Jersey Shore Family Vacation star Ronnie Ortiz-Magro was arrested Thursday morning in Playa del Ray, California, (which is part of Los Angeles County) for investigation of felony domestic violence. TMZ broke the news of the reality star’s arrest for “suspicion of intimate partner violence with injuries and with priors.” (Ronnie has a history of domestic violence and is currently on probation from a previous DV plea.)
While it’s been confirmed that Ronnie’s baby mama, Jen Harley, was not involved in this incident, the identity of the alleged victim(s) is unknown. (Ronnie is currently dating Saffire Matos, but it is unknown if she was involved.)
“We have just learned of the new allegations against Ronnie and need some additional time to further investigate,” Ronnie’s attorney, Scott Leemon, said in a statement to USA Today. “As such, we will not be making any other statements at this time.”
At the time of his arrest, TMZ reports, Ronnie was taking care of his daughter Ariana (whom he shares with Jen). After his arrest, Ariana was placed with Ronnie’s brother until Jen arrived from Las Vegas (where she resides) to pick up the toddler.
Jen took to social media after making the drive from Las Vegas, telling followers she’ll comfort Ariana “as long as she needs it.” In another post, Jen said she’d protect her daughter “til the day I die.”
Ronnie and Jen have been embroiled in nonstop drama for nearly three years, with some of their fights being documented on ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation.’ However, with the exes living in different states (Ronnie in California and Jen in Nevada), their drama had toned down, especially with each being in new relationships.
Something certainly complicating Ronnie’s latest trip to the slammer is the fact that the ‘Jersey Shore’ star is currently on probation. As The Ashley previously told you, Ronnie agreed to 36 months of probation as part of a plea deal he accepted last year for a previous domestic violence case involving Jen.
In order to stay out of the clink, Ronnie was also required to complete 30 days of community labor in Nevada and a court approved 52-week domestic violence program. He also agreed to make a one-time $20,000 donation to a Los Angeles battered women’s shelter.
Ronnie was reportedly released Thursday night after posting bail, which was set at $100,000.
Ronnie, Saffire and the rest of the ‘Jersey Shore’ cast have yet to publicly comment on Ronnie’s arrest.
The Ashley will update this story as more information becomes available. Stay tuned…
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(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
26 Responses
Where I live in two people get into a physical altercation with a child in the house, the child doesn’t even have to be present but it’s still an automatic cruelty to children charge. So I’m wondering what the full story is here. Either he doesn’t have custody at all, seeing how they also weren’t married & she keeps letting him see her anyways. Or he had custody but lost it & she’s still letting him see her. It’s just not making sense & either way they both seem toxic but that little girl has to suffer. All the physical violence in front of the children (she also has another child) the fighting on social media, I could only imagine what those kids have been through & I am surprised child protective services has not stepped in.
Ron’s a scary, scary dude. I hope he does time for this. Jen needs to change visitation, now. He can never, ever be unsupervised with his daughter. He’s a lost soul.
My daughters father is like Ronnie, except his issues stem fully from alcohol (no domestic violence). I make the comparison because the only thing that woke him up was him going to jail for 9 months and missing 9 months with our daughter. I feel ronnie needs the same in order to get it together.
Ronnie need to sit in a cell for awhile and really think about all the shit he has put the people around him through. When he and Jenn were still abusing one another, it felt like any day there would be a murder-suicide headline on TMZ. Dude needs someone to put him in his place for once.
And Jenn can STFU because she is no angel herself, and is crazy just like he is. Remember when she dragged his ass with their car? That poor kid of theirs has years of therapy ahead of her with these two famewhoring, narcissistic abusers as parents.
He definitely has a type…CRAZY! Just sayin’.
He’s a tiny little man, about 5’3. Every short little man I’ve ever met, had severe mental health issues. Napoleon complex. Ron is the same height as Charles Manson was. No child should ever buy left with him. Take him off TV, he doesn’t deserve to be there.
I hope those people who kept trying to pressure Sammi to go back on JS are now understanding WHY she chose not to put herself back in an unhealthy situation.
Ron was abusive to Sammi, abusive to Jen (though she wasn’t innocent either with her abuse), and now an anonymous victim (though it was probably Saffire). The problem is and has always been Ron.
