Ronnie Ortiz-Magro won’t be facing a felony charge, but the Jersey Shore star is facing plenty of hate— particularly from his (former?) girlfriend Saffire Matos.
TMZ reported on Monday that Ronnie will not be charged with a felony stemming from his arrest last month for domestic violence. As The Ashley previously reported, Saffire called 911 for help after a fight with Ronnie allegedly turned physical. When police arrived, they allegedly saw visible evidence of a fight on Saffire’s body and determined Ronnie was the aggressor, leading to his arrest.
Although Saffire initially told her Instagram followers that she and Ronnie were “fine” and that the reports of domestic violence contained “misleading information,” she appears to be taking a different stance now. Over the weekend, she posted a video to TikTok blasting Ronnie.
(The video has since been deleted.)

“I was the one who took your bulls**t,” the voiceover in the video reads, as photos and videos of Saffire and Ronnie appear on the screen. “I actually cared about you. I stuck around when everyone told me to leave. I loved you when you gave me reasons not to.
“I was the one that was there when no one else was. But hey, I hope you sleep well.”
Although Ronnie can sleep a little better now, knowing he he is not being charged with a felony, he is certainly not in the clear. Instead, the L.A. District Attorney’s office has sent his case to the L.A. City Attorney’s office, where he could still face a misdemeanor charge.
Also, since Ronnie is currently on probation (stemming from a previous domestic violence incident against his ex Jen Harley), he may be in even more trouble should it be determined that the arrest/ his alleged actions violated that probation.
In a statement to TMZ, Ronnie’s attorney Scott Leemon still maintains that the charges against Ronnie are false.
“If this reporting is true, as we said from the beginning, initial reports and unreviewed charges are often and; in Ronnie’s case, wrong. We are glad the DA’s office made this decision not to charge a felony. We will await a decision from the County Attorney’s office.”

Viacom and 495 Productions— the production company behind the ‘Jersey Shore’ shows— have yet to make any statements regarding Ronnie’s future with the franchise. Ronnie’s co-stars have also remained silent on his arrest.
(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Reddit)
23 Responses
MTV’s stance is very clear, domestic abuse is not a problem. Pound away people, just don’t say anything against a minority or kill any animal. They have morals.
stay lit
This is the third girlfriend he has pulled this crap with (that we know of).HE is the problem. He abuses alcohol and drugs, as well. Cocaine is a hellava drug. Ron is toxic and has no business being in a relationship. He also needs to stop being enabled by MTV.
I think it’s the fourth. If I recall correctly, Malika spoke about something similar as well. I could be misremembering but that’s what I recall offhand. Sam, Malika, Jen H., Safire.
Maybe Saffire defended Ron initially to see if they could work through it but became angry when Ron didn’t take accountability or apologize. Ron never takes accountability. This incident, if convicted, will go against the terms of probation so I hope he gets time in jail.
Sadly I can relate to how does acting. I was in an abusive(physically, mentally, financially) relationship and my abuser broke up with me. I was heartbroken and devasted. I felt like because I had stuck around while he was hurting me, him breaking up with me was the biggest also in the face. He left me for a chick he was cheating with. It took a few months before I understood he did me the biggest favor by doing what I wouldn’t. Then it took almost 2 years to forgive myself for staying in that relationship. I’m sure he’ll try to sweet talk her when it’s time to testify for the charges and probation violation.I hope that she doesn’t get sucked back in.
I hate that we blame ourselves for staying in abusive relationships; the reasons we do are myriad.
Now that you’re out and somewhat distanced from that experience, you’ll be better positioned to recognize early warming flags in future relationships.
Best wishes, friend.
It is really sad that people judge someone in an abusive relationship harsher than the abuser themselves. Abusers are master manipulators, that’s their specialty, to make everything they do be somehow your fault. They isolate you from any kind of a support system and make you completely reliant on them. It is almost like you are in a cloud and can only see things clearly and think straight after they have been gone awhile. And, you do blame yourself, even when it’s not your fault. What you describe is exactly what I went through. Initially, he left me for a girl he was cheating with and I was heartbroken for months. I even tried to go to marriage counseling with him. One day, I saw him for what he was. I filed for divorce and have never looked back. I’m so sorry that you went through this too! I understand, I get what you are saying completely.
Take that guy off tv so he gets broke and stops doing drugs. He doesn’t deserve attention.
But on the flip side. Why is Amber still on?
Cant fire him & keep Amber
He’s so gross!
Will Ron ever stahp??
This right here is why people can’t/won’t leave. Why they say “restraining orders are just paper”, because when the court system doesn’t take these cases seriously again and again and again…these abusers walk free and know that they have protection to continue to torment, abuse, stalk, and in many cases ultimately murder their domestic partners. Justice system NEEDS to do better. Protect victims, protect children, protect animals.
“Viacom and 495 Productions— the production company behind the ‘Jersey Shore’ shows— have yet to make any statements regarding Ronnie’s future with the franchise. Ronnie’s co-stars have also remained silent on his arrest.”
Their silence speaks louder than words. They’re able to stay quiet about this?!? They’re all disgusting. Especially after Jenni wants to call out Rodger for their domestic abuse spat? She can still stand behind Ronnie?!? SMH. MTV is trash
Her post speaks volumes. “ I took your BS.” “I stuck around when everyone told me to leave.” “I loved you when you gave me reasons not to”. Sounds like Ron hasn’t changed a bit & there was emotional/physical abuse happening in this relationship for awhile. Ronnie is on a destructive path and it’s only a matter of time before he seriously injures (or worse) his next GF. Either that ends up being found dead in a hotel somewhere from a drug OD. When is he going to change? When is MTV going to stop rewarding bad behavior?? Answer is-probably never.
I hope this girl wises up for good. Don’t let Ron sucker you back in! Ron is never going to change. Not only did Ron abuse HER, which is awful enough, but he abandoned the care of his 3-YEAR-OLD CHILD to do it!!! He’s despicable.
Hope he gets in trouble, but I doubt it. We have a very pro-crime DA here in LA!
I hope that she is away from her abuser. This obviously isn’t the first time he has done this! Maybe instead of hitting him with probation that he violates by abusing yet another women, there should be harsher sentences. Not misdemeanors! The one that ends up serving the sentence is the person who is the domestic violence victim. He is a father, would he want his daughter to be with someone like him? I certainly wouldn’t!
I will truly never understand how people like this don’t have their kids as the first thing in mind. How can you legitimately be a parent and also get arrested for such crap?? It’s so easy to just not be an idiot, not be an aggressor, and not get arrested! Think about your kid Ronnie.