People broke the news on Wednesday that Farrah Abraham made a surprise return to Teen Mom, with the fired former Teen Mom OG star coming down to the location where most of the franchise’s cast is currently filming the “Retreat” spin-off. The Ashley can confirm that Farrah did, indeed, make an appearance at the filming location— and she has all the details of the craziness that ensued after Farrah’s arrival!
As The Ashley previously told you, the producers behind this new spin-off wanted to up the drama level so they called both Farrah and Jenelle Evans to discuss bringing them back to appear in the spin-off. (The idea of having Jenelle take part in it was quickly dropped, though.)
Farrah, never one to turn down a reality show offer, accepted and arrived at some point last weekend to the location where many of her former rivals— such as Amber Portwood and Maci Bookout— were already filming.
Things did not go well….
“The producers didn’t tell the other cast that Farrah was coming because they wanted a big reaction,” a behind the scenes source tells The Ashley. “They definitely got what they wanted: everything basically exploded on the set…again.”
The Ashley hears that an altercation broke out after Farrah came in. Unlike the fight that went down at the beginning of production— when Briana DeJesus and Jade Cline faced off against Ashley Jones— the fight after Farrah came in turned physical.

“Everyone was absolutely pissed when they found out about Farrah. Words were said,” the source said. “One of the ‘Teen Mom OG’ girls actually flipped some furniture in anger. Another girl threw something [toward Farrah] and it hit a different cast member on accident. It was complete chaos.”
The Ashley is not naming names (yet), but she will say that the two main people involved in this altercation were not people that Farrah previously had beef with. To The Ashley’s knowledge, Farrah was not injured at all.
An on-set source tells The Ashley that Farrah was not seen by the cast after that, although it’s believed that she was still on the premise after the big altercation for at least a short amount of time.

This battle over Farrah is just the latest dramatic incident to go down during the filming of the spin-off show.
“This entire spin-off is a complete clusterf**k,” one person on-set tells The Ashley. “Everyone is mad, everything is super-unorganized and some of the cast feels really betrayed over them bringing Farrah in. They were worried Jenelle was coming too. This is turning into a disaster.”
RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Claims She Was Invited to Join the ‘Teen Mom’ Spin-Off: Here’s What Actually Happened (EXCLUSIVE!)
(Photos: MTV)
86 Responses
Everyone is talking trash about this spinoff but I know most of y’all will be watching!
This is so stupid.
A bunch of grown adults who got pregnant as a teen, landed in a reality show and hasn’t worked a true job a day in their life and act like animals. Great job
Shame on you MTV. You are pathetic trying to get bigger ratings by having altercations and possible injuries so they can physically fight. WTF is wrong with you? You fired both girls and now you want them back so your ratings can go up. Disgusting.
As for Farrah, all the crap she still talks about today that she would never come back and basically bashed everyone and anything that had to do with MTV. How does she have time to be here when she has all those imaginary businesses she has going on? Her father talks about her and how rich she is.
OMG! I can’t wait to watch!
MTV and all the Teen Mom people are so damned co-dependent on each other it’s a joke. Neither can be without the other, and I can guarantee they will continue to use each other. MTV can take keep their garbage show and garbage Teen Mom has-been employees, I highly doubt they’ll be missed at this point. They are both THIRSTY for attention, good or bad.
Geez MTV is really scraping the bottom of the barrel ..but we knew this..Their cash cows are drying up real fast. People are over this horrible show and these entitled brats.
Cash cow drying up faster than Catelynn’s breast milk.
Isn’t it cute how MTV tried to act like they had morals for firing Farrah for her little Backdoor romp, and yet here they are, inviting her back to participate for ratings?
Who would have thought, one of the coolest cable channels to ever exist at one time, would be such hypocritical trash. They are trying so hard to be E! it’s sad. They should just bow out already. I don’t know a single soul who would miss this network.
This show is the armpit of America without the deodorant. I don’t blame Farrah, I blame MTV.
