Maci Bookout has remained silent as her baby daddy Ryan Edwards and his wife Mackenzie recently discussed their relationship (or lack thereof) with Maci and Ryan’s son Bentley, but in a new interview with In Touch Weekly, the Teen Mom OG star is finally speaking out and giving her thoughts on what the Edwards Clan has said about her!
As The Ashley previously reported, Mackenzie and Ryan gave a series of interviews to The Sun this week, with both stating that they have not been allowed to see Bentley in over a month. Mackenzie also talked about how she has tried to make peace with Maci, but Maci has not responded.
In the new interview, Maci addressed why Bentley doesn’t want to see his dad, as well as how she feels about Mackenzie talking to the tabloids about her.
Maci confirmed that Ryan was telling the truth when he claimed that he has not seen his son in over a month.

“It’s true, and there are many reasons why. But I’d say the main reason is that Bentley had expressed and kind of set his boundaries on his relationship with [his dad] and not wanting to be around him until they started going to therapy together, and that hasn’t happened so…Bentley still goes to counseling weekly so he’s obviously learned about boundaries and sticking to them.”
Bentley’s strained relationship with Ryan was a main storyline on the previous season of ‘Teen Mom OG.’ Ryan had agreed to go to counseling with Bentley to help improve their relationship.
In his recent interview, Ryan claimed that he wasn’t going to therapy with Bentley because Maci had put a stop to it.
“I did go to therapy with Bentley, Maci has kind of put a halt on everything after my dad and Taylor had that argument.”
(By “that argument,” Ryan is referring to the on-set blow-out that Maci and her husband Taylor McKinney had with Ryan’s parents, Jen and Larry Edwards. The Ashley broke the news back in February that Taylor and Larry nearly got into a physical fight on-stage during the taping of the Reunion episode. In April, fans got to watch things play out when the episode aired.)
In an interview with Us Weekly this week, Maci said Ryan only did “one or two phone calls” with the counselor.
“So nothing progressed beyond that.,” she told the magazine, adding that Bentley has only seen Ryan “a couple of times this year.”
“To be quite honest, Ryan doesn’t show up to any baseball games or anything like that,” she added. “It’s not shocking that he doesn’t see him that much.”
Maci did not specifically address Ryan’s claims that she is the one who stopped allowing the father/son therapy sessions to continue. She did, however, state that it is Bentley’s choice not to see his dad right now.

“At this point, even though he’s a kid and he doesn’t make all of the decisions or [have] final say about what goes on in his life, it’s something where it’s his boundaries and that’s what he’s comfortable with. So as his mom, I’m gonna support him on that,” Maci said.
In her recent interview with The Sun, Mackenzie stated that Bentley’s absence has made her other kids— sons Hudson and Jagger and daughter Stella— sad and confused as to why he doesn’t come around anymore. Maci acknowledged that Bentley’s relationships with his half-brothers and half-sister have suffered because of his choice not to see his dad.
“[Bentley’s] such a good big brother to all of his siblings,” Maci said. “He loves being a big brother. He has seen [Ryan’s other kids] here and there at [his] baseball games. Jen and Larry will come and bring them. But a lot of his tournaments this summer were out of town so they came to as many as were, like, close, in driving range, and they would bring [the kids].”
“Bentley still wants to see his siblings,” Maci told Us Weekly. “He wants to have a relationship with them and his grandparents and stuff. It’s still kind of up in the air at this point, as far as his relationship with Ryan.”
As for Jen and Larry, Maci says she currently has no relationship with them, despite having been very close to them for years before the big fight at the Reunion.

“We really haven’t had any conversations or communication at all since the Reunion…[We have no communication] at this time, and haven’t for a while,” Maci said.
Maci also addressed Mackenzie’s recent claims that she has tried several times to reach out to Maci in order to attempt to mend their relationship. Maci confirmed that Mack has made at least two attempts to reach out, and that she has ignored both attempts.
“Frankly, I didn’t respond because, number one, if I’m going to put in the effort and the work to mend my relationships with them, she would not be where I start,” Maci said. “I’m truly not being ugly, but she would be last on the priority list, as far as Jen, Larry and Ryan go.”
Maci is also unhappy that Mackenzie has been chatting with the tabs about her.

“Also, I haven’t responded because she is obviously still talking to the tabloids, so that’s not really someone I want to hang out with…I really just laugh it off. I don’t read anything [they say to the tabloids],” Maci said. “I just get text messages about it or tweets about it or something…”
Although Ryan and his family were let go from “Teen Mom OG’ in March, they will appear in at least one episode during the upcoming season, which premieres next week. (That footage was filmed before the Edwards’ firing.)
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
43 Responses
“Daddies don’t just love their children every now and then, it’s a love without end.”
stay lit
Get real. Actually Maci has every right to be bitter lol. But she isn’t. Angry? Probably. She has put up with an idiot deadbeat dad who has an equally idiotic wife who has joined the clan of enablers who coddle Ryan.
Jen & Larry have turned out to be just as manipulative and destructive as Ryan, although in different ways.
Kids don’t get it wrong. They may be forced into relationships they don’t want( note to Gary regarding Amber & Leah) but given the healthy option, they will seek that out & choose it.
