAIN is her issues with Ryan. Ryan doesn’t make it easier for himself because he’s been coddled and babied by his parents who rather watch him be a lazy unproductive drug addicted father as long as he lives with them because they can’t seem to let him be a man. They have a terrible codependency relationship. Mackenzie fits right into that mold. She’s living right off of this MTV gravy train. Not once has she told her husband what the right thing is they should be doing. All they care about is sleeping and making babies until Jenn and Larry’s roof. If Ryan would get himself together, Maci wouldn’t have much to complain about and in which it would remove Bentley from the crossfire. He’s the only one who’s really suffering here and they don’t seem to care!! Not even MTV! And it’s sickening! A marvelous sweet little boy is front stage and center in the middle of his parents madness while filming for this show who doesn’t care about his well being. Sometimes money isn’t everything! These people act like they would be so lost and dumbfounded without the money. Most of them really can really get by without MTV. They have to have better confidence in themselves. Then, there’s Cate and Tyler! Another couple I’m fed up with. What’s so interesting about them?!! After all this time?! Because they gave up Carly for adoption? That was 10 years ago and it’s pretty obvious her parents want to be left alone until she is an adult to make her decisions. So people are supposed to be immersed into their redundant storyline? Baby. Depression. Baby. Never ending hobbies or career aspirations that go nowhere. Baby. Depression. Miscarriage. Baby. Oh yeah constantly watching them eat everything that’s take out and Cate never working out but instead gaining more weight and tattoos. She never cooks. And I’m sorry don’t buy her period starting the next day in which was why her urine was almost as orange as food coloring. She just doesn’t drink water period. She relishes in her junk food. None of this is entertaining at all. And I didn’t forget about Cheyenne. She’s a great mother and has a great support system. I just can’t stand the Chelsea baby talking syndrome. These women are adults yet it surprises me how extremely young minded they sound. They don’t speak as if they’re women in their 20s going towards their 30s. They all sound like they are in high school. Literally. Cheyenne has to drag every enunciated word that she speaks. Or she just mumbles. I don’t understand how is this attractive. Her behavior in her relationships also shows me that she’s not a grown woman in a sense. She just has the lucky privilege to come from a great background and is beautiful. Though, she’s an absolute airhead. A cute airhead. And I will leave it here since this is about the OGs. I will probably comment in the future when it’s Teen Mom 2 but my goodness – Give it up MTV. Give it up! It’s beyond pointless at this point and it’s detrimental to the well being of these children. Thank you very much. Hopefully this comment goes through.
I dont see any mention of the child for which the storylines even exist.
I cant say much for how most of them have adjusted.
I mean, there’s that spoiled, wise-ass brat Sophia (Farrah’s daughter), Leah (Amber’s daughter) is so timid and shy she barely says two words during the segments that involve her, Kail’s boys SEEM okay as do Leah’s girls (albeit a bit feisty) and Ryder (Cheyenne’s daughter) is just cute as can be!!! Its still too earlier to predict Kloie’s adjustment (but considering her parents and grandparents it probably wont be good). And let’s just say that Jace (Jenelle’s son) is probably gonna grow up to be as crazy as his Mama and granny!!!!
But, I think that DESPITE TMOG and DESPITE HIS NO ACCOUNT FATHER, Bentley has grown into a well rounded and stable young man!!
Oh my, Julianne Potter,
I’m sure you said some interesting and insightful things about all things Ryan, Mack, Jen, Larry and the whole Teen Mom franchise and I wish I’d read it, but there was no way I could read what you wrote, here or below.
Please, next time you comment, break up your post a bit into paragraphs, please, for the love of all things teen mom that are holey, or holy, please use paragraphs. Thanks!
Her comment was posted twice. But you sure had time to post rude comments
You sure have a lot to say for someone who is sick and tired of seeing this stuff. You realize you don’t have to watch the show or read the articles right?
