Wedding bells are ringing for Amber Baltierra— the sister of Teen Mom OG star Tyler Baltierra! While Amber appears to be enjoying wedded bliss, not everyone is happy about her nuptials.
The Ashley can exclusively reveal that Amber— who has appeared on ‘Teen Mom OG’ for years— got hitched on Wednesday in Texas. The nuptials seemed to be a surprise to the family of Amber and her new hubby, Jason Williams, but according to court records obtained by The Ashley, Amber and her boo had been planning to get hitched since early August. The couple obtained their marriage license on August 5 in Travis County, Texas.
Wanna see their marriage license? Of course you do!
On Wednesday, Jason posted a photo to Facebook that declared Amber “Officially Mrs. Williams!”

While Amber’s sister-in-law Catelynn Lowell offered her congratulations online, one person who was not happy about the new man in Amber’s life is Amber’s estranged son Jordan.
As ‘Teen Mom OG’ fans know, Amber moved from Michigan to Texas to get help for her substance abuse issues, leaving her two kids behind in Michigan. (This has been discussed on the show several times.) Amber’s kids, Jordan and daughter Lexi, were estranged from their mom for a long time after the move, but things were looking up for Amber recently, as she recently moved back to Michigan and regained some custody of the kids.
In late July, though, Amber’s son Jordan– -who has appeared on the show as well— seemed to be less-than-thrilled about his mother’s relationship with Jason. When Jason posted a sappy photo and caption about Amber to Facebook, Jordan made fun of Jason’s gray hair and commented that he shouldn’t get too comfortable in the relationship.
“It wont last long bud, just remember that,” Jordan wrote to his future stepdad, later adding, “HAHA she is easy to pull bc she goes for everyone that she can get.”
Jason and Amber were not happy about Jordan’s disrespectful posts.
“Bro that’s enough of that.. your mom has busted her ass to be back in yours [and your sister] Lex’s life..” Jason wrote.
“Now that is uncalled for,” Amber replied to her son. “Where is your father when you[‘re] talking like this? He allows that?”
Jordan was not amused.
“Dont tell me what to do u ain’t my daddy fool,” he replied to Jason. “Yea laugh it up I wouldn’t push it with me yk who I am?”
That same month, Amber revealed on Instagram that Jordan doesn’t speak to her “by choice.”
“I’ll never give up thou,” Amber wrote. “He’s mad. Bitter. Resentful. Which I totally understand and am trying to respect it as well. It’s hard but.. like I said I’ll never give up. I’m gonna stay on the straight and narrow and just work and save to get my own place and STILL make sure he has his own room in it even if he’s still not talking to me.
This is the second marriage for Amber. She split from her first husband Billy Elkins Jr. back in 2018, not long after they eloped after he was released from prison. (Billy modeled his court-ordered tether on several episodes of ‘Teen Mom OG’ before and after the marriage.)

Tyler has yet to publicly comment on his sister’s nuptials.

RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom OG’ Stars Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra Reveal More Details About Their Newborn Daughter, Including Her Name
(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Facebook)
47 Responses
I am lost in the sauce here! What happened with amber and her kids that makes her son so resentful?
Every time I see a story about Amber Baltierra all I can think of is that disgustingly filthy squatter house she was living in- on Tyler’s dime. Cate& Tyler had to clean it out & there was dog feces, dirty diapers, rotting food, & broken windows. Amber was living in the house her brother gave her like that-WITH HER KIDS. Gross!!
First off, there was no dirty diapers (inside the house), dog piss and feces yes but no dirty diapers. They were in a trash can outside.
They’re were holes in the walls that they (Amber and Billy) put there, along with broken windows and screens.
And some shit they caught on fire in the Backyard (I think it was an old trampoline, tv and some other stuff)
Amber and Billy left that house in disarray after Ty told them they needed to leave for not paying rent.
Cate, Ty and even Kim were PISSED and I don’t blame them!!!!!
I still think of what she did with that vacuum cleaner. And Butch with the candelabra will always be so funny.
My husband walked in while I was watching that episode and said it looked like a live action Scooby-Doo in a Crack house.
