Derick Dillard Speaks Out After Brother-In-Law Josh Duggar’s Arrest; Implies Other Duggar Family Members May Be Trying to Leave ‘Counting On’

“Spoiler alert: being in this family/on their show is as terrible as you’d imagine.”

Derick Dillard is once again speaking out about the Duggar Family after his disgraced brother-in-law Josh Duggar was arrested and charged last week with receiving and possessing child p0rnography. 

Derick and wife Jill have been feuding with (most of) the Duggars for a few years now, beginning when Derick claimed that Jill’s dad, Jim Bob Duggar, kept the profits from the family’s TV shows (Counting On and 19 Kids and Counting) for himself, among other unsavory alleged actions.

In a series of tweets posted on Sunday, Derick made some more accusations against TLC and the Duggars, bashing how the network handled Josh’s 2015 scandal (when it was exposed that Josh molested Jill, three of her sisters and another young girl). 

Derick also insinuated that some of Jill’s siblings may be looking to follow Jill and Derick’s leave and quit ‘Counting On’ for good.

“Derick, don’t forget the family motto: SHHHH!”

Derick and Jill left ‘Counting On’ in 2017, but Derick still condemned the way TLC handled Josh’s scandal. He also spilled a bit of behind-the-scenes tea from that time period.

“How do you know how it was handled? It was not handled well,” Derick responded. “The public was deceived. Their plan worked. And we were told to keep filming and keep our mouths shut. We called their bluff and left.” 

Derick, who said TLC referred to ‘Counting On’ as “a rebranding” of “19 Kids and Counting,” went on to claim there may be other members of the Duggar family trying to leave the show as well. 

“How do you know they’re not trying to leave?” he wrote. “They didn’t know what we knew when when knew it. As I’ve said before, we were told to not talk to the others about what we learned. And based on our history, I don’t know what scare tactics are used on the others to keep them compliant.” 

Derick said he and Jill “pushed back for a long time and pretended like there was nothing wrong on the outside” before finally deciding to quit. He added that everyone will handle the situation differently. 

“ … so it will play out and look different as each individual behaves & responds differently within their unique context,” Derick wrote. “My main message at this point is just for people to evaluate critically and not just assume things are as they appear on the surface. Thank you.” 

“They’re on to us!”

Derick is the most recent Duggar family member to react publicly to Josh’s arrest and subsequent charges, with Jim Bob and Michelle having released a statement last week, along with Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo. On Thursday, after the news of Josh’s arrest broke, Jill provided a statement to Entertainment TonightJessa and Ben Seewald also released a statement.

Josh’s cousin Amy Duggar King has also addressed Josh’s charges.

RELATED STORY: ‘Counting On’ Stars Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar, and Jeremy & Jinger Vuolo Speak Out After Josh Duggar is Charged in Child P0rn Case

(Photos: TLC; Twitter)

12 Responses

  1. Just like David had to cull some of those baby chicks, Jim Bob maybe should have done the same with his brood.

    stay lit

  2. Jim Bob looks like a pedo himself. The apple doesn’t fall from the tree!
    By covering up and being complacent with what Josh did to his sisters- Michelle and JB are just as guilty.
    Josh Duggar needs to go to jail- I hear they treat child molesters real good in there.

  3. Although I agree with a couple of his comments, Derrick is a simple-minded punk that loves the attention he seeks and receives. It would be more advantageous if he went to get a real job to take care of the family he had no business creating. I shudder to think what THOSE children will endure after a lifetime of dealing with Derrick’s hideousness.

  4. While Derrick is his own enigma of hate (yes, we still remember when you came for Jazz Jennings), I’m inclined to believe everything he says about the rugsweeping and smoke and mirrors the Duggars use to keep up the facade. Families like theirs use money and religion to control each other and push the narrative that they’re a well-adjusted, happy family. The reality is, the Duggars knew Josh had abused his sisters and did everything they could to cover it up. They took absolutely NO steps to protect their children, and probably intimidated and threatened the adult children into letting them call the shots for their own kids. They are disgusting.

  5. Every single one of the Duggar kids should leave the show and sue Jim Boob and Michelle for back pay. The parents USE their own children to generate income for themselves— they don’t give two hoots for their own kids!! So disgusting.

    1. I agree with Derrick on that. I used to babysit 4 boys, who are now 19, 23, 25, and 27. The one boy, when he was little, loved all things girl. We would paint his nails, he would pretend towels were hair, he had a doll named Baby Caroline. He was even a girl for Halloween when he was 12. At one point, his favorite song was Man, I feel like a Woman!! No one ever questioned his “gender”. We suspected he may be gay. Well he is 25 years old today, thriving in NYC and is neither gay or transgender (not that they’res anything wrong with that) but parents today need to let kids grow up before they make drastic changes. I’m against transgender children, sorry.

      1. I’m against transphobic uneducated ignorant pieces of work…. I guess we both have to deal hey?

        You’re awful.

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