Anna Duggar is standing by— and sleeping by— her man!
The former Counting On star is reportedly staying with her disgraced husband, Josh Duggar, at the home of his court-appointed guardians, LaCount and Maria Reber, as Josh waits to go on trial for the child sex abuse material receiving and possession charges filed against him back in April. (While Josh’s trial was originally scheduled to begin in July, it has since been rescheduled for November.)
According to The Sun, Anna— who is currently pregnant with her seventh child— is reportedly allowing her and Josh’s families to watch their six other kids. (She is due to give birth to Blessing No. 7— a baby girl— this fall.)
As The Ashley previously reported, Josh is currently not allowed to reside in a home with minor children, so he is unable to live with his kids. Josh has been ordered by the court to stay away from all minor children, except his own, whom he may visit with as long as Anna is present during the visit.
Because of this, Josh has been staying at the Rebers’ home in confinement since being released on bail. According to The Sun, though, Anna is keeping him company most nights.
“Anna is spending most of her time with Josh at the Rebers’, and her family have stepped in to help raise all their kids,” the site’s source reports. “She takes [the kids] to visit him or they are looked after while she’s there alone, despite what he’s been charged with she refuses to believe he’s guilty.”

Anna is reportedly “not on good terms” with Maria Reber, due to Maria stating at Josh’s bail hearing that she felt unsafe being in the house alone with Josh.
“Mrs. Reber doesn’t really want [Anna] there because they don’t get along,” the site’s source reports.
Last month, it was reported that Anna was also feuding with some of Josh’s family members, and struggling to deal with the decades of prison time Josh is facing if he’s convicted.
“Anna is really struggling with Josh’s arrest, and she’s still at war with his parents Jim Bob and Michelle,” a source told The Sun at the time. “She has been pointing the finger at everyone else for what has happened to Josh. She’s falling out with family members and isolating herself.”

It appears that Anna’s sister, Priscilla Waller, and her husband David are helping to care for Anna and Josh’s six kids while Anna stays with Josh. (It is unknown if any of the Duggars are taking on babysitting duties as well.)
Anna has not made any sort of plan as to what she and the kids will do if Josh is convicted. The Duggar Family’s TLC reality show, ‘Counting On,’ was cancelled by the network after Josh’s arrest, and the family doesn’t appear to have any more television projects in the works at the moment, so it’s unlikely she will return to TV.
RELATED STORY: Delayed! Josh Duggar’s Child P0rnography Trial Postponed Until Later This Year After He Requests “More Time to Examine Electronics”
34 Responses
She’s a fool
Complete Idiot!! She does not care about her own children!!!!!!!
This is disgusting. What is to say he hasn’t molested his daughters like he did his sisters? Does the court really think Anna would tell? These children should only be allowed to see Josh under court supervision, if that. Child protective services should be involved. Leaving everything up to the cult makes me sick.
Josh is garbage, Anna is garbage, and these kids are doomed. I’ve always wondered what else is going on in that family. Never could watch bc Jim Bob gave me chester the molester vibes.
Someone ask Jill & her husband what they think about this!
Pedophile shit aside, What I keep wondering is, why keep having kids with a man who doesn’t have a fucking job!?!?
Just lock these two up together and call it a day. It’s quite obvious, right from the beginning, that her children don’t matter. If they did, she would have left him years ago. Instead, she keeps popping out more babies with this sexual predator/molester. IMO she’s worse than he is for allowing this bullshit to keep going on. These children will forever be tormented knowing who and what their parents did.
Allowing him to see his children is sickening to me. I don’t understand how these children were not taken away for their own safety knowing Anna stands by sexual predator and full known molester who was left off the hook for doing what he did to his own sisters. WTF makes anyone else think he wasn’t or won’t be doing the same shit to his own kids.
Those poor children. I’m scared for them while I don’t give 2 f#cks about this monster and the “mother” who is a POS for standing by him.
Just watch….in 10 years, I’m sure we’ll start hearing from some of these children will be old enough to do so….if their parents haven’t contaminated their brains completely. It will come out….it always does.
This is ludicrous!! She’s allowing other people raise HER SIX KIDS while she selfishly plays house with a known pedophile. I’ve got news for her…prison doesn’t allow sleepovers!!!