It’s unfortunate she is following the same path as her father. And it makes me wonder where Cate and Tyler would be if they hadn’t been offered the role on Teen Mom. They had plans to overcome their shitty upbringings but, that drive disappeared once they starting making easy money with MTV. Would they have finished with their plans or would they have fallen back into that cycle? We will never know.
So now we have 2 Ambers from Teen Mom who’s kids want nothing to do with them because of the same reasons as well.
This is what happens when you keep walking in and out of child’s life. These mothers expect their kids to welcome them with open arms and let everything be the same as before.
Either your in or your out. The kids would be better off if you stayed out of their lives rather than pop in every now and then or take off again.
But no, these women put men before their own child. Disgusting POS.
Wow, she went wanting another baby with her first hubby to marrying this jackass 3 years later!!!
Classy Amber, real classy!!
Every time I want to say Cate and Tyler need to do better, and I see glimpses of how they were raised.
And the fact that they are sober, stable, and trying, is far better than anyone in their lives have ever seen.
I’ll take not full blown drug addicts, but sober? Doubtful.
Sober as in not constant drinkers and I doubt that Cate and Tyler have ever done a drug…knowing what seeing each one of their parents (minus probably Kim) has done to them.
My dad is a full blown alcoholic, my mom drank on occasion but not constantly. But this is why I don’t drink, I dont know who’s traits I will have when it comes to that.
Now that being said, Cate and Ty probably did over indulge in alcohol as kids because that’s all the knew. But the pregnancy with Carly probably made them see the light in that aspect.
That’s not what sober means
Hiya Bella, I ain’t seen you for a while. Not since you tried taking up for bitch Jenelle and her having some mental disease!! The bitch is mental alright, just not a medical mental. She can TOTALLY prevent her mental issues!!!!
Actually sober can have 2 means: drugs and alcohol.
Just because a person isn’t completely sober with one doesn’t mean they’re not completely sober with the other
Look it up and have a nice biatch!!!
“Sobriety is the act of not having a measurable amount of drugs or alcohol”
So in all actuality, you can have alcohol and/or drugs in your system and still be considered sober.
Look it up if you don’t believe me, don’t just downvote me and upvote that BITCH Asher (aka Bella) without proof!!
Funny how yall upvote @TRUTHSASSIER for quoting info off the internet but when I do it it’s a downvote!!!
You get downvotes because you’re a rude bully. To educate ppl is one thing but shoving your opinionated BS down throats is another.
I’m not the only person who shoves my opinion at others!!
Besides, I was referring to this Asher/Bella person as a bitch and they are, straight up!!!
He or she sits there and bashes Amber for her mental instability not realizing that her teenage issues with Gary were pre diagnosis/meds. She never crossed the line with Matt (other than when he failed the lie detector) and as far as Andy is concerned, yes that was on her.
But then she’ll sit there and take up for that POS Jenelle who’s ONLY mental illness is stupidity. There is NOTHING medically wrong with her!!!
I’m just like everyone else on this site that feels they deserve to be heard, the only difference is that my opinion is different than most.
But I was not raised to back down from an argument, so if you ain’t prepared for what’s coming at you if you come at me, well as Beth Chapman used to say, “jump back bitch!!!”
My opinions are just that…MY OPINIONS, they aren’t BS.
Except to the people that disagree with them.
UM. disgusting!
why is her loser temp husband acting like she’s doing her kids a favor by “working hard” to be in their lives? that’s her job as a PARENT, as a MOTHER.
he doesn’t even know these children nor does he have respect for them and he’s out of line talking to the son that way. threatening a child. that’s responsible.
don’t even get me started on how they’re confronting a child by pointing fingers at the father. you know, the one with actual custody of them.
amber needs a reality check if she thinks her shitty ass life has contributed to any sense of stability for those children. she’ll forever be temporarily sober like her dad.
3 downvotes??? Really??
Like I said down below, How mature?!! NOT
Why is this down here when I posted under my comment to DLC?
It’s hilarious how upset you get about literally everything
If she left to get sober and then focused on the kids, I guess I could understand. But it must feel like a slap in the face to the kids that she ran off and got married instead. I hope the kids are in therapy or something. Feeling rejected by your parents is really hard.
So she’s as much of a POS parent as her old man. The turd doesn’t fall far from the ass. Can’t blame the kids for being bitter.
She abandoned them when they were little kids by moving to texas and not coming back. So maybe they have some anger. Both dont need to be attacking a kid on social media.
