TLC made it clear that it is no longer associated with Josh Duggar, but the network’s lackluster statement has at least one other former TLC star angry and calling out the network’s habit of distancing itself from shows and talents when things go bad.
Jacob Roloff, former star of Little People, Big World, blasted TLC on Instagram Stories on Sunday, slamming the network for airing “terrible people with sometimes terrible producers for often terrible motives” and then walking away when trouble arises.
Over the weekend, the network released a statement regarding the arrest of Josh, who used to star on his family’s TLC reality show 19 Kids and Counting… until one of his previous scandals got the show cancelled back in 2015.
In the statement, TLC made sure to let viewers know that the network distanced itself from Josh long before his arrest last week.
(As The Ashley previously reported, Josh is now facing charges of possessing and receiving child p0rnography, and has been behind bars in Arkansas since Thursday, when he was arrested by the U.S. Marshals.)
“TLC is saddened to learn about the continued troubles involving Josh Duggar,” the network stated. “’19 Kids and Counting’ has not aired since 2015. TLC canceled the show on the heels of prior allegations against Josh Duggar and he has not appeared on air since then.”
While Josh’s siblings, parents, wife Anna and children have all appeared on the Duggar Family’s new TLC show, Counting On, Josh never made an appearance. (In fact, he was blocked or blurred out during several of the wedding episodes. Although he attended his siblings’ weddings, TLC made sure that Josh’s mug did not appear in the crowd.)

One person who was particularly underwhelmed by TLC’s statement is Jacob, who told his Instagram followers that the network’s statement “completely sidesteps” the real issues.
“(Unfortunately) RE: Duggars. TLC’s statement of essentially, ‘He hasn’t been on air in a while,’ completely sidesteps the dynamic of being able to air terrible people with sometimes terrible producers for often terrible motives for beaucoup ratings and profit. (And still profiting.),” Jacob wrote.
“But, when the ‘terrible’ of all that gets uncovered, TLC walks away with the beaucoup profits and… nothing else (Maybe a twin spin-off),” he added.
Jacob claimed that TLC wants the profits that their shows and stars make for them, but not the obligation to stand behind them should things go astray.
“They treat their own products (shows, talent) in a liability sense, as contracted out and completely detached from them and their responsibility (which may or may not be legally true) when in fact these shows were conceptualized and distributed by them,” he wrote.
He also reposted a clip of an article that encouraged TLC to distance itself from the Duggars, stating that “as it stands now, the network is essentially bankrolling a cult.” (Jacob commented that he completely agrees with this statement from the article.)
Back in December, Jacob revealed that he was allegedly groomed and molested as a child by a ‘Little People, Big World’ third-party producer. After Jacob wrote about his experience on Instagram, TLC issued a statement, saying it was “saddened and troubled by this very serious allegation” and that its “main focus remains on supporting the Roloff family during this very difficult time.”
According to Jacob, though, no one from TLC ever even reached out to him.
“TLC’s own statement after my own in December 2020 was ‘Our main focus remains on supporting the Roloff family during this very difficult time’. I never heard from them! No one. Nothing. Not once (Nor did I, quite honestly, expect to, the ghouls),” he wrote, adding that they did reach out to the members of his family that are still on the show.
“I heard personally from one ex-producers and received one supportive Instagram comment from an ex-cameraman. That’s it!” Jacob wrote. “TLC doesn’t give a f**k what happens on or off camera, as long as they get paid, and you lot keep watching. Don’t.”
He later added that he does not agree with “family-centered” reality shows (such as ‘Little People, Big World’ or “19 Kids and Counting.”)
“Reality TV (or maybe more precisely ‘family-centered reality TV) should not exist.”
Some members of the Duggar Family have spoken out on Josh’s arrest and charges, with Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo, as well as Jessa and Ben Seewald, releasing statements that condemn Josh’s actions. (Jinger and Jeremy made it very clear that they are not Team Josh.)
“We are disturbed to hear of the charges against Josh,” the Vuolos’ statement read. “While this case must go through the legal system we absolutely condemn any form of child abuse and fully support the authorities and judicial process in their pursuit of justice.”
“We are saddened to hear of the charges against Josh,” the Seewalds’ statement read. “As Christians, we stand against any form of p0rnography or abuse and we desire for the truth to be exposed, whatever that may be. Our prayers are with their family as they walk through this difficult time.”
Josh’s sister Jill Dillard was sympathetic toward Anna and her kids in her statement regarding Josh.
“We’re very sad about the whole thing, it’s horrible. It’s all very sad,” she said, adding, “Josh’s wife Anna is pregnant with their seventh child, I cannot imagine how she is feeling.”
Jill’s husband Derick Dillard (who is hardly a fan of the Duggar Clan), told The Sun that, while he feels for Anna, he hopes Josh pays for his alleged crimes, if convicted.
“Obviously if there is anything there related to child p0rnography, we hope that justice is done,” Derick said. “I don’t think anybody supports child p0rnography. We’re sad for Anna. Put yourself in her situation and imagine how you would feel if that happened with your family member. I imagine it would be really hard.”