So sad for the kids. I’m glad they are away from Josh. Anna is delusional
It takes a sick kind of person to choose their husband/man (no matter the circumstances) over their own kids. Does she have so little regard for her own children that she’s fine leaving them in the care of the family that enabled her pedophile husband all those years (that’s a rhetorical question)? I know she’s in a cult and is basically brainwashed, but it’s getting harder and harder to have any sympathy for this woman. I feel awful for the children.
Yes, exactly like Jenelle Eason! Always putting the husband first. It’s 100% neglect!
Take those damn kids away.
He could abuse them right infront of her and she wont do shit “in the name of god”
What a vile and gross ass human she is
She’s so oblivious to everything, he’s done a great job of pulling the wool over her eyes. I understand if she’s trying to live by their marriage vows, for better or worse till death do us part and all that, but I’m pretty sure those vows don’t include “and I’ll stay with you even when you cheat multiple times, molest your own sisters and keep child porn on the computer.” She needs a reality check.
These children need removing asap.
The only thing better than Anna’s faith assuming that all this is her fault for not satisfying Jersh, is Mr Reber prioritizing a sex weirdo’s comfort over his wife’s safety and well-being
At this point I just want to take every Duggar under 13, including the fetus, and put them in a safehouse with all the pants and secular media they can handle
I caught that too, and now letting this other woman in your home that just starts shit with your wife? What a dirtbag. If it wasn’t clear this cult doesn’t value women…
This is honestly so sad. Imagine being so brainwashed that you’re ok losing time with your growing kids to spend time with a child predator. These kids deserve way better than this. I grew up in this same cult and I’m so glad I was able to get out.
Josh is her whole life, that’s what they taught her in that cult. I don’t know what she’ll do with zero working skills and 7 children to support when Josh goes to jail for 20+ years. She’ll have to live of hand-outs, she’ll lose the remaining dignity she has left
I get this ugly feeling she’ll quickly marry off to someone even worse than Josh that sees *opportunity* with all her young kids. ?
I don’t trust her to make good decisions at all and it makes me ill thinking she’s the only one “supervising” Josh with his kids.
Some one will probably give her a TV show
He has been caught multiple times being a POS and she’s still with him… that’s her own damn fault. This is NOT what a healthy relationship is.
Not disagreeing at all but that’s what she’s been taught, from her parents and his. It’s just so sad.
So Mama Reber is creeped out by yet has to live with sex offender Josh, annoyed by and has to live with his child abandoning wife Anna and yet her daughter is now engaged to Anna’s brother?
What a loving community of “God’s” wisdom and love.
Those cults usually like to keep it in the family. Mainly because the crazy is a hard sell for most sane adults.
That’s why it’s much easier to bring young men into it with the super subservient daughters, then breed new members of their church. Then the new generation will usually be married off to those within those family circles and/or bring a new bloodline in.
They need to show her a still or even the video, of that most horrible one he had on the computer. Then make it really clear to her he would not find a problem with himself doing that to her children.
why would she leave her children and let them be tossed around from house to house and make her family take care of SIX KIDS???? who wants to take care of SIX kids that aren’t theirs????
I guess it’s better to live with your head in the sand than to be blinded by the light of the truth.
Josh molested his sisters. He will molest his children. Why are the courts letting him around the children?
Oh Anna…. I can’t tell if she’s just completely brainwashed or just wants her family together so much that she’s willing to pretend she didn’t marry a child predator/sexual deviant. You married a loser who admitted to you he molested a girl as young as 5, just lick your wounds from your mistakes and move on with your seven blessings without making more.
She is just as disgusting as he is! I know the Duggar’s have zero common sense. You would think someone from Anna’s family would step up and get custody of Anna’s children. Anna absolutely would stand by and let Josh molest his own children if he hasn’t already. Then, she would blame anyone else but his sick, perverted ass! Stand by your man, my ass! You should stand by your children.
Well she’s definitely a idiot & shouldn’t have custody of her children either.
At this point, Anna is delusional, actually suffering a mental illness. She ruined her life by marrying him and staying married.
I hate to say this, but I feel like it won’t be long after he’s convicted and sentenced that we hear about her suicide. Her whole life is falling apart and she doesn’t seem to have the capacity to deal with it properly. I feel awful for those kids.