I think she abandoned way before she moved, she lost custody because of addiction, and then years later finally went to rehab.
Like she’s talked about how she was drinking so much, she would blackout and miss days. And she would wake up and look for her kids like 24 hours later and be freaking out. But the kids were smart and called Kim to come to pick them up.
So moving away was probably better than what she was doing when she was around them.
Guess this guy likes his women cracky
How old is Jordan? That’s some pretty over the line stuff to say to any adult at that age.
On the flip side though, I’m sure he’s got a lot of anger and sadness and he’s masking it by trying to act tough and like he doesn’t care. It’s so obviously cyclical. All the things that messed up Tyler and Amber from Butch — that they’ve talked about so many times — now she’s doing those same things to her own kids. So sad.
I think Jordan is like 14 or 15.
She’s following in his footsteps.
At least Tyler is trying to be a decent father both physically and mentally. Hes not perfect but at least hes THERE!
I remember back in March or April of last year she had a 1 year of sobriety ceremony and she invited Butch. He told her she didnt need him there and would better off if he didn’t come.
I remember her telling Tyler and Kim “Yeah, I need him there. It’s because of him that I’m where I am in the first place.”
I kinda felt for her there.
Um why am I getting all these downvotes? I literally said I understood both sides of the coin lol. I’m Switzerland and everyone’s mad?
I know Shea, I was getting pissed about that too
You have to realize too Shea that the majority of the people on this site feed off drama, then they will be the first to bitch about how the want these shows to end because of the drama
But they need to realize, if these shows end, what happens to this site??
And my own personal opinion, they bitch about half these people not having real jobs, but I wonder about The Ashley.
Does she have a “real job” outside of doing this?
Who knows? Sometimes the strangest things are down voted here
Amber was a teen parent, the way Cate & Tyler found Bethany Christian Services was Amber had thought about using them prior.
Also, the fact there was already one teen parent was another factor why Kim pushed for adoption, she knew Butch and April. She knew it would fall on her, financially and physically.
Bethany Christian Services was than the ones who were in touch with viacom. That’s how Cate & Tyler got cast.
This show has really make see Bethany in a different light. I feel like they prey on young, scared teens and exploit them for their own financial gain. I have issues with basically everyone on this show, but it broke my heart when Cate said she didn’t even understand her adoption contract when she signed it.
I can’t really imagine any child fully understanding a legal contract. I barely understand some of the contracts I sign, it’s just filled with legal jargon.
But the people who should have been protecting her and trying to understand it were her parents, and her dad bounced, and her mom was April. So she really had no support and Kim didn’t want another kid to take care of on USPS salary, so she wanted the adoption. Cate really had no one advocating for her, and she believe the people who were nice to her.
B&T wanted a baby and were willing to make all kinds of promises, whether they actually believe them or not is debatable. And BCS were getting paid by B&T so they would do whatever they needed to do to make B&T happy, even lie, cheat and steal from children.
I wanted to jump through the damn tv when they were having a Father’s Day thing in a restaurant and Amber said something to Butch when he came in (I’m not sure what, I think it was “Hey Old Man” or something silly) but Butch looked at her and says “Hey bitch.”
My dad called me a bitch once and my mom damn near knocked his head off!!!
i mean was her son wrong? i feel so bad for her children, i found her daughter lexi’s tiktok, and all i can say is i wanna give her a big hug. like the other amber, this one really messed her kids up and should be focusing on her kids than getting any dick she can get
Straight and narrow??
Didn’t she relapse last year??
Not saying she cant get on the straight and narrow, but she needs to get there and stay there if she ever wants any type of honest to God respect from either kid or the rest of her family!!
Why the downvote?
I do think she can get better (people do it everyday), but she has to want it. No amount of Cate and Tyler wanting it or Kim wanting it or her kids wanting it is gonna matter until SHE wants it.
I agree with you!!!
Thank you
Downvoted for saying “Thank you”
How mature?!! NOT
Why would someone down vote a thank you comment? Fgs.
Thanks for the thank you.
You’re more than welcome.
Thank you for your support
Downvoted again for a “You’re more than welcome.
Thank you for your support.”
I see we still have a mature bunch on this site…NOT!!!!
Grow up people…for real!!!