(Derick also had some less-than-nice things to say about TLC. Click here to see his latest tweets about the network!)
The rest of Josh’s other siblings have yet to speak out on Josh’s arrest and alleged crimes. His wife Anna and her family have also remained publicly silent since the events of Thursday.
Josh has pleaded not guilty to his charges, but will remain behind bars until at least May 5, when he may be eligible to be released on bond. His trial is due to begin July 6.
(Photos: Instagram)
17 Responses
I’m glad Jacob spoke up what he said is all so true shame on TLC
And the Ashley, you..ISNT any different because you continue to talk about these shitty people and gain them more exposure. You write articles about people’s children also. Hence Jace from Teen Mom. STOP writing about people’s children and STOP writing articles about sexual offenders. We all know you do it to get more people to read your articles. And I also know you won’t approve this in your comments because you are a coward. You should work for TLC? I’m sure they would pay you the big bucks because you’re already at their level.
Wait till the shit hits the fan about this Dimitri and Ashley in seeking sister wives hit…That is a horrific story about child abuse, batterd wife abuse sexual deviant..Embellishment Felonise.And the ex-girlfriend before Vanessa, said T,LC knows she went to them twice and they said they would look into it and yet did nothing but they’re 100% aware of what he does to the women on and off the show. Chrissy Vanessa and another girl are in hiding because they made them signed NDA’s And they’re terrified to speak out but she spilling all the tea. Horrible
Jacob really is insufferable. I can’t stand him or take anything he says seriously.
Honest question, is there anyone that supports this family anymore?
Jacob strikes me a know-nothing blowhard that considers himself to be morally superior. I can’t stand people like that. He attacked his SIL (the annoying redhead that Jeremy is married to) because she didn’t post a statement in support of BLM. Who is he to determine what she should consider important, let alone what her opinion should be?
As far as the Duggars, you either watch the show or you don’t. That’s what determines whether they stay on the air.
I had no idea that happened to Jacob. That is absolutely awful. Is Little People, Big World still on the air? If so, it must feel awful for him that his family continues to film when something like this happened to him…
TLC’s statement on this is absolutely weak. Just because you haven’t shown Josh’s face on TV, doesn’t earn you a medal in morality. They still continue to fund the cult that has enabled Josh to continue to be an abuser. Disgusting.
I thought LPBW had finally ended until I saw a commercial last week that they have another season starting soon. The storyline is supposed to be about Amy’s wedding and her never-ending conflicts with Matt and some drama about Jacob maybe buying the farm. IDK any dates or specifics. The show is so contrived and production driven and I haven’t really watched it in a few years.
Interesting. Yeah I enjoyed the first couple of seasons of it but I haven’t watched it in YEARS!
I don’t feel sorry for Anna. She had known for a long time who he is and yet she still kept her kids around him. Shame on you.
Fuuuuuuuuuuck you TLC! “Continued troubles” is being re-diagnosed with cancer after having beaten it before; it’s your business going under and your wife leaving you for another man; it’s multiple family members dying in a short period of time. Being of a devious and disgusting nature, and persistently abusing children is not “continued troubles”.
And as for your, “well he hasn’t been on OUR channel for years, so…” argument, it is pathetic. Take some goddamn responsibility for what you have created and given a platform to.
I’m not sure at what point TLC became so corrupt, but they seem to have forgotten that they’re the LEARNING channel and have apparently never learned from anything.
The best thing they could’ve done was cancel the original show, do their little spin off documentary a year or so later, and be done with it. I feel like putting profits before people is what screwed them over, but honestly, fuck the network. You have all these kids “employed” and appearing on your shows, but you’re still financially supporting abusive environments.
I’m In Australia and don’t know a lot about this man, Jacob, and I agree 109© with his statement.
Sad to hear he was groomed and received no support after the fact. I hope he’s healing.
Josh and his enablers can go to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks. They knew what he was up to & the pending charges and he still procreated with his Stepford, brainwashed wife. The poor kids – only ones I feel for.
I wonder if children services will be Interviewing any of his six kids. His wife Anna looks kinda clueless & like a Stepford wife.
TLC vs. MTV. ??? Who has the worst felons?
TLC. They’ve known about Josh for YEARS and have done nothing to support his victims.
“TLC canceled the show on the heels of prior allegations against Josh Duggar and he has not appeared on air since then.” Seriously? This is their statement? Do they think that we are so stupid that we missed the fact that they rebranded “19 kids and counting” to “Counting On” and continued to film with the questionable Duggar’s? Yes, Josh hasn’t been on the show, round of applause for TLC.?But, he does (at least before his latest arrest for child porn) live on the compound with countless minors that are being exposed daily to a pedophile!
My heart goes out to Jacob. He was groomed and molested on TLC’s watch and they did nothing! There are no safeguards in place for these minor kids.
Derick isn’t the greatest person all the time, but he’s right in that TLC is awful and Counting On needs to be cancelled. These people enabled, and continued to enable, a predator. Those poor kids