I’m so tired of these people. I’ve been reading this website for years and finally decided to comment. That’s how I fed up I am with these Teen Mom people. These people are being enabled by MTV to be horrible parents. And if they’re not horrible, they put their children’s business on display for the whole entire world to see since they literally were in the womb. For the life of me I don’t understand why they still employ Amber when she’s a terrible parent and human being. She abuses her spouses and suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder. If they would fire horrible Jenelle for what her husband has done and not her – Amber should have been reprimanded and fired for HER actions. She doesn’t have custody of any of her children yet MTV thinks that’s okay??? They fired Farrah for adult porn which children should not be watching so it’s within her right to do so but they think Amber physically assaulting her spouses on and off of camera is okay?? Even her daughter seems to resent filming with her. She has already said she has seen all that there’s need to be seen about her mother. Maci is a great mother. Though, her storyline OVER AND OVER AGAIN is her issues with Ryan. Ryan doesn’t make it easier for himself because he’s been coddled and babied by his parents who rather watch him be a lazy unproductive drug addicted father as long as he lives with them because they can’t seem to let him be a man. They have a terrible codependency relationship. Mackenzie fits right into that mold. She’s living right off of this MTV gravy train. Not once has she told her husband what the right thing is they should be doing. All they care about is sleeping and making babies until Jenn and Larry’s roof. If Ryan would get himself together, Maci wouldn’t have much to complain about and in which it would remove Bentley from the crossfire. He’s the only one who’s really suffering here and they don’t seem to care!! Not even MTV! And it’s sickening! A marvelous sweet little boy is front stage and center in the middle of his parents madness while filming for this show who doesn’t care about his well being. Sometimes money isn’t everything! These people act like they would be so lost and dumbfounded without the money. Most of them really can really get by without MTV. They have to have better confidence in themselves. Then, there’s Cate and Tyler! Another couple I’m fed up with. What’s so interesting about them?!! After all this time?! Because they gave up Carly for adoption? That was 10 years ago and it’s pretty obvious her parents want to be left alone until she is an adult to make her decisions. So people are supposed to be immersed into their redundant storyline? Baby. Depression. Baby. Never ending hobbies or career aspirations that go nowhere. Baby. Depression. Miscarriage. Baby. Oh yeah constantly watching them eat everything that’s take out and Cate never working out but instead gaining more weight and tattoos. She never cooks. And I’m sorry don’t buy her period starting the next day in which was why her urine was almost as orange as food coloring. She just doesn’t drink water period. She relishes in her junk food. None of this is entertaining at all. And I didn’t forget about Cheyenne. She’s a great mother and has a great support system. I just can’t stand the Chelsea baby talking syndrome. These women are adults yet it surprises me how extremely young minded they sound. They don’t speak as if they’re women in their 20s going towards their 30s. They all sound like they are in high school. Literally. Cheyenne has to drag every enunciated word that she speaks. Or she just mumbles. I don’t understand how is this attractive. Her behavior in her relationships also shows me that she’s not a grown woman in a sense. She just has the lucky privilege to come from a great background and is beautiful. Though, she’s an absolute airhead. A cute airhead. And I will leave it here since this is about the OGs. I will probably comment in the future when it’s Teen Mom 2 but my goodness – Give it up MTV. Give it up! It’s beyond pointless at this point and it’s detrimental to the well being of these children. Thank you.
If Ryan is sober, I’m the next Queen of England
Seriously if they think he’s sober they are willfully ignoring the issue. Whether I was 13 or 30 if I’m on drugs I guarantee my parents would lock my ass up in a room or a rehab, not blame a baby mama I haven’t seen or spoken to since the last time I threatened to shoot her, her dog, her other kids and her husband.
He may be on prescibed Suboxone or Methadone? Opiod addicts usually cant go cold turkey because they will get dope sick.
That’s true. My sister was an opiod addict for almost 20 years…she tried getting sober cold, it didn’t work. She went on methadone and has been clean for 8 almost 9 years.
Random Question: Have we ever seen Maci’s family in any episodes? I don’t recall seeing them even in her 16 and Pregnant episode.
I’ve seen her Mom a few times but that’s it.
They have requested not to be on camera
I remember seeing her mom a few times on the early TM episodes when she was with Kyle. I’ll never forget her moms face when Maci said she wanted another baby HA!…and I think her dad was on like 1 episode of the early TM episodes.
Oh yeah, I VAGUELY remember her father… Glen was it?? It was a family (pre wedding) dinner when she was planning to walk down the aisle with Ryan
I remember seeing them in 16 and pregnant and I think maybe a few of the earlier seasons of TM, but I don’t think I’ve seen them in awhile.
So he’s saying he’s not using again, when something is clearly going on. Just like last time he wasn’t using and something was clearly going on? Wash, rinse, repeat. We’re not buying it. All of the Edwards (especially Mack) need to stop pointing fingers and spitting spite. Their the ones living with this jerk and are doing nothing but enabling him. Get a back bone and do the right thing, and no, that’s not blaming Maci for everything wrong in your lives. I’d keep Bentley away too!! Good parents don’t allow their children into toxic environments. This show needs to be cancelled. Time for everyone to grow up.