By getting Bentley therapy, that’s what Maci did.
And guess what? He chose the healthy choice of protecting himself from having a relationship with a drug addict, who is jealous of him, hates his mother, mocks and openly makes fun of him and ignores him the rest of the time.
Rhine is that you ?
“Until you have a son of your own, you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son.”
Unless your ex is a bitter ginger
stay lit
Nibs, do you have kids?? Just curious.
I want Nibs story too, Mrs G!
Get real. Actually Maci has every right to be bitter lol. But she isn’t. Angry? Probably. She has put up with an idiot deadbeat dad who has an equally idiotic wife who has joined the clan of enablers who coddle Ryan.
Jen & Larry have turned out to be just as manipulative and destructive as Ryan, although in different ways.
Kids don’t get it wrong. They may be forced into relationships they don’t want( note to Gary regarding Amber & Leah) but given the healthy option, they will seek that out & choose it.
By getting Bentley therapy, that’s what Maci did.
And guess what? He chose the healthy choice of protecting himself from having a relationship with a drug addict, who is jealous of him, hates his mother, mocks and openly makes fun of him and ignores him the rest of the time.
My son decided aged 15 he didn’t want to continue a relationship with his father if it stayed how it was. He wrote to him, including some of the valid reasons, but because he’s a sweet lad, he also wrote positives. His Dad barely acknowledged the letter and made zero effort. My son is nearly 17 now and he has seen his Dad once in that time. It was very tough, and my son felt angry, upset, abandoned, disappointment and much more. I made sure I didn’t bad mouth his dad, as my son was feeling sad enough without me emphasising his dads faults (I very rarely did this prior for the same reason) I did, however, remind him how loved he was by myself, my husband and family. It’s an awful, uncomprehendingly tragic position to be in. To make no effort to make changes to improve your relationship with your child makes zero sense. If the position was reversed, I’d do anything and everything to make sure my child was happy and I had a good relationship with them. It’s appalling that, sadly, a lot of children are in this situation
It’s great that you gave him the space to figure it out for himself and to take whatever action he felt he needed to. I wish these deadbeat dads had a clue about the damage and hurt they’re inflicting on their kids, but they’re too busy thinking of themselves. The hurt has a lasting effect and doesn’t go away in time.
“When a father gives to his son, both laugh; when a son gives to his father, both cry.”
Unless a certain ginger minge keeps the boy away.
stay lit
You mean…
Unless a certain pretend-man child can’t stay away from drugs and booze long enough to make someone other than himself a priority in life…
Maci is not now, nor has she ever been the reason Ryan is a shitty person and even shittier parent, that’s all on him. Her shortcomings are hers to own, his shortcomings are his to own. He’s the one that has a strained relationship, damn near nonexistent at this point, with his own child. He’s the one that needs to do the work.
The Edwards need to realize that Bentley is almost 13 years old. He’s old enough to form his own opinions on Ryan. Even if Maci was manipulating Bentley, the kid had his own experiences with Ryan to know what kind of dad he is. Ryan will never take responsibility and will continue to blame Maci for his broken relationship with his son and that’s exactly why Taylor and Maci are as angry and resentful as they are.
The idea that Maci is the one that is making Bentley feel this way so he doesn’t want to see his bio father is hilarious. Have you all tried to get a middle school tween to do something that they didn’t want to do? Please, it’s like talking to a brick wall. Bentley isn’t a two year old anymore. He’s not stupid. He knows what he wants and that’s that.
How unbelievably sad is it that Mack doesn’t realize all these tabloid interviews she does for a quick buck are harming her stepson with every article that comes out and she will never have any kind of relationship with him if that’s how she continues to be. All hail Maci, queen of saying what we’re all thinking.
“The joy of fatherhood also comes with moments of chaos, crying, tears, trips to doctors, etc. It is important to breathe. Take a deep breath in these moments of chaos. More than anything, cherish each moment.”
Unless Maci is the birthing person, then you can’t see your own son.
stay lit
My God, Maci isn’t stopping Bentley from seeing Ryan. Its Bentley’s decision that RYAN has made by acting like a complete douche for the last 12 years!!!!!
Unless you spend your life getting wasted and blazed to the point you can’t function as a human being and forget for 12+ years that you are a father.
The problem is that Ryan wasn’t there for those moments of chaos and crying, and I’m relatively sure the times he took Bentley to the doctor were few and far between.
Even before the pain killers and heroin, Ryan was an absentee father. In fact, I would guess that if it wasn’t for Jen and Larry, Bentley would have hardly seen his father at all once Ryan and Maci split up. Maci has made mistakes for sure, and she hasn’t always dealt with Ryan correctly, but it’s way past time for Ryan to take responsibility for his own shortcomings as a parent. Once Ryan can look Bentley in the eye and apologize for his own actions (and inaction), without saying, “….but your mom didn’t let me…”, maybe he and Bentley can begin to actually heal the rift between them.
I agree Ravioli, but I have an unfortunate feeling that it’s too little too late, the damage to that poor young man is done and may not be repairable…I hope I’m wrong.
