Farrah Abraham Slams Daughter Sophia for “Wasting” Her Time & Being “Rude” in Strange Instagram Rant

“Will someone PLEASE hire this woman so she’ll have something better to do with her time?”

Well, Farrah Abraham may have finally out Farrah-ed herself. 

The former Teen Mom OG star is known for jumping on social media to slam her parents, other people’s parents, former co-stars/producers, women, looters, a random pet store, the legal system, exes, other reality stars, her alleged haters and many others over the years, (no seriously… we could keep this list going) but this week she found a new target: her own daughter.

“As if living with her isn’t punishment enough.”

That’s right. Farrah did the unthinkable and actually managed to stun some ‘Teen Mom OG’ fans with her behavior, taking to Instagram to rant about 12-year-old Sophia Abraham. In the lengthy video shared by The Sun, Farrah told her 2.5 million followers that she loves her daughter, but is fed up with the pre-teen being “rude” and not listening to her. 

“So the point is I can repeat myself probably like 10 million times and then she still won’t even know that I repeated 10 million times,” Farrah claims in her video. “Oh and then she’ll ask me again. What should she say? Can you repeat it again? Oh and then be rude to me at the same time for wasting my time. It’s just a really entertaining circle that I just don’t entertain.” 

“Sorry, I still have a hard time understanding Farrah Speak.”

Oh, but Farrah’s #SophiaSlam didn’t stop there. According to her, Soph is so ungrateful that she can’t even bother to replace the toilet paper in her bathroom – an offense that calls for a social media call out, according to Farrah. 

“ … After I spend probably til like 1 a.m. in the morning doing stuff for my child, you know, then she’ll forget, like, toilet paper in our bathroom,” Farrah explained. “Oh and then she’ll forget towels that are cleaned for her. So then I gotta go walk them upstairs. So yes, it’s been super entertaining.” 

Farrah allegedly also threw in a dig about Sophia “lying” before going on to reveal plans to throw the 12-year-old a “pandemic party” to be streamed on TikTok. 

Farrah’s bizarre video caught the attention of some ‘Teen Mom’ fans, who criticized the former reality star’s parenting skills – something Sophia herself did less than a year ago.

As The Ashley told you in August, during an episode of Farrah and Sophia’s Abraham Gals podcast, Sophia asked her mom to stop talking to the media about the bodily changes she is going through. After Farrah seemed to brush off Sophia’s request in the clip, Sophia went on to accuse her mom of not respecting her privacy and frequently embarrassing her.

(The incident Sophia was likely referring to in the podcast occurred in January 2020 when Farrah for some damn reason revealed to TMZ that Sophia was in therapy and had “started having [body odor]” and growing “armpit hair.”)

During the podcast, Sophia told her mom that the public didn’t need to know these details. 

Well at least Farrah learned from her past mistake. Oh, wait…

“Not one single person on this earth would talk about their child growing armpit hair!” she told Farrah, who remained unfazed, insisting that puberty is something that does, in fact, need to be discussed publicly. 

“It’s embarrassing and awkward,” Sophia continued. “It’s embarrassing to talk about it and spread it all over the whole world! … Privacy. Clearly you do not respect that. You are not good with privacy.” 

That, among other things… 

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Dad Ryan Edwards Calls Taylor McKinney a “Punk B*tch” After Taylor’s Reunion Fight with Larry Edwards; Says Being Let Go From Show Was “Blessing in Disguise” 

(Photos: Instagram; MTV; The Sun) 

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33 Responses

  1. 1
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    Like the old people once said you’ll reap what you sew through your children all Farrah’s parents wanted her to do was to finish high school & go to college or vocational school to learn a trade but Farrah was too dam ignorant to realize that Farrah did what she wanted to do was to be a porn star now her daughter Sophia is rebellious Farrah is reaping what she has sewn

  2. 1
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    Like the old people once said you will reap what you sew through your children Farrah need to think about how she rebelled against her parents and all her parents wanted her to do was finish high school & go to college or vocational school and learn a trade but Farrah had to show her ass crack to the world that’s why she can’t do nothing with her daughter Farrah is reaping what she has seen Farrah is getting what she deserve

  3. 9
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    She’s literally explaining being a parent to a preteen/teen. What did you think was going to happen when you had a child? She’s so damn dense. As if her child would be immune to changes and phases everyone goes through ??

  4. 47
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    She’s only displaying the snotty, self entitled, shitty personality traits that she has been taught by her Mom! That came full circle like everyone knew it would. Congratulations Farrah!!!

  5. 51
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    News flash.

    Kids are rude sometimes. Kids dont listen sometimes. You have to repeat yourself 50B times sometimes and you have to be the maid sometimes.

    Its called being a parent to a child Farrah. The difference is properly correcting it and teaching your child respect and responsibilities.

    Aka nothing you were taught.

  6. 40
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    That poor little girl. All preteen girls are rude little maniacs, they can’t help it. (My two youngest are pre-teen girls.). Puberty is bombarding them with hormones, and their brains are changing every day. All you can do is continue your good and consistent parenting, keep them in healthy routines, and forgive them A LOT. Admittedly, it’s one of the most enraging phases of motherhood. But Farrah has failed Sophia at every turn. Her grandparents don’t seem helpful at all. I pray for Sophia. I fear she is going to start self-medicating.