Geez, remember way back when, MTV used to produce actual documentary-type content?? Now it’s pure Jerry Springer!! Throwing Jenelle and David into the mix would be pure sh*t show genius, except for the fact that David is mentally unstable and heavily armed! I don’t think the lawyers/insurers will allow it. Who knows if this show will ever come to fruition, but The Ashley’s recap would be pure solid gold!!
Remember when MTV played MUSIC?
With ratings literally in the toilet, I can’t imagine how the TM producers feel they can boost up the energy by bringing back the same old jobless shit show losers — that they fired.
To me, it just looks like desperation on ALL sides. For themselves as well as for Jenelle and Farrah.
I couldn’t have said it better. Desperation and low ratings. Nice job MTV.
Shame on you mtv..
Glad I stoped watching your shitty show.
May as well invited chinelle hubby
Shame on you mtv..
Glad I stoped watching your shitty show.
May as well invited chinelle
This is like a fever dream, except your Mum ran out of Tylenol and soup, and tries curing you with some expired Herbalife supplement from her purse and a hot dog in Wonderbread!
I want to say there is no way this can be real, except I’m now certain that MTV is seriously trying to self sabotage the Teen Mom franchise themselves.
Obviously they want a channel that only shows clips from the internet with a “ness” at the end(Ridiculousness, Messiness, Cuteness, Syphilisness, etc, and Twilight over and over….
Now the mystery of why they brought Gary is clear……Bail money.
Well look at Little Miss “TM is sooooo beneath me”, hoppin back on that train like an unemployed hobo the moment she gets asked to come back.
They better not be inviting Jenelle back…I’d take Farrah and her shenanigans coming back over Jenelle and David any day of the week.
Lexie Love this ❤️ My wish is the Ho-bo sees this. She is a narcissist, and I’m sure she reads anything with her name involved.
Farrah is desperate to be back on TV, especially TM. Desperate.
To me (and her), this proves that they would take her back if the situation came up.
Jenelle was kind of invited and jumped at the offer but screwed it up bc of her needing David there.
I think at this point it is all scripted and rehearsed like any drama show, to think otherwise is just being naive!
but didn’t they fire farrah because she was gonna continue adult entertainment? not a farrah fan at all but that just proves they’re willing to pick and choose what’s right and what’s wrong just for ratings and i hope some of the girls leave so they can wrap up this sh!tshow.
Wait… that’s why they fired Farrah??! That’s very wrong if so. TM OG & TM2 have both shown cast members nodding off while on heroin.. but they can’t have a sex worked on the show?? Amber beat up her kids dad in front of her kid and went to jail, but they can’t have someone who did porn? I think Farrah is annoying and weird but to fire her for doing porn is not okay.
It’s like if teen mom and tanacon had a baby ? this spin off had so much possibility but the producers are bringing these people in, getting them drunk, and acting a mess. It’s pretty clear that the only reason they haven’t pulled the plug on this shit show is that they’re hoping for ratings and renewed interest in the franchise. They’re really screwing with these people for views and it’s lame af
I love it.
Crash and burn this series to the ground.
The only thing missing is Jenelle and Lurch to pop balloons when the alcohol stops.
Put a huge fork in this shit show. Its done.
Farrah is going to find SOMETHING to file a lawsuit before this is over! Haha! She gets sue happy!
Well after all, she is a Harvard educated attorney that the teen moms are begging for her to represent them.
Farrah would’ve loved it!!
Watch her start speaking Farrah legal jargon about the bullying and attacks on her.
So if it wasn’t the usual suspects (Amber/Maci) that Farrah was blowing up with-who was it?
My guess is McKee-wasn’t there some Twitter BS between the two?
Second guess is Ashley. Girl loves some drama.
McKee isn’t there. The Ashley said so in the Jenelle article.
I assumed it was Amber..
Maybe Briana and Brittany? They seem to like starting trouble..
McKee didn’t go and neither did Catelynn, so by process of elimination, it was Cheyenne. As for the throwing, I would say Brittany or Jade.