Stephanie Pratt Slammed by ‘The Hills’ Fans For Starting Pregnancy Rumors to Body-Shame Her Sister-in-Law Heidi Montag

“Was it something I said?!”

Stephanie Pratt, former star of The Hills: New Beginnings, shocked fans on Friday by announcing that her brother Spencer and his wife Heidi Montag are expecting their second child. Fans were surprised to hear the baby news from Stephanie, rather than the couple themselves, but Spencer soon revealed why he and Heidi had yet to announce the pregnancy.

It’s because Heidi is not pregnant.

Instead, Spencer and Heidi revealed, it was Stephanie’s way of body-shaming Heidi (and him) by making fun of their weight.

Stephanie added more fuel to her ongoing feud with brother and sister-in-law with body-shaming comments made about beachside pictures of the couple in now-expired Instagram Story posts. A Twitter post specifically targeting Heidi is still up on Stephanie’s feed.

“Yay Heidi’s pregnant! I hope she has a little girl this time! Cute bump” Stephanie commented on a paparazzi shot of a bikini-clad Heidi in her Instagram Stories.

“I wonder what my brother is having,” she commented on a shirtless picture of Spencer and his son on Stories.

On Twitter, she wrote, “I saw the photos! – congratulations on your second pregnancy Heidi! Pregnancy looks great on you!!”

Back in February, Heidi was the target of pregnancy rumors, which she shut down, informing the public that, while she was “a little overweight,” she was not pregnant.

This time around, Heidi and Spencer— who are already parents to three-year-old son Gunner— were quick to hop on social media and deny the pregnancy rumors started by Stephanie.

“Heidi is not pregnant. Just being body shamed,” Spencer posted in response to comments on Heidi’s Earth Day-themed Instagram post on Friday.

Heidi responded to the rumors in two tweets:

“I’m love my body. Thankful for my health and life.”

“Again I’m not pregnant. Thanks”

Commenters were quick to call out Stephanie for her tweet, accusing her of body -shaming Heidi, who’s been open about her self-esteem issues and back in February was dealing with negative comments about her body on Instagram.

“Body shaming in 2021? Wow. You really are stuck in the year 2004. Time has passed. Let it go,” one person tweeted in response to Stephanie’s tweet.

“So Heidi isn’t pregnant and you’re actually just body shaming in order to publicly humiliate her,” another person wrote. “Umm…can you not see how sad and twisted that is?”

Other commenters pointed out how particularly cruel the comments were given Heidi and Spencer’s past fertility issues. (Heidi’s Easter Instagram post mentioned that she was “hoping next year we will be a family of 4” so it appears they are trying to have another baby.)

“Body shaming and mocking fertility issues? Cruel and disgusting.”

Although The Hills: New Beginnings will be returning next month for Season 2, Stephanie will reportedly not be part of the cast. Back in January, Spencer confirmed that he and Stephanie have yet to make amends.

RELATED STORY: ‘The Hills: New Beginnings’ Star Spencer Pratt Reveals the Current State of His Relationship with His Estranged Sister Stephanie

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

11 Responses

  1. Eh, the hills trailer has them talking about having another and I saw the pic she commented on. Heidi probably is pregnant but they don’t want to say yet.

  2. It would be more believable to be for attention if Stephanie and Spencer did have major falling outs in the past. Stephanie also moved to London and is no longer on the show (due to awful tweets). Unless Spencer is sending Stephanie cash for doing this under the table (which i doubt), i think this is all real.

  3. First of all heidi is the furthest thing from fat and I personally think she looks great…2ndly Stephanie has always been a jerk…3rd, is this possible promo for the next season of the hills that no one wants to watch, but will be watching?

  4. Heidi actually looks great. Most reality stars rush to get the “mommy makeovers” but it looks like her body snapped back on its own. Good for her.

    Sod off Stephanie. Must be jealous.

  5. Tell me you’re a sad excuse for a human being, without telling me you’re a sad excuse for a human being….

  6. Just, wow! First of all, Heidi’s not fat. Second of all, Stephanie is vile. She sounds worse than Heidi and Spencer. Those two seemed to have cooled down in recent years.

    1. Honestly, I wouldn’t doubt if they all drummed this up for the attention. Kind of funny how this blows up just as a new season begins. They all creep me out.

      1. Yep, they’re supposed to be grown-ups. It’s like they never left high school. Gunner is adorable though.

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