Ronnie needs some real jail time. This goes way back to the early seasons of Jersey Shore when he would emotionally and verbally abuse Sam. Then, it went onto Jen. He was on probation for the same damn thing he’s being accused of now for gods sake! It’s kind of scary to me that they would let an abuser who violated his probation for abuse out on bail again. Usually, if you violate probation for anything, especially new charges, your locked up with no bail. But, I guess, every state is different! I definitely think he will do jail time for this one though especially because he violated probation. Jen is just as bad as Ronnie though. I guess she forgot that we saw her crazy ass on Jersey Shore being abusive too! She is crazy and abusive too but, I have to say, Ronnie definitely seems worse! Like all of you were saying, she didnt have to bring the baby into it and post it all over her SM! Go get your kid out of harms way and let that be that! Her behavior is typical though. Two people who engage in the exact same behavior always try to make the other look worse! Now that Ronnie’s abuse has come to light, she is using it to try and show how great of a parent she is and how well she is doing! No one should believe it! She’s definitely gearing up for some sort of custody battle though. Idk how much of a battle it will be though. I think it’s safe to say Ronnie will only get supervised visitation, at best, after this. I’m shocked they didn’t charge him because Ariana was present when this all happened! I’m sure all the JS crew will be defending Ronnie again on this one just like they always do!
Why why WHY drag a baby into this shitshow of a relationship? That poor girl.
Also, this should be a huge warning to any woman considering dating Ronnie – he’s not going to change ladies, he would have done it by now but it’s not going to happen.
Seriously, just quickly flick back through the whole Ron and Sam relationship and its obvious that he is a manipulative and abusive man. Sometimes Sam was emotional and clingy- but it was mainly because Ronnie was not trustworthy and he played on her insecurities. He was an emotional abuser.
All this drama with Jen is horrendous, and the fact that they have dragged their child into the middle of it is disgusting. Fine you want to “protect your daughter”, keep her off of your social media then. Comfort her without feeling the need to photograph yourself doing it; then you are actually giving her 100% of your attention.
Its a lousy situation made worse by two idiot parents.
Roid rage. His 15 minutes is over. He needs to go away. Buh bye! ?
Ronnie is a repeat domestic violence abuser. The “punishment” that he got through the court obviously did nothing and was not a deterrent to his women beating rages. It disgusts me that after repeated convictions this idiot is still employed on Jersey Shore making ridiculous amounts of money.
I don’t know as much about Jen and she may have been an abuser with Ronnie or she could have been defending herself. I refuse to victim blame because I have seen photos of bruises that Ronnie left on her. I do wish that Jen didn’t feel it necessary to post a photo of her daughter looking terrified. Protecting your daughter should include not posting moments where she is scared and sharing them with the world. At some point she will grow up and be able to read all of the craziness involving her parents and probably won’t appreciate it being blasted on the internet.
Of course MTV still employs him and pays him ridiculous amounts of money. If we’ve learned anything about Teen Mom over the years, it’s that you can act like an absolute buffoon and still keep your job. I feel like they prefer the crazy for ratings.
Why are they dragging the baby into this? It’s no one’s business about how the baby feels unless Jen’s doing this for custody reasons.
I think once she gets off the drugs and gets completely away from him, aka full custody w supervised visits, she’ll do fine. I have faith in her growing up but Ronnie on the other hand, hes a ticking time bomb.
Even in his weed gummy ad he looks irrationally angry and furious. Hes a scary dude.
Call me crazy, But I think the problem may be Ronnie.
stay lit, and don’t hit girls or senior citizens
What was that about a “wife beater”? Disgraziata!
Not saying that Jen is not violent herself but clearly he’s worse and has issues with women. I hope he starts having supervised visitation only, obviously you can’t trust him with his daughter if he’ll be beating women in front of her. She looks terrified
The minute he flipped that bed with Sam on it and destroyed her property, I knew Ronnie was an abuser. I don’t believe Jen is much better, but this clearly shows that Ronnie is abusive to most women whom he dates. You cannot blame that on the woman. He needs to serve time to learn his lesson. He’s abused three women that we know of at this point. There are probably more.
Jen is also an abuser. That child is not safe with either parent. They’d both prefer to party and date than responsibly parent their child.
Yes, I remember thinking at the time that is not a rational response to anything, she should run for the hills. ‘You made me angry’ does not excuse a grown man – much larger than Sammie – completely losing his mind and smashing her belongings. If he smashes a bed it won’t be long before he turns those fists on your face. Good for Sammie getting out!