    1. 1
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      Well surprise surprise. This doesn’t shock me one bit. Farrah has always been a piece of s*** and will always be a piece of s***!!! Piss poor excuse of a mother too.

  7. 40
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    Poor kid doesn’t seem to have any normal, level-headed adults in her life. All that Sophia knows is the bizarre lifestyle forced upon her by Farrah, Debz OG and Michael. It will be an uphill battle for Sophia to come out stable – she’s already scarred. At least Leah has Gary and Kristina to offset her mother’s craziness and oversharing.

  8. 31
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    For a human to win, it is not necessary for a horse to lose. You should not have to take things away from a horse or break him in fragments in order to train him; rather you should add to the horse. The goal should be making, not breaking. Sir Nibs

    stay lit

  9. 54
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    Preteens are known for being rude and ungrateful,the problem is that Farrah has the maturity level of a 12 year old too.
    It won’t be long before the first domestic violence call because Sophia and Farrah are fighting the same way Farrah and Debra did.

  10. 10
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    Preteens are known for being rude and ungrateful, the problem is that Sophia doesn’t have a good mother that can guide her and support her through this stage in her life. Farrah is probably as mature as a 12 year old.
    It won’t be long before the first “domestic violence” call because Farrah and Sophia are fighting the same way Farrah and Debra did.

  11. 39
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    I wonder what Sophia would have been like if her dad was still alive and had some custody, Farrah would not have been able to stop it. I mean, I’m not sure he was so great but perhaps she would have had some relatives that were somewhere closer to normal and she would experience the real world outside of Farrah’s horror-show parenting. Oh, who am I kidding? Farrah would just bad mouth her baby daddy and treat Sophia like garbage for having any kind of relationship with him. And she likes to say that they would have been married if he hadn’t died – delusional!

    1. 9
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      Perhaps we would just have another Maci & Ryan situation on our hands, but who really knows!

  12. 60
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    And the cycle is complete. Farrah has become her mother. Surprised she didn’t say Sophia had an anti christ attitude.

  13. 37
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    Please tell me this child isn’t homeschooled anymore. Her mother can barely speak, yet alone teach. Not dissing homeschooling, I was homeschooled and currently one of my kids is as well. Does California not have strict homeschooling laws? I can’t understand how she was ever allowed a homeschool license…and a lot of states require them these days. They also do home visits and require testing. I don’t see Farrah understanding all of that let alone doing it. Than again, Lurch was allowed to homeschool. Urgh. We’ve got to get better homeschool laws nationwide. It’s sad how undereducated this child probably is. Probably on par with the Duggar kids. If y’all ever see it on your voting ballots, please, consider casting votes for stricter homeschooling laws. They won’t effect people properly homeschooling at all. And they’d put a stop to abuse and cult indoctrination that can be concealed by unregulated homeschooling.

    1. 10
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      I think if you have them enrolled in something like the K-12 program, then you don’t have to do all of that stuff. My mom has my sister enrolled in K-12 and she didn’t have to do anything except online enrollment. Which is sad.

      1. 17
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        I think Sophie failed the K-12 program, iirc.

        Not entirely her fault, btw. Its extremely hard to focus on school when you’re being dragged around the world, hotel to hotel bc mommy needs to make money.

  14. 46
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    Her birthday post is an ode to everything she bought her. Not a single word describing anything about Sophia herself.

  15. 52
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    You know what’s so sad? Sophia got put right into this TikTok/YouTube/public sphere and it is her entire life – all this “trendsetter” crap, hair extensions, makeup, veneers, designer label snobbery, creepy messages from old men – WITHOUT A CHOICE. And she’s still a kid. Completely controlled by Farrah to be into all the things Farrah is into. She doesn’t have interests or hobbies of her own, or friends of her own, or a mind of her own. It’s seriously so depressing, I’d rather be one of Jenelle’s kids than be Sophia. And THAT is saying a lot.

    1. 33
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      I agree. At least Jenelles kids get to play, have their own interests (I’m assuming), have social interaction (none are homeschooled anymore i believe), and aren’t being exploited to creepy old men.

      1. 21
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        Jenelle’s kids have a whole other set of problems but yeah, being TikTok pimped/ prepped to be actually pimped isnt one of them.

  16. 67
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    That kid will obliterate her when she finally gets around to writing that tell-all book. And rightfully so.

  17. 57
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    Who’s surprised that a tween has an attitude and is self-focused? Who is surprised that Sophia may have a brattier level than most? Not blaming Sophia, she is a product of her mother’s over-indulgence and exposing her to adult things to young. Not gonna lie, she’s about to have type of mom relationship Farrah has with Delusional Deb.

    As I write this…also occurred to me that Farrah called child ungrateful in way that seemed like it was more about adoring Farrah-Highness!

    Hot Mess Mom.

  18. 75
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    One day that little girl is going to enter the real world and it’s going to be hard. Harder than most people because she’s been raised by someone with absolutely no sense of self worth or reality. Someone who is so self centered and inappropriate it borders on abuse.

    I hope she does well and writes a tell all about her POS mom and makes a fortune from it. I hope she sets boundaries and is able to live normally without her mom constantly trashing her or exploiting her.

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