I don’t know how old you are but to have suffered two terrible blows as a child must have been so very painful. So incredibly unfair. I hope you are doing well and have a lot of love in your life.
Thank you and to answer your question, I’m 33
Why are you out here blasting your childs life like that? You clearly have learned about boundaries Maci ..
We know Ryan and Mac are shitty, respect your kid and stay silent
Yep! Mackenzie should be a non factor in ANY of Macy’s decisions! She legit married a drug addict just to get on TV. Now she’s using the drug addicts kids to get media attention. Go away Mack and try to raise productive members of society unlike you and your druggie husband.
This day was coming. Kids of deadbeat parents have usually finally had enough at about age 12 or 13, and they’re old enough to not have to tolerate it anymore. Maci is right to support Bentley 100% on his decision. It’s sad that Bentley won’t have relationships with his younger siblings, but they can ask Deadbeat Dad Rhine about it someday. Bentley already has younger siblings in his real family, with his parents Maci and Taylor.
Hell, I learned at 7 or 8 how usually my father was.
My mom was the ONLY person I could count on and I lost her to cancer at 14.
I’m sorry for the loss of your dear mom. I hope you have since found a good partner or friend you can count on.
Thank you!! That’s so sweet. Yes, the few true friends i have really have been a saving grace for me!!!
You can easily spot the deadbeat parents in the comments. Ryan’s barely parented Bentley since he was born. He spent most of his dad visitation time with Jen and Larry anyway. He’s only pretending to care now bc he has a new wife and doesn’t want to look like an asshole.
“No love is greater than that of a father for his son.”
stay lit
It’s Macy’s world, we all just live in it. She is the supreme ruler. Kail is never wrong, and Amber is changing the world. Oorah!
I get your comments on Kail and Amber, but what is your deal about Maci?
Maci has NEVER claimed perfection, but shes a good parent. And when Ryan is your sperm donor Daddy, you need a good parent in your corner!!!
I don’t think these girls should be able to dictate which asshole is on the stupid show.
If she cared about those kids she’d do what Chelsea did, and move the fuck on. She threw her shit fit & quit when Farrah was making pocket pussys. Not her call. Just because they don’t fit into her little world…fuck her.
She quit because she didn’t want her children subjected to that garbage!!!
Bentley has been subjected to enough through the years, and Maci…bless her has put up with it. But Bentley is old enough now that he sees his “dad” for what he is…we ALL knew this day would come.
Now HE’S (Bentley) calling the shots and the blame all falls on her!!!
If Ryan wants to blame someone he should look in the damn mirror!!!
Maci isn’t a victim here. These are all choices she made in the past, coming home to roost. I want to see the real fucked up life she has, not some fairy tale narrative shes performing for the camera. If she doesn’t want to be real, then retire. That’s the way to protect your kids. What shes doing isn’t real, it’s a spoiled over entitled bitch screaming I quit, until she gets her way.
The ONLY mistake Maci has made pertaining to Ryan is getting knocked up by him as a teenager, now she’s stuck dealing with him and the drama HE’S created by acting like an ass!!! There are lots of teenagers that do things they look back at years later and regret!!!!
Her parents aren’t helping her financially and havent so how the hell is that spoiled or entitled?
She got a job…albeit it was with MTV for getting knocked up!!!
Cut the girl some slack, she trying and considering what she deals with I think she’s doing a pretty damn good job!!!
Yessss! I’ll join you in the martyr Maci club.
I’ve made comments similar to yours before. And the downvotes were heavy. But I don’t agree with the Edwards crew either. It just pisses me off that Maci gets to say who is and isn’t allowed to film. She has a story because Rhine sperminated her. She doesn’t like that story anymore so wants to film about pocked t shirts and her grubby kids with new baby daddy. No fair.
Grubby kids? Baby daddy? How about her children with her husband?
It’s really very simple. She’s the teen mom, not dead beat dad Ryan. And after the reunion they had had enough.
MTV had a choice. Maci or Ryan. They were prepared to quit if they had to endure Ryan & his family anymore.
Of course Bentley doesn’t want to see his “dad”. Bentley is so bright and a wonderful young man in spite of Rhine. Bentley has seen the way his “Dad” has acted toward his mom for his entire life, and the way he continues to act. He’s a complete embarrassment to him, why on Earth would he want anything to do with him.
Isn’t In Touch Weekly a tabloid that Maci is talking to? ?
Poor Bentley. His whole family makes money off of the fact that he was born to a teenager, and has his entire life.
My daughter chose early on not to want to be around her father. He and the courts forced her to see him. She turned 18, and hasn’t talked to him since because she doesn’t want anything to do with him. Listen to the kid. He knows what he needs. Maybe through his own therapy he will someday be able to forgive his father for being a dipshit, but the more they force things, the worse it will get.
Wow, a parent doing what’s best for their kid, instead of what’s best for the adult?!?! I’m Team Maci on this one.
Ryan and McKenzie are ridiculous. Hopefully Ryan will decide to be a better father to his other kids than he’s been to Bentley.
I’m #TeamMaci all the time especially when Bentley is involved.
So what if Bentley doesn’t want to see Ryan…can ANYONE blame him?!!