Teen Mom 2 Season 10B limped to the finish line last week.
The MTV show ended its latest season last Tuesday, but its two-part Reunion Special (which aired over the course of two weeks) failed to bring in the viewers the show once guaranteed. The numbers for ‘Teen Mom 2’ Season 10B— which is the first without Chelsea Houska— have been low since the season premiere.
However, the ratings of the season’s last four episodes reached shocking new lows.
The Ashley can reveal that the two Reunion episodes, as well as the Season 10B finale and the episode right before the finale, all failed to crack the 500,000 mark for live viewers. (By “live viewers,” this means the people who watched the show as it was airing; there is another set of numbers for how many watch the show on DVR. ‘Teen Mom 2’ does much better as a DVR show than it does live, by the way.)

Anyway, last Tuesday’s Reunion Part 2 episode brought in 470,000 viewers, which is the same amount that Part 1 brought in the week before. The show’s season finale— which aired on July 20– had the second-lowest ratings of any ‘Teen Mom 2’ episode ever, bringing in a measly 420,000 viewers.
The episode before that, which aired on July 13 had slightly higher ratings (but still low by ‘Teen Mom’ standards) at 480,000.
(While that may seem like a lot of viewers, it’s important to remember this is a show that, even two years ago, was bringing in an average of 900,000 viewers an episode.)

The Ashley exclusively reported last month that the network higher-ups have fired some of the most-recognizable producers from ‘Teen Mom 2,’ due to how low the show’s ratings have sunk. The Ashley’s production sources told her that the shake-up caused several producers to be axed, due to the fact that MTV felt they were not doing their jobs– which is to get authentic stories from the girls on the show.
“The production company recently got in a lot of trouble because the ratings of the show are so bad,” one production source told The Ashley last month.
‘Teen Mom 2’ has been renewed for yet another season, and, as far as The Ashley has heard, the cast for Season 11 will remain the same as the cast for 10B: Kail Lowry, Leah Messer, Briana DeJesus, Jade Cline and Ashley Jones. The producers are currently scrambling to come up with ideas to try to boost the show’s ratings.

