If having three Teen Mom shows just isn’t enough for you, get ready, because yet another show/special is in the works!
The Ashley can exclusively reveal that a ‘Teen Mom’ “All-Stars” type show is being put together right now, with producers bringing girls from Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom 2 and Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant together to film a crossover-type show together!
While The Ashley’s sources say all of the details have not been worked out, shooting of this project is due to begin next month, and plenty of ‘Teen Mom’ girls have already signed on! The Ashley hears that some girls did turn it down, because, as one source told The Ashley, “the pay is pretty bad!” (More on that later…)
Anyway, The Ashley hears that the premise of the special show will be to bring girls from the shows together at some sort of health retreat, where they will stay together in a hotel or spa setting, discuss their issues and hopefully renew interest in the sinking franchise.
“The producers are hoping that, by putting girls who never work together in the same setting, it will be interesting,” one source tells The Ashley. “They are thinking the girls will do ‘healing exercises’ together like sound therapy, etc. and maybe group therapy.”

The Ashley hears that the location will likely be San Diego, California, although she isn’t 100 percent sure the location’s been finalized as of right now.
“Filming will likely be about a week to two weeks,” the source said.
Some of the girls turned down the opportunity. (The Ashley hears that, as of now, ‘Teen Mom 2’ girls Leah Messer and Kail Lowry are not going.)
The Ashley also hears that a producer personally reached out to former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Chelsea Houska (who announced her retirement from the show in December 2020 on good terms), to see if she would be willing to take part in the special.

“Chelsea declined,” The Ashley’s source said. “They were really hoping to get her back for at least one day but she wasn’t interested. She said no to even just stopping in to make an appearance.”
While Chelsea was asked back, former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star Jenelle Evans was not invited to return.

The Ashley hears that ‘Teen Mom OG’ star Amber Portwood has been invited to attend, although she has not given her definite answer as of yet. Other cast members that The Ashley hears are likely going are Briana and Brittany DeJesus, and Jade Cline (who is likely bringing a friend). ‘Young and Pregnant’ stars Kayla Sessler and Kiaya Elliott are also in talks to do it.

Cheyenne Floyd and Catelynn Lowell are “highly unlikely” to participate, as both have young babies at home right now.
“All of the details are being worked out on a production level right now, but as of right now, they want this to be at least a multiple-episode special,” a second production source tells The Ashley. “But it’s kind of a hard sell, because the pay is low. It’s similar to what the girls got for their 16 and Pregnant episode.”
As far as The Ashley has heard, no kids will be going along on the trip; however, husbands/boyfriends/girlfriends/whoever the girl is currently banging may come for a visit.

Filming is due to begin in mid-September. It is unknown when they plan to air the footage.
The Ashley will update this when she has more information!
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ News Pile: Leah Messer’s Sister Victoria Gets Engaged, Ryan Edwards Gets Mad About MTV Disrespecting the Flag & More
(Photos: MTV)
58 Responses
MTV is getting desperate.
Do these people not read the Ashley and realize no one cares about this franchise anymore?
Yeah, let’s re-cycle a shit show, and try to sell it! How can it miss??
I haven’t watched any of this crap in years, I can’t believe anyone does!
Stick a fork in the entire franchise, it’s DONE!
I’d much rather have a catch up episode of the older 16 & pregnant girls.
Won’t make it without all of the girls. It took them all. Rating started going down, each time one dropped out. Time to let it go. Their over. Move on…..
I WAS actually excited about it when I thought Alex Sekella from TM3 was gonna be on it.
You know, the aspiring dancer that got knocked up by that druggy Matt?
I liked her, she seemed levelheaded. I’d like to have a “Where Are You Now” story from her.
I agree, she was my fav from TM3.
It’s a no from me, it’s way past the time to pull the plug on this shit show, let your kids have some normality now.
What did they get for 16 and Pregnant?
I believe they got $5000 for the appearance. At least, that is the amount I remember seeing.
What would’ve been good would be if someone had approached the girls from 16&P to do a catch up.
Why isn’t Rach Beaver going? Or Victoria Messy? That would be interesting.
Of course Chelsea didn’t want too. She is so past this shit show!
Should be titled Teen Mom: When Train Wrecks Collide
ik a lot of people wanted a show like this but if all they’re gonna be doing is talking about their triggers and traumas then they can keep it ? mtv wants to be like the housewives so bad
it would’ve been better if they went on vacation altogether and they only asked the girls with the most drama to go
Can mtv…music television go back to playing MUSIC?? Or no?
I swear, this entire TM franchise thing is like a runaway beer truck that just doesn’t know when or where to STOP.
Hard pass! Who the hell would want to watch them (and we don’t even know most of them!) at a spa talking about all their problemzzz???
Time to get rid of ALL things Teen Mom, MTV! Now you’re just embarrassing yourself!
Right !! It will be the amber sh1t-show. She will HOG the conversation. She loves to talk about her troubles & triggers .
Looks like the ones they convinced to do it are all the ones I could care less about. Sorry MTV I’ll be watching 90 Day Fiance drama instead.
So there making a 4th show that basically just shows you most of the girls you already see on the other 3 shows? Brilliant. I’m sure that will bring in the ratings.
A health retreat? Really? ?
Is this special supposed to be the violins playing as the show sinks? For one, it’s mighty foolish of MTV to think that the veteran teen moms would take such a pay cut after throwing big money at them for years. And two, they are aware this isn’t meant to be a relaxing spa getaway but a way for MTV to drum up drama.
Hey MTV why can’t we get a Catch Up special instead of this train wreck?
Farrah is dying for some attention and a payday. Why not ask her?
That would make it more interesting for sure haha
The final countdown.
Isn’t that about the time Clickbait Cate will be due to give her newest abandonment issues?
Just say no.
Ok, this is a joke, right?! This can’t be true! It’s absolutely ridiculous! It’s honestly very creepy…let the show go!!!! Who in their right mind would want to watch this?!
Cheyenne Floyd and Catelynn Lowell are “highly unlikely” to participate, as both have young babies at home right now and Cate’s already leaving for her regular post-baby 1 month rehab stay at a wellness resort in Arizona.
Definitely won’t be watching this one. I have no interest in watching these people in a spa like setting discussing the same issues that we are bored with. They need to get a whole new cast, I am truly sick of these far from “Teen Mom’s”. They haven’t been teens for a very long time, even though they act like they still are. And some ::cough cough, Amber:: aren’t even close to being mothers.
So Bad Girls Club Teen Mom edition?