Mack, it’s obvious you are jealous of Maci. I’d hate it too if the majority of the conversations I have with my husband were about his ex.
Has Macy held Taylor accountable for not working amd living off Bentleys Teen Mom storyline? This show needs to hold everyone accountable. Not just the deadbeat addict. Taylor amd Maci are far from perfect nit the audience doesnt know their dirt. Maci even started hiding the beer from her scenes. Too much backlash.
Taylor works a regular full-time job.
Is that why he’s home half the time during the day? Someone who works FULL-TIME shouldn’t have that much time on his hands.
We don’t really know what the filming schedule is.
You realize he has his own company and an office in their house?
Also there was beer in this weeks episode so I don’t think they’re hiding any drinking.
I agreed that I didn’t think they were “hiding the beer”…didn’t I?
Yes, I’m aware of TTM but they havent mentioned it and other the t-shirts I dont know if it’s still in existence?
They’re wearing new TTM shirts in each episode…
Just curious but how do you know they are new or shirts that were already made in years past and they’ve had for a while?
Just because you weren’t aware that it’s still in existence doesn’t mean it isn’t. PS: It is.
“Hiding the beer”…they were drinking while giving Bentley the Birds and Bees talk so how is that hiding it?
Because you dont seen the 24 pack they habe already knocked back that day. You only see one 1 beer. We know they drink way more than that.
No you’re right, I dont. I’m just saying they obviously dont hide ALL of it.
He has a company and works out of the house. It’s literally been shown over multiple seasons. Also the thing about a business is once you get successful enough you don’t have to work every day if you don’t want to, you delegate.
Also Whether people like it or not MTV filming is a job and he gets paid for it and paid well
Unless he is Ralph Lauren i doubt hes selling enough T-shirts to afford a 700,000 house and 3 kids. Look the Ryan is an addict and a deadbeat storyline is old and its tired. That storyline is the same age as Bentley. The relapse rate of opiod addicts is 99%. Are we really so desperate for entertainment that we have started watching drug addicts? If Maci and Taylor want to keep the focus on Ryan and Bentleys problems then they need to get the hell of the show and just let Ryan and Bentley get the MTV check because thru are exploiting a drug addict for ratings. Just like that junkie Janelle and Keifer.
I think he probably makes a decent amount. And they live in TN not California so coat of living is lower. I’m not saying he’s making billions but I’m sure he’s comfortable. They have a warehouse and employees so it’s not like they’re still wrapping and shopping things themselves on a small scale.
Maci and Taylor have all this business accumen and tee shirt making going on but yet still cant drum up a storyline independant of Ryan and Bentley? If Bentley helps with the tee shirt line why isnt that filmed like how Gary has Leah helping with the vegetable stand? Chelsea has a succesful merchandise line. Taylor has a rich investor named Maci. His shirts should be selling in Macys instead of being funded by Maci
@OOPSEY if they make a storyline independent of Bentley, where is the TM aspect? And unfortunately Ryan is his father so the storyline had to include (I REALLY wish it didnt).
I love Bentley, I think he’s an awesome young man for the hand he’s been dealt.
If anything, maybe they need their own show (Taylor, Maci, Bentley, Jayde and Maverick).
Oh hai, Mack. Didn’t see you there.
Taylor does work and he runs the business he and Maci have. You clearly don’t watch the show enough to know what you’re about. Even if he didn’t work, what is it your business? The girls make their money filming and he gets paid for being on the show too.
I will always be Team Maci and Taylor. They are good, dedicated parents.
Ryan has never done anything that would make me think of him as a good, dedicated parent. I remember all of the stupid shit he’s pulled, the missed Halloweens, baseball games…he’s a selfish prick who takes zero accountability for anything, and it shows.
I feel bad for Bentley.
I think Jen and Larry are enabling assholes.
Ryan is a junkie. How.manu junkie parents take accountability? How many junkie parents show up to games and Halloween? Its dumb for the audience to keep pointing it out like we expect him to wake up and not he a raging drug addict the next day.
As long as Ryan keeps filming and living off of the Teen Mom money, people will be commenting about him. It’s up to Ryan to change the narrative of the blogs and forums that write about him.
Should he acknowledge his problems, work hard to change himself, do something on camera other than appear slouched on the sofa barely forming sentences, holding the dog and spitting his disgusting chew into a bottle, then people might say something about him that is different, but until then, and don’t anyone hold your breath, people will comment accordingly.
Dude is so chill, he could fall asleep while driving to his own wedding, right?
In my other comment I meant to say, “Taylor has been nothing short of disrespectful,” not Ryan.
