Earlier this week, former Chrisley Knows Best star Lindsie Chrisley revealed on social media that she is ending her marriage to her husband of nine years, Will Campbell. After posting about the breakup on social media, Lindsie received plenty of support from fans– and, surprisingly, even support from her estranged dad Todd and brother Chase!
The Chrisley men discussed Lindsie’s divorce during the most-recent episode of Todd and his wife Julie‘s Chrisley Confessions podcast. Though neither has spoken to Lindsie in several years, due to a bitter estrangement, Todd and Chase gave their thoughts on Lindsie’s breakup and even made it clear that they still support her, regardless of all the negative things that have happened between them in the past.
In her Instagram post announcing the divorce, Lindsie— who shares son Jackson with Will– wrote that the divorce is amicable.
“It’s with the deepest sadness that, after 9 years of marriage, Will & I have mutually decided to end our marriage,” Lindsie told her followers. “We maintain the greatest respect & love for one another, & we’re so grateful for our time together. We will continue to remain friends & be devoted parents to our son whom we both love very much.”
The Sun reports that it was Lindsie who filed for divorce on July 26, stating in court docs that she and Will are “currently separated and are living in bona fide state of separation.” She stated that the marriage is “irretrievably broken” and requested “permanent and temporary child support.”
On his podcast, Todd said that, although he has sworn off discussing about his kids’ private matters on the podcast, he was still going to talk about Lindsie’s divorce, since the press had been asking him about it.
“She has chosen to end her marriage to her husband Will after nine years…I want to be very clear that it is a very sad day… I do not wish a divorce on any family, certainly not after going through one and watching what it did to Lindsie and [my older son] Kyle,” Todd said. “So I certainly was hoping not to see that pattern repeated.”
Todd— who had Kyle and Lindsie with his first wife Teresa, and Chase, daughter Savannah and son Grayson with Julie— also stated that he has always like Will.

“Will Campbell has always been a good provider to my daughter and to my grandson,” Todd said. “He and his family have always been very supportive of Lindsie and Jackson to the best of knowledge, which is very limited.
“As the world knows, [Lindsie and I] do not have a relationship,” Todd continued. “Lindsie does not communicate with our family. We do not reach out to Lindsie. It is always done through some kind of tabloid. So there is no communication, so therefore there can’t be fighting when there’s no communication.
“But it’s a sad day…I hate it for Jackson. But I know Will has always been a good father, to the amount of knowledge that I have. But the times I’ve been around him with Jackson he was a great father.”
“I want Jackson to have as little disruption as possible,” Todd said, later adding, “They will continue to remain in my prayers, as they always do. I pray for all my children everyday…”
Chase also appeared to be sympathetic, despite the fact that last weekend, Chase’s friend Austin Duriez accused Lindsie of throwing a drink at him when they came across each other at a bar in Georgia. Austin later told police that Chase was encouraging him to report the incident to the cops.
“No matter what happens, Lindsie’s still my sister and I love her,” Chase said. “If she ever needed me I’m a phone call away.”
(This is, of course, very different sentiments than what Chase expressed in August 2019 when he wrote on Instagram that “I only have one sister and that’s Savannah.”)

“Lindsie, I love you,” Chase said. “If you ever need me—if Jackson needs me— if Will needs me, I’m here. You can reach out.”
“At the end of the day, you know I love you both,” Todd added.
Todd and Chase also addressed one of the incidents that led to further estrangement from Lindsie. Back in July 2019, Lindsie filed a police report claiming that “Todd and Chase threatened to release the sex tape if she didn’t lie about a certain ‘incident.’”
That ‘incident’ reportedly had to do with the tax evasion situation that got Todd and his wife Julie arrested that year.
During the podcast, Chase and Todd denied any wrongdoing, and even stated that the ‘sex tape’ (which was reportedly a sex act caught on a pet cam inside the house), never even existed.
“That was just a lie,” Todd said. “No one ever tried to extort anyone. And now we have found out that the sex tape never really existed.
“It made me look terrible, and it was just not true,” Chase said of the extortion accusation.
Todd told his listeners that he hates that Lindsie is estranged from him and her siblings, and indicated that he feels Lindsie is jealous of her brothers and sister.
“I have five children and I love them all dearly. I wish that this had never happened,” Todd said. “I wish that the situation between Lindsie and her siblings, and the jealousy that’s involved there, I wish that had never happened…
“Lindsie’s made it very clear that she doesn’t have a dad. I think last week that I’m not her biological dad,” Todd said. “But whether I am or whether I’m not, I raised her so I claim her. She’s made the statement that she has no siblings. You do have siblings; you have four.