The ratings for Teen Mom OG have also been pretty dismal. Last season, the majority of the episodes for Season 9 brought in somewhere between 500k-600k. Last week, MTV announced that ‘Teen Mom OG’ and Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant would be airing back-to-back. (Click here to watch the trailer for both shows’ new seasons!)
Both shows will premiere on September 7 on MTV.
RELATED STORY: Teen Mom News Pile: Maci Bookout Gets Shady, Kail Lowry Talks Getting Back with Javi Marroquin & More
(Photos: MTV)
48 Responses
These toads are adults. Put the viewers out of their misery. CHOP IT!
Is it me or does it seem like MTV is trying to drum up ratings for TM by pairing it with Y&P?
Could it be that the show has run its course? Maybe it’s time to let it go…the idea of teen moms getting rich for just being teen moms isn’t just as interesting anymore.
No surprise there.
Kail never wants to film anything, Leah’s scenes are so staged, and I can’t even watch Ashley. The only one slightly entertaining is Briana and her baby daddy drama. As much as I dislike Jenelle, she brought a lot to the show.
MTV needs to stop doing shows like 16 & Pregnant or Teen Mom and do shows like 18 & Graduated or 21 & Successful. We want success stories. Not white trash with cash! ???
Pfft. People want the white trash without cash and drama! The girls are too “successful” and the drama is contrived. Or it plays out on social media. The early days showcased real struggles and organic drama. It was meant to reflect the girls growth; however, many of the girls were stunted at 17. It’s cringe-y seeing them act like a teen when they are almost 30.
I couldn’t even watch it this season, they changed channels or something. Imsure that didn’t help ratings.
No one wants to watch a bunch of hardly educated girls, living in their mansions, pretending like they got there based on their good decisions and “hard work.” The show used to be great and authentic but it has lived it’s life and it’s time for everyone to move on! The ratings suck because the show sucks.
As someone pointed out below, the show doesn’t work anymore because they OG girls (Kail, Leah, Maci, Cait, Amber (though less so)) have been at this too long and want to call the shots. Jade was the only one with a compelling storyline this season. No one wants to watch Kail pick out tile or Leah go on and on about her cyst (I’m glad she’s healthy, but this doesn’t not make for interesting television over a course of like 10 episodes. The OG girls have too much money to have real life problems anymore.
I’m also wondering how streaming numbers factor into this? TV ratings are down all around because a lot of people no longer pay for cable. I don’t have MTV anymore, and have to wait for the next day to watch it on the CTV app.
I am going to start watching again when they are grandmothers. Who will be first?
Teen G’ma : )
When do we get to see Hulk pick out the industrial size shitter to take down those massive Chipotle logs? That should help the ratings.
stay lit
The show stopped being about teen moms years ago, and is now just a show about the lives of people in the reality tv industry. Every cast change is just another “Oliver moment” closer to the blessed end of this shit.
I’d rather just see yearly “what’s been happening in your life” specials with all the original moms.
Man, I just realized I’d LOVE to watch a show where they revisit all the other moms from 16&P that didn’t get selected for any shows.
That might actually be an eye opening and entertaining watch
I don’t think it’s because they’re not teen moms anymore. If the show was interesting or the people likeable, people would still watch. The problem is it’s not. The girls are pigs and the show sucks. That’s why people are no longer watching it. Whatever season they brought Briana on is when I stopped watching.
It’s not because Chelsea left, it’s because this shit show has over run its course.
And yet Teen Mom 2 is actually more entertaining than Teen Mom OG.. if that’s even possible.
I think it made a difference when they broke the 4th wall.
Once they did that, they started appearing more like TV ‘stars’ as could see the camera following then around, demanding not to be filmed, yelling “I’m done” etc.
I think that was the moment they got too much power.
Have you watched any of Jenelle’s Addicted to Growth YouTube series? I’m pretty sure it was filmed by MTV. She refers to some agency in Nashville that helped her move, get attorneys to file the RO and divorce pleadings, and was filming her while she was getting her life together in Nashville, including going to a therapist (that right fhere tells me it was MTV, I bet Jenelle going to therapy was part of their agreement). It was 100% MTV! What mysterious “agency” in Nashville would have such a keen interest in Jenelle and help her out so much? There was a professional camera crew filming her there. But then, of course, she ran back to David! I think they gave her to footage but forbade her from disclosing that MTV was invlolved.
That whole “divorce” stuff was a scam Jeneller and David tried to pull to get MTV to hire her back. When they didn’t bite she went back home
Teen motherhood was kinda like tabboo 10+ years ago, so of course this show was huge. Not just among teenagers, everyone wanted to see what it had to offer. And it did bring raw emotions, drama, real-life problems. But as the girls(es) grew older, they became more aware of their image, they got rich, entitled and conceited. At this point, it’s pretty much impossible to relate to them, they do not represent how former teen moms really live in their late 20s, early 30s. From a reality show’s standpoint it’s doomed because they are no longer naive and they do not act trashy in front of the cameras = no drama. Also, teen motherhood is not as big of a secret as it used to be, people wanna see something they haven’t seen before. Just end it and let them work for their money, aka onlyfans and flat tummy tea on instagram.
Maybe instead of firing the producers, they should fire these “teen moms” who haven’t been teens in 10 plus years! We are all tired of the same, boring stories. Ashley brought nothing to the show, Leah does a PSA announcement every episode, Kail is well, Kail and Briana is a train wreck and Jade is ridiculous! Can’t say much for the OG’s either, they need to put these shows out of their misery!
These so-called teen moms are pushing 30. Put this show out of its misery!
Leah is so obviously practiced and stiff–like a childs play-everything -phone calls talking to her kids or exes–nothing natural or real!!! Briana is just a mess–just low class, Jade is real, Ashley has no business even on the show–seriously it is so old and shark jumping. This is just my opinion–but when they live in the homes they do and make the money they do —the whole premise of the show is a joke!
I absolutely agree with you!
Jade is ok because she’s still pretty new to the game and money, although she’s picking it up pretty quickly, she practically jumped onto a plane to fly to Florida for some plastic surgery! Damn they learn fast!
It. Is. Because. They. Have. The. Same. Story. Every. Single. Episode. And. It. Has. Gotten. Old.
I can tell you what happens every episode and not watch it at all.
Saw this coming. I didn’t even finish this season because it was so boring, and those Y&P girls brought exactly what I thought they would…absolutely nothing. I bet that Kail v. Briana lawsuit is for a storyline, or they’re going to bring back Javi since him and Kail are buddy buddy again.
I honestly don’t see how this is supposed to be the producers fault? They are simply no longer teen moms and they are either super boring or in a cycle of ridiculous behaviour and ALL OF IT is getting old. Time to cancel OG & 2.
The producers became friends with them, and the Mom’s have had way more say in when they want the camera turned OFF, and what they want filmed, and that has made this show boring as hell.
Sorry but I don’t want to watch them film their podcast, sell their crap, or give another ted talk to their kids. This is a REALITY show, so either be REAL, or end it.
This is exactly right. They no longer want to film the “real” part of their life anymore. Like all of Kail’s legal trouble with Chris and the domestic violence situation. That wasn’t even mentioned at all. Instead we got Kail picking out bathroom tiles and Leah talking about medical insurance all season. It’s not fun to watch.
Drop this show for good, aren’t they all pushing 40 now. Houska was and is just as fake as the rest of them. Bring on more shows like The Challenge.
You mean no one wants to watch that slob Karl pick out tile for her undeserved mansion? Gasp!
Start docking their pay every time they refuse to film or answer questions.
Stop paying for their free vacations.
before anyone says “bring jenelle back” just remember that ratings were still dropping when she was on the show AND the reason she got fired was because she was too difficult to work with, she couldn’t film at her house because david refused to lock up their guns, david kept showing up during filming and he threatened the producers so they couldn’t even film in their state and jenelle refused to travel
Also the rumor is that when jenelle left David for those few weeks, mtv was filming her. They were thinking about bringing her back. But then she chose to go back to creepy uncle David instead!
How do you know that? They ( jenelle and David) faked the whole thing to SEE if they would take her back. When they didn’t bite she went back home.NO WAY would they take her back! They were afraid of him for good reason. If Jenelle started filming again don’t you think David will start some shit? MTV are not going to put everyone at risk!!!
The reason the show doesn’t work anymore, is because the show is called TEEN MOM. It’s hard to watch 30 year olds arrested development at 16. Not one of these girls have matured.
Have you watched any of Jenelle’s Addicted to Growth YouTube series? I’m pretty sure it was filmed by MTV. She refers to some agency in Nashville that helped her move, get attorneys to file the RO and divorce pleadings, and was filming her while she was getting her life together in Nashville, including going to a therapist (that right fhere tells me it was MTV, I bet Jenelle going to therapy was part of their agreement). It was 100% MTV! What mysterious “agency” in Nashville would have such a keen interest in Jenelle and help her out so much? There was a professional camera crew filming her there. But then, of course, she ran back to David! I think they gave her to footage but forbade her from disclosing that MTV was invlolved.
Not to mention I’m sure they would lose a lot of viewers if they brought Jenelle back.