We totally (don’t) believe you, Larry.
One of the reasons Bentley is such a model child is due to the early years spent with Jen and Larry. Even Maci and Taylor’s own kids have shown affection for Jen and Larry. Instead of Maci and T. trying to turning the equivalent of an older brother (Ryan) into a father, why not allow Bentley continued visits with his paternal grandparents who are all too happy to love him and treasure his company?
Maci calling Jen a manipulative bitch wreaks of insolence and ingratitude. Or is this her way of creating another story line in hopes of getting another season out of the show? Ryan, too, has been nothing short of disrespectful.
Cessna- You’re comment is valid BUT only up to a point. I think Jen and Larry were wonderful grandparents when Bentley was younger and Bentleys biggest needs were immediate and easy to fix…. scraped knee, wanting a playmate, snuggling etc.
However, Jen and Larry are unable to transform into the grandparents Bentley deserves at this stage in life. His needs go deeper and Jen/Larry are unable to support that. They always make excuses for Ryan and try to have Bentley accept Ryan as-is… instead of challenging Ryan to become what Bentley needs.
Just this season, when sitting on the couch, Larry even said that he told Bentley, Ryan’s my son and will always come before you…( Not in those exact words but that was the sentiment).
Bentley is a model child because of his mother. Jen is manipulative, as made obvious this season with her not wanting to tell Ryan the real reason Bentley didn’t want to come to his house.
Bentley has made his boundaries clear, and the Edwards could give two fucks. “I want therapy with my dad.” “Your mom put you up to that huh? You should just accept your shitty dad the way he is. Oh and we’ll always love him more than you.”
Bentley now has his own ideals and sees his dad for what he is, and that irritates the fuck out of Jen and Larry because they can no longer convince him otherwise.
Aw hi Jen you big old liar.
Oh Larry. Nice try. Except unfortunately for you, we aren’t complete idiots.
P.S. The 4 of you can keep pointing the finger at Maci all you want, but your time would be better spent trying to convince Ryan to stop being an absolute disaster of a person. I mean come on, no matter what bad things you say Maci has done, they will never come close to what Ryan has done. Clean up the mess in your own family before worrying about anyone else. You trashing Maci isn’t going to make everyone forget about what Ryan has done to Bentley, Maci, your wife, and your whole family.
“Do you think if anything had or would happen they wouldn’t have already exposed it?”
What does that even mean? Is he saying that if Ryan was still on drugs it would have already come out by now? I mean…he doesnt get high in front of others I’m sure. The only times he’s been exposed is when he has been arrested for it. I’m sure all those times he was arrested his parents believed he wasn’t using then either.
You know what’s nice? When parents let their adult children speak for themselves. When Ryan is in a coma or dead, he can go wild, in my opinion. Can anyone think of a rea$on Larry to $hould $peak publicly about anything going on with his $on?
Ryan’s parents have created this monster by their coddling, excusing, sympathizing, interfering, etc. Even now at 30-something years old, he’s a deadbeat loser addict and they’re still apologizing to him and fighting his battles and treating him like a spoiled brat. Oh my goodness, don’t upset him because he might get mad! Don’t be honest with him, don’t stop enabling him, don’t stop condoning his behavior!
It’s disgusting.
Holding Rhine accountable for his awful behavior isn’t kicking him while he’s down…Maybe if Jen and Larry would’ve taught him how to take accountability in his youth instead of letting him get away with everything, he wouldnt have turned into an entitled, spoiled, bratty, lazy smack head.
SPOT ON CORRECT! Remember their 16 & Pregnant episode? While Maci was naive about mature relationship…she was a strong mom from jump. She was responsible and consistent (ok except for the year she was with rebound lump of useless guy). Self-absorbed man-child Ryan was whining about being a responsible adult expected to work to support his kid.
Larry and Jen are responsible for raising this loser with no coping skills, smothering love does not a good foundation make without some alternating tough love. And Ryan is responsible for his decisions as an adult. Maci is not your issue. Deal with your family dysfunction. Gawd, Bentley is more mature than Ryan.
Ryan probably shows more affection towards his dog than he does to his kids. Especially Bentley.
“Ryan is so calm”. Yep, opioids do that to a person.
Yeap, I was thinking the same thing as I read this story.
I’ve often heard that the reason a person gets defensive is because what is being said is true and they don’t wanna admit it so maybe the reason Larry is lashing out is because the truth is being revealed and he dont wanna face it.
Used to be that the only people in that storyline that I could stand were Taylor, Jen and Larry. But this has just made lose respect for Jen and Larry.