“It’s a bad week for Lindsie, with the announcement of the divorce, with the [glass-throwing accusation],” Todd added. “Lindsie and I have been estranged now for several years. We do not speak. We have no form of communication, nor does she have any communication with any member of this family. So, no, we did not know about [the divorce].
On Wednesday, Todd posted a message to Instagram that seemed to be for Lindsie, although he didn’t specify which of his children it was actually about.
“I’m here. I love you,” he wrote. “Whatever is going on in your life right now, I see it, and I’m working all things out for good, for you, my child. There is nothing you can do or have done that will make me ever love you less. I will protect you from anything, and anyone who tries to harm you or your reputation. I am stronger than depression and anxiety. I am braver than loneliness, and nothing will ever exhaust me. I promise you I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am breathing a new wind into and over your life right now. Look for the favor and blessings I’m sending in this season your way because they are from me. I love you so much!
-God and Todd #you know who you are”
Lindsie and Will eloped in 2012. They split in August 2016, with Lindsie filing for divorce. However, in April 2017, they got back together and Lindsie called off the divorce.
15 Responses
This family have no shame, imagine after years of publicly slagging off your daughter for something she did not do, deciding to comment on her divorce. Its like they enjoy it. They should all be very silent on the issue, or do a bland ‘we are not commenting as it would not be appropriate at this time’ but no they can’t even do that.
Todd is taking people to court to force them to testify about/ against his daughter. He is still keeping up appearances by acting he is convinced she was involved and just needs the proof.
The drug addict son has been forgiven promptly but Lindsey has to hang.
They all need to STFU up about her divorce. Using it as almost part of their whole podcast is absolutely ruthless in my opinion. Shame on all of them. They don’t know what went down in that divorce so to talk about their son-in-law and how awesome he is and how he’s a great provider, loving husband, etc. is just sickening and wrong in my opinion. If I was her, I would send the a big “F#CK YOU” flower bouquet that stays STFU you A-Hole POS. To say she’s jealous and going on and on about the situation is just cruel.
Love how he starts off saying he doesn’t like to talk about his children’s person life but here I go giving you a history from beginning to end on what happened with my daughter and my family and oh yeah, the divorce too. FU Todd and family.
She has every right to throw shit in their face.
Wait, so it was Kyle? Kyle is the one who reported the Chrisleys and Todd (and Chase) both publicly accused Lindsie. And now, they want to just sweep that right under the rug with no apology? Lol, sure Jan.
This just doesn’t feel genuine to me. I can’t help but think they’re probably talking mad shit behind her back in private.
“Excuse you what” is all that comes to mind whenever Todd starts talking.
The reason Todd is now trying to reach out to Lindsie is due to the fact he now knows she had nothing to do with the tax evasion case (that was her brother Kyle). He publicly accused her of going to the authorities, hence why Chase publicly disowned Lindsie as well at the time.
I’m curious what happened with the drink throwing at the bar. It sounds like is more to the story that Todd & Chase are leaving out.
Lindsies family sounds like a bunch of drama, no wonder why she’s estranged.
Ok I don’t really know anything about these people but that SM post he wrote made me cry.
I have lost my father
My adopted father who I consider my dad & a stranger I met once after I found out I was adopted. My adopted father is my dad regardless of blood.
I hope his post was sincere & not some bull shit.
I’ve lost my father too.
This idiot is full of shit so don’t buy his pathetic bullshit he’s trying to sell us. He should be ashamed of himself for talking about her marriage and shit he knows nothing about.
Did Todd equate himself with God?!?! That’s just ridiculous.
You have admitted to no longer having a relationship with Lindsie, so why are you commenting on her life?!
Todd is awful…but I have to comment on the snuggly courthouse steps photo – I don’t follow them, so I assume I am missing something. That is an old photo, right? That is not actually showing them snuggling at the courthouse as they are divorcing, right?!
Since she referenced Valentine’s Day in the post, I’m going to assume she posted that back in February.
Todd accused Lindsie publicly of doing what his other son now admitted that he did. He bullied Lindsie and advocated his other two children, Savannah and Chase to do the same. To feign support for Lindsie now seems disingenuous, like a Chrisley publicity stunt.
Slinging shit at family members, eieio.