‘Welcome to Plathville’ Star Olivia Plath Opens Up About Body Image, Having Suicidal Thoughts & More in Revealing Social Media Post

Trigger Warning: Disordered eating, suicidal thoughts

Olivia Plath revealed in an Instagram reel posted on Friday everything from disordered eating to thoughts of suicide, both worrying fans and receiving their support for her willingness to open up about her struggles. 

Olivia stars in the reality show Welcome to Plathville, which in its third season is still seeing her at odds with her mother-in-law, Kim Plath. According to Us Weekly, there is some trouble brewing in her marriage to husband Ethan Plath, as well. 


While Olivia didn’t reveal any specific reason for sharing the photos on Friday, many fans suspect family troubles may have something to do with it. Regardless, Olivia has shown incredible bravery in her frank discussion of what she has been going through, with images in the reel ranging from glamour shots to extremely vulnerable images of Olivia crying, and burns induced from a panic attack. 

“This posed portrait where I’m sucking my stomach in can also look like… side rolls when I lay down because I’m human,” the reel began. 

What followed was the most concerning to fans, as Olivia captioned an image with “This seemingly confident person… “ and then switched to a phone shot of her crying with “felt like committing suicide in this moment.”  

(On New Year’s Day this year, Olivia revealed on Instagram that she had contemplated suicide a year ago.)

“I spent last New Year’s Eve feeling scared, alone, sobbing and contemplating suicide,” she wrote. “I woke up on New Year’s Day and knew I needed to get help and surround myself with good people if I was going to make it.” 

The reel continued with another professional photo of Olivia, this time on a bed, which she captioned, “I have a beautiful sexy body and yet… “ She followed the image with, “I have an unhealthy relationship with food where I always feel ‘fat’ and starve myself,” captioned on a mirror shot. 

While she has admitted to going to therapy in the past, according to People, this is the first time Olivia has admitted to disordered eating. 

“I look like a badass who has my life together… ,” Olivia’s next caption stated, followed with “but I gave myself this burn in a panic attack induced car accident.” The photo revealed a burn on Olivia’s forearm. 

“I’m often happy and full of laughter… “ was the next caption, followed by another photo of Olivia crying, captioned “But there are a lot of times I lose it when I’m overwhelmed.” 

On the topic of body image, the next two images and captions were pertinent. “I have a lot of photos taken from good angles… “ and “But not all angles are flattering, and that’s okay.” 

The final image in the reel was Olivia smiling in front of a waterfall, along with text overlaying the photo that read, “I’m human. Social media is often a highlight reel, but just know that you aren’t alone. We all cry, we all break sometimes, we all have imperfect bodies and are doing the best we can.” 

“No matter what social media leads us to believe, we are all imperfect people trying to figure life out as we go,” she captioned her post. “You are not alone. I’m human too.” 

Comments of support included praise for using her platform to speak about what so many are too afraid to reveal, with one fan writing, “Thanks for using your platform for intentional purposes.” 

Another praised Olivia and thanked her for speaking her truth. 

“You’re so real. So human. I love your spirit. Your authenticity. I needed to hear and see this. I don’t feel alone anymore.” 

“Remember you aren’t the only one that has these kind of feelings,” another person commented on Olivia’s post. “You are beautiful! My daughter struggles with depression and anxiety. I do too. I take meds for it. They do help if you consistently take them. I understand you have some major in-law problems. Remember they aren’t worth ruining your life and marriage over. I wish you all the best.” 

If you or someone you know if affected by any of the issues discussed in this story, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or text Crisis Text Line at 741741. 

RELATED STORY: Micah & Moriah Plath Talk About the Ongoing Plath Family Feud & Reveal Why Older Sister Hosanna Isn’t on ‘Welcome to Plathville’ 

(Photos: Instagram) 

14 Responses

  1. It’s sad. She seems like she’s in some real pain but I find it hard to feel sympathy for her.
    IF she really is that bad off I hope she’ll stick with the help she said she is getting…..otherwise it feels to me that maybe she didn’t like hearing people don’t feel like she loves her husband and this was a “poor me, feel bad for me” post.

  2. I don’t know this lady, but these posts seem way OTT.

    It’s one thing to share your struggles, but posting tons of pictures of yourself, even when crying or a gruesome scar, seems more like a humble brag and *please look at me* than a positive/accept your flaws post.

    1. Exactly! And it seems very odd that she would take pictures in those hard moments. I know when I’ve have felt depressed that taking a photo of myself was the last thing on my mind.

    2. A person can have a miscarriage and post pics of her DEAD BABY, you people call that awareness, but she post continual pics and you call it OTT??? REALLY????

      This is TRUE AWARENESS!!!! Cant you see, she posting NOT as a way to get attention on HER, but make others AWARE of a SITUATION/CONDITION!!!

      I’ve went through periods of wanting to end things because of pain from losing a loved one (my mother). And I’ve known people who have wanted to end things because they felt ashamed of their looks.

      1. I’ve NEVER thought or commented that anyone posting pictures of their dead baby was any sort of “awareness” so you must not be referring to me.

        And I’m sorry, as someone who has dealt with anxiety attacks for almost 30 years, I didn’t need someone to post multiple pictures of themselves, especially their *bad* moments, to bring awareness to depression and anxiety.
        And frankly I know enough from my own experience to know that being on a “reality” show would compound all the other issues I was facing.

        1. I look at being on reality TV as just another platform for awareness. But there is a difference between overboard and disgusting.

          And when Joy Anna Forsyth miscarried Annabell Elise at 20 weeks and allowed pictures of her and Austin (in perfect hair and makeup) as well as pictures of the baby…that’s disgusting. Yes miscarriage and stillbirth is bad but there are less public ways to come to terms with your loss.

          Olivia posting heartfelt pictures and videos is TRUE AWARENESS in my eyes. Showing what shes done to herself, talking about what she’s done or has thought of doing…that’s just her NOT wanting others to experience it.

          GOOD FOR HER!!! If more people spread this wealth of information there would be less bullying, bulimia and suicide attempts/achievements in the world!!!

        1. Yes IMO, I do have a private journal of it to remind myself of what I’ve done to myself physically and what that has caused emotionally.

          If I had the public platform this young lady has, I’d certainly make it public. Any attempts on a person’s life should be prevented AT ANY AND ALL COSTS!!!!

          1. A private PHOTO journal? I’m genuinely sorry it’s something you’ve struggled with, and believe that having and keeping a journal can aid be very beneficial in the healing process.

            I find it very…odd…that she would take and then share photos in those moments. Not authentic.

            But who am I to judge?

  3. Run like hell, Ethan! No wait, cancel that. Stay. Let her go! You are already right where you belong, but are cut off from the people that do love you. You’ll fix that and it’ll be all be okay. You’ll regain your family and rediscover your personality and values. Then eventually you’ll find someone that loves you for you. And it won’t be Olivia. You might have to be the one that tells her it’s over because the only reason she’s still there is because she’s too scared of the unknown, not because she wants to be there. Good luck!

    1. His siblings yes…I do believe they love him…UNCONDITIONALLY. But Kim and Barry, I don’t think they do, I believe its like Ethan said, “do what we say and we’ll love you”.

      And any husband worth anything would stand up to anyone bashing his wife. GOOD FOR HIM!!!!

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