Weird Sniffing, Way Too Much Waxing & Many More WTF Moments: TLC Releases ‘sMothered’ Season 3 Trailer

My thoughts on this show.

Brace yourself: more cringey mother-daughter moments are on the way.

Season 3 of sMothered premieres this month, bringing viewers some new and returning mother-daughter duos with unbreakable bonds that, more often than not, are quite uncomfortable to watch. 

In TLC’s press release for the new season, we find out what wildly confusing antics are in store for the three returning duos and brace ourselves for what’s to come from the three new pairs joining the sMotherhood-family. 

Meet the new and returning duos below: 

Dawn & Cher

Like, that’s kind of the problem.

Dawn and Cher, known for their matching outfits and matching personalities, are returning for a third season. After spending months apart due to the pandemic, the nearly identical mother-daughter pair are reunited in Florida – possibly for good. Not wanting to be without Cher or her granddaughter Belle for that long again, Dawn hatches a plan to convince Cher’s husband Jared to let Cher and Belle stay in Florida with her. 

Viewers will also see Dawn and Cher throw on matching wigs this season to sing/traumatize Cher’s daughter, as well as treat themselves to breastmilk facials – using Cher’s supply, of course.

Kathy & Cristina 

“Including creeping people out on TV to earn some coin.”

Also returning for another season are Kathy and Cristina, the Italian mother-daughter duo from Chicago. This season, viewers will see Kathy and Cristina living apart once again after Cristina’s husband Carlo quit his job at his family’s pizzeria and cancelled Cristina’s home renovation plans. Once the pandemic hit, Carlo decided to open his own pizzeria, making Cristina a business owner overnight.

With the stress of the new business, Cristina has pulled away from her mother, but Kathy isn’t giving up and is finding ways to insert herself back into her daughter’s life, whether Carlo wants her there or not. 

This is the most normal thing we’ve ever seen anyone do on this show.

(Spoiler alert: Carlo doesn’t want Kathy there at all.) 

Sunhe & Angelica

I can’t wait to see Angelica work that line into her wedding vows.

Sunhe and Angelica, the final returning pair for Season 3, share a bond that Angelica’s fiancé Jason is still trying to accept.

Good luck with that, Jason.

However, after Angelica and Jason announce their engagement and pregnancy to their families, things start to go downhill fast. Now, the couple not only have Sunhe to consider, but also Jason’s mom, who isn’t planning on going home anytime soon… and Sunhe isn’t planning to leave either. 

Umm… have you MET Sunhe?

While this is supposed to be a happy time for the newly-engaged couple, Angelica is now questioning whether she wants to marry Jason at all.  

Amy & Carina

Oh good… another mother-daughter duo pushing this lookalike shtick…

New to the ’sMothered’ series are mother-daughter duo Amy and Carina, who believe they knew each other in a past life, are inseparable, and share too much everything from beds and showers to underwear. 

I’m not sure if I’m more embarrassed for the producer who asked or the mother who knew the difference in smells…

Neighbors describe the home of the oversharing pair as a circus, given the 11 animals that reside on the property. While Amy and Carina claim to love their lifestyle, Amy is starting to realize she and her daughter may have an unhealthy attachment that is preventing them from having functional romantic relationships. 

Karla & Rykia

When mother-daughter brunch dates are just too traditional for your taste.

Also new to the series are Karla and Rykia – Alabama mother and daughter besties whose closeness includes giving each other Brazilian waxes.

If this show ever had a line, this scene definitely crossed it.

Karla loves to meddle in all of her kids’ lives and while Rykia seems to love it, her brother Rasheed doesn’t feel the same and is so turned off by his mom and sister’s need to overshare information that he’s avoided introducing his girlfriend to them for nine months.  

Good luck trying to enjoy your meal after that comment.

The duo will also face challenges this season as Karla tries to hold on to her best friend and keep everything the same, despite new developments happening in her life, as well as in her family’s lives.

Lisa & Lauren

Say no more – PLEASE.

Lisa and Lauren, the final duo set to appear on Season 3, are two southern belles who act more like sisters than mother and daughter. There’s no such thing as boundaries with these two, who FaceTime while taking baths and wax each other’s mustaches. Along for the ride this season is Lauren’s wife Laura Leigh, who isn’t a fan of Lauren’s frequent sleepovers at Lisa’s house. 

Laura Leigh and Lauren have been trying to conceive a child for two years, but are taking a break to save some money – or so Laura Leigh thinks. In the Season 3 preview, viewers learn that Lisa and Lauren have other plans in the works to ensure that Lauren is able to have the family of her dreams. 

Am I disturbed? Yes. Am I surprised? Not in the slightest.

Season 3 of ‘sMothered’ premieres Monday, May 31 at 9/8c on TLC. Check out the preview below! 

RELATED STORY: TLC’s New Series ‘Extreme Sisters’ Follows Siblings Who Share Boyfriends, Beds, Toothbrushes & More

(Photos: TLC; YouTube)

7 Responses

  1. I have everything waxed on a monthly basis, and never EVER have I been asked to position myself for doggy-style like that. I saw the Kardashians doing that years ago too. It’s so stupid. You simply lie on your back, side, or front and let the beautician do their job. They’re just trying to make this look even weirder than it is.

  2. Sunhe is the worst. I can’t believe any of them think putting this on tv (I love it) is a good idea. It’s the most cringe worthy tv of all

  3. The first and LAST time I saw my mother’s downstairs bizness was the day I came out of it….And part of our great relationship is never discussing ANY business, about any BIZNESS, kwim?

    This show is great TV tho, and I really think(ok hope), that most of it is exaggeration. If not, my guess is that the mothers and daughters end up together a la ‘Grey Gardens’ in the later years, with no men in site.

    TLC, where do you find them??

  4. Most pointless shower of shit ever put on tv, I managed a few episodes of the first season, I had to stop watching for fear of wanting to put my foot through the tv.

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