June “Mama June” Shannon isn’t going to the slammer.
The Mama June: Road to Redemption star has avoided jail time after being charged with possession of crack cocaine by agreeing to community service and one year of court supervision, Alabama newspaper The Trussville Tribune reported earlier this month.
The 41-year-old was arrested back in March 2019 along with her boyfriend, Geno Doak, following a domestic dispute at a gas station. When searched, drugs and drug paraphernalia were found on Mama June and Geno.

Provisions of June’s agreement also include random drug screenings and random searches of her car, home and possessions, according to The Trussville Tribune. June, who has been sober for more than a year, is also not allowed to use alcohol or drugs, or visit places where either are used or sold, such as restaurants or bars. She must also remain employed and attend counseling.
If June complies with the provisions, all charges against her will be dismissed. If she is unable to comply, her case will go to trial.
While June’s 15-year-old daughter Alana “Honey Boo Boo” Thompson has been living with her 20-year-old sister Lauryn “Pumpkin” Shannon since June began spiraling out of control in 2019, it appears the relationship between June and her daughters is continuing to improve. Earlier this month, Lauryn posted a Mother’s Day dedication to June on Instagram, praising her mom for “how far you’ve come in your sobriety.”
“I can never thank you enough for being the awesome gigi you are to my beautiful babies,” she added. “Love you mama.”
Alana shared a Mother’s Day post as well, featuring both her mom and sister.
In March, June revealed that ‘Mama June’ producers have set strict guidelines to ensure she and Geno are walking the straight and narrow while filming for the show.
“Production holds me accountable, too,” she said. “I have to take weekly drug testings. If you don’t go take a drug test one week, or if me or Geno fail, then I can’t be in the show.”
(Photos: Instagram; WEtv)
9 Responses
I still can’t get past the fact that June chose Geno over her daughter. My heart breaks for Alanna. I hope now that she’s getting older, she takes her $$ and educates herself instead of being a reality star with that train wreck of a “mother”.
Dumpster fire at its best!
I think she should be forced to pay restitution to Alana and her other daughters(if she was using their money w/Alana’s to fund her drug habit). This slap on the wrist means they will fall back into it when they have the cash flowing again.
I just hope Alana stays with Pumpkin. It’s definitely an overall better situation for her.
Her mom (sober or not) is a dumpster fire. Even Geno has to tel her to act right in almost every episode (don’t pound on people’s doors, don’t disrespect people, don’t talk shit, so what you should).
She’s so addicted to drama and is so egotistical thinking that she has some hot shit that her behavior is appalling. She’s rude, gross, self centered, and disrepectful. Alana deserves more. She deserves a better situation.
I’m happy for June. It seems like things are continuing to improve for her. While she’s had a lot of TV network support and other luxuries others in her position wouldn’t be so lucky to have (new home, $$, new teeth…etc), at the end of the day her sobriety should still be applauded. Sobriety is a daily battle for addicts the rest of their lives no many years they are sober and June seems to be serious about it and doing the right steps. I believe her and her daughters are doing counseling to help with healing and improving their relationship.
TLC: the channel that will give you 50M chances.
Good that she’s sober. While I don’t necessarily believe that some drug addicts should be jailed versus rehabilitated… Girl needs a serious wake up call.
She should have been gone with the last dude, the molester. Thankfully for her, she’s employed by the most forgiving folks in entertainment.
I agree with you about TLC and the ridiculous number of chances they give some of their reality participants, but June’s show is not on TLC. The show is on WE tv. WE tv is owned by AMC Network. Other channels owned by the same network are: AMC, BBCAmerica, Sundance, IFC.
Womp womp. Whoops!! Thanks for the clarify!!
Well, my comment (kind of) still stands. They’re very forgiving as well. Too many chances for this woman.
Cancel culture doesn’t always cancel the right person. Seems like those that hurt kids get the ok, but have a different opinion than the mainstream? The axe!
The way she screams BABY!! When he’s 10ft away from her would cause me to duck tape her mouth shut!