Jenelle Evans’ Makeup Empire Goes Belly-Up: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star’s JE Cosmetics is Officially “Out of Business”

“Eyebrow kits! Buy one get 10 free! Ya just gotta dig ’em outta the swamp!”

It’s an end of an eyebrow era.

The Sun reports that Jenelle’s makeup business is now out-of-business, putting a sad end to her former goal of bringing her own questionably shaped eyebrows to the masses.

JE Cosmetics has had its business license “dissolved,” according to the North Carolina Secretary of State. The company— which Jenelle tried for years to make “happen”— was supposed to be Jenelle’s brand of various makeup products, but only ended up producing one major product: a poorly received eyebrow kit.

JE Cosmetics failed to file its annual business report in April of this year, and is now considered to be out of business.

Back in 2019, Jenelle was fresh off of her firing from ‘Teen Mom 2’ and was vowing to put all her efforts into making her makeup brand a success. 

“I have a big support team here in New York that helps me out while I’m in North Carolina dealing with the kids and stuff, so I mean, we have everything organized and we’re excited to launch and we can’t wait,” she said in September of that year.

JE Cosmetics never seem to bring in the dough for Jenelle. In fact, it seemingly brought nothing but problems, as her launch party in New York was cancelled by the salon that was to host it (due to the salon learning that Jenelle’s husband David Eason had killed her dog just months earlier). Later, it was discovered the Jenelle had sold only about 150 kits in the months after the “big” launch.

Jenelle was constantly dealing with negative online reviews of her eyebrow kit, with some customers claiming to have found mold, fibers and other unsavory items in their makeup.

Jenelle ended up being dropped by her manufacturer a few months in, and her efforts to hawk her kits on her own flopped.

“Damn! I was about to order four kits— one for each of my eyebrows!”

In May 2020, she claimed to have received a “new” shipments of kits that were ready to be sent to her poor-eyebrowed-fans; however, Jenelle’s trusty haters pointed out that the dates on the boxes of kits confirmed that they were the same kits from 2019.

In October 2020, Jenelle promised her followers that there were “new JE Cosmetics products coming to you soon!” Some lip glosses were shown on the company’s Facebook page, but the products were never spoken about again after that.

Jenelle finally gave up her dream of shilling subpar makeup, telling The Sun this year that she decided to put JE Cosmetics out of its misery.

“I basically I stopped it myself. I still have stuff to sell, and I was still actually selling products, but it’s really hard to keep up with without a team,” she told the site. “I was the one packaging everything, shipping it all, restocking it, it was really hard to keep up with it without a team.”

“Who needs a ‘team’ when you have me!?”

These days, Jenelle is focusing on her social media channels— from uploading uploading videos of herself crying on YouTube on YouTube to shaking her rump on TikTok. 

RELATED STORY: Former ‘Teen Mom 2’ Star Jenelle Evans Films Health Update, Reveals Another Possible Diagnosis & Her Worry That She Won’t Be Able to Walk Someday (Recap)

(Photos: Instagram; Facebook; MTV; YouTube)

20 Responses

  1. Made fun of her mom on national TV for working at the Walmart Deli, meanwhile this loser can’t even keep a job, a business venture, a friend, a dog….or all of her kids.

  2. What the hell does Team David do all day??? Jenelle should at least set him up with a roadside stand, and make him sell off the excess inventory! My motto has always been, “You don’t work, you don’t eat!” Keeps Mr. Greenway on his toes!

    1. Rakes…thats what David does all day everyday, he rakes.
      He rakes & abuses everyone Round him, including his Jenelles kids

    2. I agree with you ?. There’s no way a grown ass adult is not working (unless they gave a disability)

  3. I’m surprised that this story doesn’t have more comments.

    I feel the most for the environment after they dumped all this crap in the local landfill.

    1. She doesn’t seem to get it at all! Her kits are crap, and no one likes her! We don’t like people who support child abusing and animal abusing creeps. That’s it, plain and simple. Go away, Janelle!

  4. At this juncture her life is pretty much the summation of what happens when you act out, cosign, excuse and get away with disgusting behavior for more than a decade, your chickens eventually come home to roost.

  5. Her first business decision should be to lose the lip injections and Botox. When you’re a broke b!tch, that money could be better spent

  6. ??? Jenelle basically saying she was selling so many eyebrow kits she couldn’t keep up with it without a team… I’ll bet everyone really wanted your dollar store quality moldy brow makeup.

    How much were the kits again, $20? She sold 150 of them on the launch, which is $3k. It appears Jenelle lost money on this business venture. Look at the amount of unsellable inventory sitting in her garage.

    1. The kits were $40! Can’t make this up ? I get my $3 ELF eyebrow kits from cvs and they’re great. Brown pomade and powder. Why would jenelles be any different than my $3 one? Lol

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