Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is getting married!
The Jersey Shore star asked his girlfriend Saffire Matos to marry him on Saturday, and she accepted, People reported on Monday. The proposal took place on a Los Angeles beach, with Ronnie’s family present, as well as Ariana, the daughter he shares with ex Jenn Harley.
Speaking of Jenn, in what may be the most Ron-and-Jenn thing to ever happen to the former couple, she was sitting in a Las Vegas jail cell at the time of Ronnie’s proposal to Saffire. As The Ashley previously reported, Jenn was arrested on Saturday for domestic battery and assault with a deadly weapon. (She later made bail and was released. Her alleged victim(s) are unknown, but, considering he was in another state at the time, it was very unlikely to be Ronnie, as some fans originally guessed.)
Saffire– whom began dating Ronnie last fall– reportedly accepted the proposal.
“Ronnie has been taken this time to work on himself and his daughter,” a source for the magazine stated. “For him, he felt like this right time. They’re both really happy for this next chapter. His health and happiness are what is most important.”
Ronnie and Saffire have had their share of ups and downs. In April, Ronnie was arrested for felony domestic violence, particularly “suspicion of intimate partner violence with injuries and with priors.” (Ronnie has a history of domestic violence and is currently on probation from a previous DV plea from an incident involving Jenn.)
It was later determined that it was Saffire who called 911 for help after a fight with Ronnie allegedly turned physical. When police arrived, they allegedly saw visible evidence of a fight on Saffire’s body and determined Ronnie was the aggressor, leading to his arrest.
Although Saffire initially told her Instagram followers that she and Ronnie were “fine” and that the reports of domestic violence contained “misleading information,” she later posted a video to TikTok blasting Ronnie. In recent months, though, the couple has made it clear that they are back together, and Ronnie has had his charges from the incident dropped. (He is set to attend a hearing for violating his parole this Thursday, though.)
Ronnie revealed that he is taking some time away from ‘Jersey Shore Family Vacation’ to work on his mental health.
On Monday, Ronnie confirmed the engagement, posting a photo of the beach picnic he set up for the proposal.
“I love you,” he wrote in the photo caption. “Thank you for sticking by my side through thick and thin! Til death do us part! #SheSaidYes”
RELATED STORY: Ronnie Magro’s Baby Mama Jenn Harley Arrested For Assault with a Deadly Weapon & Domestic Battery
(Photos: Instagram)
10 Responses
Well good luck to her ?
Well, just remember, Columbus took a chance and that worked out pretty well for him.
stay lit
A diamond ring and a cheesy marriage proposal does not stop the domestic violence that she is in with Ron. She needs to run far and fast!
This is awful. More awful is the 133,000 likes on this news. At least an engagement can be easily broken.
Yikes! The fact Saffire accepted the proposal after maybe 9 months of dating and to Ron, who has a history of domestic violence (including her), substance abuse, and cheating; not to mention the baggage with the baby mama, Jenn. That’s concerning.
Oh, Saffire. Where’s your momma, honey? Who would let you say yes to this man who put hands on you and scared you enough to call the cops mere months ago??? This behavior does NOT get better, it gets much, much worse. I’ll say it again— Run, Saffire, RUN!! P.S. The nutball of an ex is enough of a reason for a HARD NO. You do not want that in your life!
Her momma named her Saffire. I’m guessing that she doesn’t have the best judgement in the world.
This is so sad. Attacks one month, engaged the next. Is this the reward for defending him publicly or is this so she can’t be forced to testify against him? His poor daughter would be better in the system than with either of her loser parents.