Ronnie Magro-Ortiz Posts About Loyalty After Report Says His ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ Co-Stars Refused to Film With Him & Allegedly Said He Makes Them Look Bad

“I don’t wanna film with you guys anyway so THERE!”

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro made it clear on social media that he values loyalty before anything else, with his post coming just one day after it was reported that his Jersey Shore co-stars have refused to film with him, due to his “mental instability” and their feelings that his recent actions are making them all look bad!

On Saturday, Ronnie— who stated earlier this week that he’s stepping away from Jersey Shore Family Vacation to seek treatment for his mental health issues— posted to Instagram Stories about “loyalty” being at the top of his list of core values. He also thanked the “friends, family and fans who have been supportive through my journey to finding my mental health & happiness.”

Many suspected that Ronnie’s posts were an attempt at shading his ‘Jersey Shore’ costars for refusing to be filmed with him.

One day earlier, The Sun reported that Ronnie’s co-stars are turning their back on him.

“The entire cast has said they don’t want to film with him because they believe he is not mentally stable,” the site reported on Friday. “They feel he is a ticking time bomb and he makes all of them look bad.”

“They were uncomfortable filming with him moving forward,” the site’s source added.

As The Ashley recently reported, Ronnie was arrested last month on suspicion of domestic violence against his girlfriend Saffire Matos. Ronnie, who is on probation for a previous domestic violence plea for an incident involving his baby mama Jen Harley, eventually had his charges dropped; however, he will face a judge next month regarding the potential probation violation. 

Also this week, Ronnie released a statement informing fans that he and MTV made the decision together that he would not appear on future ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ episodes, at least for the time being. 

“After talking to the team at MTV, we have mutually agreed that I will step away from the show while I seek medical treatment for mental health issues that I’ve ignored for too long,” Ronnie wrote. “My number one goal now is facing my struggles head on. This process will be difficult, but my #1 priority is to get healthy and be the best man and best father I can for my daughter.”

The trailer for the upcoming season of ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ was released on Tuesday and showed no traces of Ronnie. It is unknown if Ronnie filmed for the season or not. If he did film, it’s possible that his scenes have been edited out. 

“The cast doesn’t know if Ronnie has been politely fired. He has been part of the filming until now, but they don’t know if anything  he has filmed will air,” the source for The Sun stated. 

Although Ronnie told his fans he is seeking help for his mental health issues, he is apparently not attending any sort of in-patient treatment or drug/alcohol rehab. (In 2019, Ronnie spent a month in rehab to treat mental health issues as well as alcohol dependency.) 

“He is not in rehab yet. He has shared with others in the cast that he is not ready for rehab,” The Sun‘s source said. “He is trying to say he can get better with mental help without going to a facility.”

At press time, none of Ronnie’s ‘Jersey Shore’ co-stars had spoken publicly about Ronnie’s latest arrest or decision to seek treatment. 

RELATED STORY: ‘Jersey Shore’ Family Vacation’ Season 4B to Premiere Next Month: Troubled Ronnie Ortiz-Magro Missing From Season’s Trailer

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

21 Responses

  1. I don’t know why he’s surprised no one wants anything to do with him anymore. He’s had so many chances and continues to screw up. It’s no different than a drug addicts close circle having to step away from their destructive behavior. And I bet Jen is going to use this arrest as a huge case against him on custody of their daughter. And I wouldn’t blame her.

  2. He does make them look bad. He makes dangerous decisions. His actions have consequences and since the legal system clearly is willing to let an abusive predator walk, I’m glad that he is held accountable elsewhere.

  3. So the gravy train has ended. How long will these silicone hoes keep his abusive company once the money dries up?

  4. I hope when Ronnie is in a healthy mind set, he will be able to see the truth of his current situation. His castmates were practicing “tough love” and stopped enabling him. It is possible they saved his life, it’s up to him now. He has a long hard road ahead. It will require complete honesty, listening to others, peeling back the layers of his personality, trust, humility, acceptance. IF he is totally willing, he CAN become the man he says he wants to be. I wish him well. I am cautiously optimistic, but never say never. The ball is in his court, we shall see.

  5. Ahh so there it is…Ron is only getting help because his cast mates won’t film with him so he and MTV “agreed” he should get treatment. And I think he is confusing loyalty with enabling. They were enabling his behavior before but now they are refusing which is forcing him to get help and THAT is real loyalty but of course he doesn’t see it that way.

  6. ???? These can’t possibly be Ronnie’s core “vales” as his behavior has not shown most of these values to be true throughout his decade plus on TV. There’s apparently a huge difference in what Ronnie “vales” and how he actually acts and treats others.

  7. They are all washed up and the only reason this show is even still on is because Angelina came back. They had a dud until she came back so now Ronnie is trash so they decided to throw him away for her. I guess it takes one piece of trash to find another.

  8. A bunch of fame obsessed losers threw the biggest loser under the bus?! Who would have guessed? ? And was Mike “the bad situation” just defending him? I guess they learned their lesson LAST time when Snookie was racked over the coals for going after a bruised up Jen. *Imitaes Oprah* You’re a loser, and you’re a loser, and you’re the biggest loser Ron!

  9. Why is the cast all of the sudden acting like Ron is a problem now? They have known that he was a problem from the first season when he was abusing Sammi in front of them! They knew he was a woman beater when he beat Jen repeatedly and the cast was mad at Jen because they thought she was “displaying her bruises for attention” when she went to lunch with her daughter, now they know he is abusing his current girlfriend. None of these people have a conscience. It’s all about the money and nothing else. As far as Ron goes, once a meathead, always a meathead.

    1. I think I was your downvote and I didn’t mean to be. Git the wrong thumb. My bad. I’m sorry. I actually agree with you.

    1. Right! ? And they wonder why she doesn’t want anything to do with any of them or the show anymore. I wouldn’t either. Ron has always been abusive, this is not shocking to anyone

    2. In their wallets because no one cared back then. Smartest thing she ever did was not come back.

  10. Lol at “making them all look bad”, the choirboys that they all are..

    Gimme a break with the pity party.
    You f*cked up and no one wants to deal with your crap anymore. Looking at you, Chrissy Teigen, and Ellen.

    1. Ronnie, these are not your friends. These are your co-workers. You are damaging your co-workers’ opportunities to MAKE MONEY. They’d all cut off their own mothers to keep this gravy train rolling! Oh, and you’re a bad and dangerous friend, too! I’d drop your toxic ass!

  11. They’re all in their late 30’s and 40’s now. Have kids. Hell even Mike cleaned up his act. I don’t blame them for not wanting Ronnie’s baggage anymore. Too bad they didn’t have this energy when he was abusing Sammy onscreen.

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